
Do You Want Me to Die Early?

Li Xueyue didn't know how long she sat on that bed, dazed and heartbroken by his rejection. The pain was too much to bear. It felt as if the entire world was against her, and she would never feel joy ever again. Her chest hurts, her eyes hurt, everything hurts.

The more time she spent there, the sadder she became. Climbing off the bed, she approached the tent's entrance. She observed the heavy cloth material of the entire tent that was supported by pillars of wood. It was incredibly sturdy and reminded her of the tents from the Spring Tournament, except, this one was much bigger.

Li Xueyue stepped out of the tent with the intention of going home. The grounds outside were bustling with noise. The sun had set and nightfall was quickly approaching. Soldiers were huddled around fires, some cooked, others conversed and laughed amongst themselves. It was festive and there was a hum of music in the air.

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