
C41 : A New Era

• {Year : 20.5} •

In the Flower Capital of Wano Country...

Ryu, also known as the Uncrowned Emperor and Solitary Pirate of New World, returned to Flower Capital of Wano Country after another trip around it in his few steps. His last destination here was to visit the first woman he fell in love with, Rin.

As expected, he found her and the young childhood friend/maid in their family's grounds. Ryu looked at her and smiled. "Hey."

"...Hey." Rin responded, slightly delayed, before she ran towards him and crushed his chest with her face. "Mmnnf~"

She hugged his back tightly as she could, knowing full well that Ryu wouldn't even feel any pain from that. Rin inhaled his scent and then looked at his chiseled handsome face, whose green eyes were staring back with a smile. Rin's childhood friend/maid smiled at this and chose to leave them alone, leaving but not far away.

"I missed you!" Rin put her head against Ryu's chest and smiled when she felt his heart beating in comfort. "Oh, right!"

She immediately pushed off him and acted as if she was truly angry as she puffed her cheeks at Ryu.

"I heard that you returned to Wano Country few hours ago, and yet, you only came to me now!" Rin slightly moved her chins upward and crossed her arms. "Well? What are your excuses for not seeing this beautiful w-wife of yours?"

Although she knew that both of them had yet to be wedded, Rin still said such thing and blushed at the idea. Ryu simply continued to smile at her. "If I visited you first, I would have had to delay visiting the others because I know I would stay with you longer than expected."

"I could have gone with you, though!" Rin pouted even further. However, she did not continue the topic that she knew she'd lose when it was Ryu who they were talking to. She decided to shift onto another topic that she wanted to ask. "Um... did you already find someone else?"

"No." Ryu rolled his eyes and said as he moved to Rin, hugging her back. "Why? Do you want me to find another one soon?"

"Wha- n-no!" Rin quickly shook her head but immediately stopped before saying. "I mean, it's just too soon for another one. I want to keep you all to me... at least for now."

Although Rin said so, she was glad that Ryu has yet to bring anyone else. At least until the time it was for both of them to engage in an... more physical activity. Thinking of such brought a great deal of flush to her beautiful face as Ryu chuckled at her.

"Like I said, there isn't anyone else. Well, there are several notable ones that might be chasing after me but I've yet to fall in love with any other than you, Rin." The Solitary Pirate smiled at her in a way that sent tingles into her heart as she also smiled.

"Mn." There was a lot of things to speak of, but Rin simply decided to put those matters for the future and continued to hold Ryu's chest into her face. "What are you going to do now?"

"Hmm... There was a certain old man in Blooming Flower of Onigashima that told me you were quite stressed out and would probably need some 'relief' to help you out." Ryu waggled his eyebrows at the word of 'relief' when Rin stared at his chiseled handsome face. She immediately understood what he meant and was flustered as well as angered that the old man dared to say such thing about her.

'How dare that Jibuemon?!' Rin swore that she would make the perverted old man suffer one way or another, but that was for a another time as Ryu continued to open his mouth.

"But seeing you, you don't seem stressed out. You look like you have things handled in appropriate manner..." The handsome green-eyed man looked at her approvingly, glad that Rin was such woman — talented, smart, beautiful, and open-minded.

"Hehe~!" Although she seemed to had gone through thousands thoughts of ways to torture Jibuemon by scrunching her beautiful face, Rin now showed a large smile to show that she appreciated being praised by the man who she loved. "Go on, lavish me more with your praises!"

Ryu rolled his eyes and did not speak as he moved towards Rin, whose eyes were closed in happiness, not knowing of his action. His lips moved and touched Rin's.

She was startled and opened her eyes, only to see his handsome face up-close. It was at that moment she realized what her lips were touching. Rin smiled and grabbed onto Ryu's back of his neck as she returned the favor with a fervor.

At this moment, all she wanted was to be with Ryu. With that thought, Rin, though reluctantly, backed off the kiss and spoke. "Let me go with you when you're leaving Wano Country."


"I can at least provid-, huh?" Rin had prepared several points to prove herself strong enough to protect herself while traveling with Ryu, but she didn't expect for the dashingly handsome man to agree easily. "You're not objecting to my accompanying to you? Aren't you worried that I might be an burden to you or that I'd be weak to fight off anything dangerous?"

"No, I'm not worried... After all, I'd be with you, right? And who am I?" Ryu, also known as the Uncrowned Emperor and Solitary Pirate, smirked before poking the beautiful woman's nose. "I also know how you've trained yourself along with your childhood friend to prepare for travels out of Wano Country. Right now, you're... you are as strong as an underling of a Emperor of New World."

Although it could be viewed as a insult, Rin saw it as an compliment because let alone an underling of an Emperor of New World, her abilities in battling was that of an pirate of a unknown crew in Paradise of Grand Line the last time Ryu saw her.

But even so...

"How rude! Couldn't you have chosen a better word instead of a mere underling?" Rin pouted, to which Ryu laughed at.

"Anyways, you can come with me." Ryu then turned his head in the direction where Rin's childhood friend/maid was awaiting from a distance. "What about your friend?"

"She will be coming with me, of course." Rin immediately said and mischievously added. "That way, she won't be always jealous of me always being with you, hehe~!"

"Already setting me up with another woman?" Ryu jokingly questioned her, but Rin appeared serious when she answered.

"Maybe... If I had to choose someone else, it'd be someone I know and trust. She also has grown up with me and knows a lot." She then looked at Ryu's green eyes directly. "But not yet. I want to keep you for myself for awhile..."

Rin sighed contentedly when both of them hugged together... only to blush in embarrassment when she thought of what was missing — children. Only few months together, and she was already thinking of children! She quickly covered her face into Ryu's chiseled and strong chest.

"What is it?"

"Nothing!" Rin squeaked out as she pushed herself off him. She then tidied her kimono before saying. "When are we leaving?"

"When do you want to?" Ryu looked like he wouldn't mind staying in Wano Country longer than a day.

"Hmm... maybe the day after tomorrow? I have to prepare things for my absence in the management of my household." Rin thought for few seconds before adding. "Father will definitely be glad to send me away with you too, so I have to at least make him regret it! Hehe..."

Ryu slightly shivered at the beautiful woman's devious grin. Although it wasn't directed at him, he felt like Rin would do anything to make the victim suffer just for a mere reason. However, she was still the woman he fell in love so he did not find it repulsive but cute. "You sure hold a long grudge, Rin."

"Hey! That old man thought he could go prancing around the government, shouting that he would get your grand babies for everyone to hear him!" Rin grumbled at the time when her father went around the Flower Capital, laughing heartily and shouting out 'My dear Rin snatched the Shogun's heart and soon, I will have grand babies of the savior! Haha~!' for everyone in the hearing range to know. "Do you know how much of thickening I had to apply on my face to face those people who heard him?! They'd even wink at me and give me a thumb up! Forget those, they even asked me whether we've d-done the d-deed!"

At the end of her talk, Rin's face was full of embarrassment and shyness because she was telling all of this to the man she loved.

"Oh~." Ryu just nodded lightly, if his own father did such thing, he wouldn't even be ashamed or embarrassed at all but Rin was still a woman after all. For her father to suddenly declare they'd birth several grand babies was practically telling everyone that Rin and Ryu was gonna go at 'it' a lot of times. "Yeah... I can see why now."

"Hmph!" Rin huffed with a face full of redness. She swore that whatever she'd planned for her father, she would add more to it so that her father would regret it so much that he'd even prostrate to her in middle of large crowd. 'Unlikely, but it'd be nice to see... hmm...'

"Alright, stop thinking of ways to torture your father." Ryu rolled his green eyes when he noticed Rin scrunching her eyebrows against each other. She blushed in embarrassment. "Let's go to your childhood friend and return to your household."

"Oka~y." Rin nodded and grabbed onto an arm of Ryu's while they walked.

• {Year : 20.6} •

During the past month, the Wano Country had been actively raising their defense capabilities and even the Marines who were established near Wano Country decided that they would be in danger if they attacked, so they left with permission of a higher-up. The government of Wano Country also announced to the residents of Wano Country, civilians and other estranged people, that they would officially open their land to the outsiders in the following year. Although they did not really mind it because of their confidence in their abilities, they were still worried of possible attacks by the self-proclaimed Beast Emperor, Kaido. They wouldn't be worried if Shogun Ryu was still with them, but it was clear to them that the man were better known as Solitary Pirate and Uncrowned Emperor of the New World for a reason. As such, the Ten Officials of their government made a decision and declared that Wano Country would be attending the World Council upcoming in two years, however they were going as their own, not under World Government.

Although this was viewed with great distrust due to the fact that the Shogun was a pirate, morever, a man comparable to the Emperors of New World combined, the Five Elders agreed though few were reluctant to. The World Government took the importance of Wano Country to the highest possible — Below World Nobles (BWN). There were few kingdoms and countries that did not want this to happen but could not do anything as they were merely affiliated with the World Government and held no power over it. There was also the fact that Wano Country was easily overwhelmingly stronger than them and their armies. The kings and/or queens could only hope that the next Levely would not cause their death or shed any blood in.

Due to this information being public, the world was completely in shock and were unsure whether there'd be a world war coming or not. But they did not think so for long as soon as they remembered that the Levely was for the peace of the world, and Wano Country willingly decided they'd attend it as well, which could show that the country wanted peace as well.

They did not know that the Head Official of Wano Country would bring a matter in the Levely in relation to the self-proclaimed Beast Emperor of New World, Kaido. They also did not know that their future was going to become difficult after Levely.

All in all, the next Levely in two years later would be a complete life changing. For the better or worse, no one knew.

In Mariejois on Red Line...

There were four World Nobles hesitatingly walking around the Mariejois with their bubble-like helmet on. If word got out that they actually left the Domain of the Gods, the other World Nobles would be appalled that they had such courage to face the disgusting air spouted by the commoners and slaves. The several World Nobles, however, did not care about that and continued to walk towards a particularly large and fancy building in front of them from a distance. Said large and fancy building emitted a dangerous feeling while there were guards standing by there, whom were under the orders of Five Elders but could still be ordered around by World Nobles.

The several World Nobles mumbled between themselves, unwilling to talk a lot in fear of their fragile and precious defense helmet popping like a actual bubble would. There were also four silver-armored guards circling them for their protection as well as orders. While it was normal for World Nobles to show off their collection, slaves, they did not bring any this time.

All of the four World Nobles who were now in front of the large and fancy-looking building as well as heavily-reinforced compared to their Domain of the Gods' secuirty, shivered when the entrance opened on its on and chilly air exploded out of it. It was as if the air outside could never influence the temperature of the building's insides and because of this, the several World Nobles hesitated to enter even though they were the ones to call for a meeting with the Five Elders.

They tentatively took a step into the building and a another step when nothing frightening happened. One of them, dark green-haired and thin, muttered in silent annoyance. "Why did they have make it look scary...?"

"..." Although the other World Nobles did not say anything as they continued to walk towards one of few doors in the halls, they silently agreed with the dark green-haired and thin World Noble.

While they were walking through the shadows in the hall, the Five Elders inside a brightened room with three seats, a medium table, and four windows spoke among themselves.

"They have come." The Second Elder, a bald-headed with large birthmarks on his forehead man, sighed. He then opened one of his eyes to see their reactions.

The youngest out of the five, a blond-haired with a scar on his chest revealed through his black suit, snorted. Had it been before the time when Solitary Pirate barged and destroyed the concept of absolute safety in Domain of the Gods, the blond-haired man would not have snorted. The Fifth Elder opened his mouth. "So the World Nobles has decided to grace us with their prestigious presences."

It was clear to the other four people within the room that he spoke sarcastically. The tall and thin-bearded man with a long white hair, the Third Elder, shook his head. "Do not show that attitude in front of them, it will not do well for us if they believe us to be turning on them soon..."

"Hmph." The Fifth Elder humph'ed and closed his eyes as he crossed his arms onto his chest.

When he became one of Five Elders, he had the belief of World Nobles being true gods over the world, but he only found out recently that they were simply the same as them, if not weaker. It was as if his whole childhood had been for naught, because his guardians were the ones who taught him such and he was extremely grateful towards his guardians that he wanted to preserve the beliefs of theirs.

Now that he truly saw what World Nobles were like, his beliefs went crumbling down and he didn't know what to do while continuing his life.

The oldest-looking man with white gi and a samurai weapon, the First Elder, noticed the Fifth Elder's internal fight against the former him but did nothing to help him as it was his own battle. He then pried his eyes away from him to the door that opened.

Two stoic-looking guards announced at the same time as the large door completely opened. "Four esteemed World Nobles has entered!"

The two guards did not say anything more after that, simply watching the four World Nobles enter with slight haughtiness and arrogance in their steps. When they were all in the brightened room, which they were secretly glad for, the large door closed with the two stoic-looking guards moving accordingly as the guards of World Nobles nervously fidgeted in front of the two guards who could easily wipe the floor with their bodies while the four World Nobles stood before the Five Elders.

The Five Elders acted as if they respected the World Nobles but were prideful, in which the four World Nobles were easily tricked by. One of them, a pink-haired man with plump body, opened his mouth. "I have come here because I heard that the Wano Country has decided to visit our prestigious land?"

He acted as if he owned the whole Mariejois which made the Five Elders to restrain their eyes from rolling at them. The Fifth Elder, the youngest out of all five, glanced at the pink-haired and plump World Noble with barely hidden disdain. "Yes, Wano Country has decided to attend Levely for the sake of peace."

The pink-haired and plump World Noble smirked within his transparent bubble-like helmet. "Then I want few of their people in my collection of slaves! I have heard stories of samurais in Wano Country from my parents... they shall be useful for our entertainment!"

"Yes, that would be nice of you all." The dark green-haired and thin World Noble nodded like the Five Elders were the ones who suggested it. "You all indeed do respect us Gods."

"..." The Fifth Elder's forehead bulged with tick marks. If it was before, he would have smirked but now, he was simply angered those false gods dared to imply something that could cause a world war. Wano Country itself could fight against the World Government even if it combined all of its alliances into once. He stood up and spoke, but was interrupted by the Third Elder. "So you want us to-"

"Ah, that would be quite difficult..." The Third Elder opened one of his eyes to glance at the young blond-haired man who got the message by sitting and crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Oh? Why is that?" The pink-haired and plump World Noble frowned. His eyebrows scrunched slightly to show that it was very rare for anyone to talk back to his 'requests'.

"The Shogun of Wano Country... he is the one whom you all recently met in the Domain of Gods — the Solitary Pirate." The tall and thin-bearded man with a long white hair stated. "Yes, Wano Country is under his control. It is highly possible that he will... hmm, how to put it... retaliate if something happens to his people."

"..." The four World Nobles sweated with fear when they understood. The man who easily broke into their territory and even caused the Guardian to appear was the Shogun of Wano Country, which they had intended to cause trouble against.

The dark green-haired and thin World Noble spoke in a strained voice. "Is that so...?"

The Third Elder merely nodded before appearing to return to his meditation. The four World Nobles glanced at each others then one of them, a black-haired man with fat body, said. "Speaking of the Solitary Pirate..."

'Here it comes...' The Five Elders internally rolled their eyes in their expectation already proving true.

"...We would like you Five Elders to personally deal with the Solitary Pirate. If possible, make sure his body is in decent condition for our auction." The fat black-haired World Noble said. He was in-charge of the yearly auction within Domain of Gods, which was an large auction specializing in rare goods for reputation and exchanges. Since his family was the host this year, the Solitary Pirate's body would provide him quite a lot of reputations which would help his family to increase their stand amidst the whole World Nobles. As such, the fat black-haired World Noble was greedy for Solitary Pirate's body. The Solitary Pirate was now known all over the Domain of Gods and there were plenty of World Nobles who'd love to possess him alive or dead. "So? Are you willing to?"

His haughty and provoking voice caused the Five Elders to frown and narrow their eyes at the fat black-haired World Noble.

They all did not like to be provoked by a mere ant who believed to be above them, but the few of them restrained themselves while the Second Elder chuckled. His appearance being that of menacing old man with his large birthmarks on his forehead slightly scared the four World Nobles though they did not back down. "Even with all of us together, we would barely be able to harm his flesh. However, it would seem that the Guardian could, so why do you not approach the Guardian?"


The four World Nobles didn't dare to open their mouths on matters relating to the Guardian who could so easily remove their privileges of being World Nobles by death.

The World Noble who did not speak when the other three did, a blond-haired man with straight and sharp body, finally spoke in a deep voice. "Either way, let it be known over the world... that the Solitary Pirate will pay for what he has done to the Domain of Gods. I will send out my personal high-tiered slaves onto him."

The Five Elders heard this and frowned. High-tiered slaves were extremely dangerous people, comparable to those prisoners in [Impel Down] Level 6 : Eternal Hell, but were restricted with poisonous slave collar with seastone material. Due to this, if they somehow escaped while they were hunting, it would greatly blemish the World Government's reputation if the people found out.

"They will cause a lot of death and..." The Fourth Elder, a dreadlocks-haired man with a scar on the left side of his face, started.

The blond-haired World Noble snorted, interrupting him. "Why should I care of them? So long as the goal is accomplished, they will be considered as needed casualty. No matter, I only came to tell you of this matter, so do not send the World Government after my slaves lest they be damned with my wrath."

He spoke in such manner that the World Government would be nothing without the World Nobles. This, of course, annoyed the Five Elders but they did not say anything. After all, Im told them long ago to abide by them. When the blond-haired World Noble saw that they did not talk back this time, he snorted and turned around to leave.

The other three World Nobles glanced at each others before following the blond-haired World Noble. It could be said that their goal was not accomplished but it was still satisfying to see the almighty Five Elders being 'obedient' to them, so they left with a pleasant feeling coursing through them.

The large door opened and closed with a creek, leaving the Five Elders alone in the brightened room. The Fifth Elder immediately exploded and slammed his right fist onto the armrest of his seat in anger. "Those b*stards!"

"It was expected, why are you angered?" The Fourth Elder frowned at the youngest. "Just because you've finally opened your eyes to the truth doesn't mean you can just suddenly lose control of yourself."

"Hmm." The Third Elder glanced from his meditation before returning to silence.

The Second Elder simply kept quiet while he chuckled at the small verbal fight between the Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder.

"Enough." The samurai-looking man, First Elder, finally spoke and stood in front of the window facing outside. Then he sighed as he fingered his weapon by his side. "A new era has begun and we must prepare for it."

The other Elders understood what he was talking about and became solemn as well.

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