
Mitsuki Gasps

The sounds of the bed creaking increased as more weight was pressed on it. What seemed to be sounds of little involuntary gasps and low moans filled the quiet space of the room, leaking into the hallway.

Mitsuki was standing in the corridor, her face contorted in stunned disbelief. A little voice inside her was screaming that her babies were only 14 years old. They shouldn't even be in puberty yet, right…? She knew that nowadays boys seemed to be going through puberty early but look at her volatile little monkey of a son.

She had been so sure she would have some sort of warning signs for the impending crisis, and yet look at her now. Here she was, standing outside his room like a statue as that angry little cat her son was prone to being did some unspeakable things to Izuku. God, should she barge in to save Izuku's chastity? Another part of her said she should just let their relationship run its course.

Dammit, it only she didn't have this accursedly sharper hearing than regular people. God knows it should have become worse in the 14 years her son had existed. There was hardly a day that went by without his loud shouts. She could have been totally oblivious to what was happening, but no. She could only blame her superior genes from her parents. Why did they give her such good genes in terms of hearing? Now that she knew what was happening in that room, she couldn't just walk away and pretend nothing happened.

She stood outside Katsuki's room, not sure if she should charge into the room to put a stop to this or not. Things seem to have gotten rather intense, considering she's only been standing here for the past ten minutes, but should she be enabling this while she's still in the house? What's the right thing to do?

For fucks sake they didn't even have any decency to make sure she wasn't home before getting started.

The concerned part of her warred with the gleeful one, so in the end she could only stand in front of the door as she tried to decide what to do. Should she go in or not? On one hand, Izuku's chastity, on the other, being able to keep Izuku in her family forever. What to do, what to do?

Mitsuki pressed her ear to the door, trying to see if she could hear anything else other than the little sounds Izuku was making. She squinted her eyes in concentration, trying to filter out the filthy sounds that were coming out of the room.

Why the fuck wasn't her son making any sounds? Considering his personality, she had been rather certain he would be cursing out involuntarily or otherwise.

She heard a gasp louder than the rest of the little sounds that had been coming out.

"Ah! Izuku. Harder. Ngh, harder. Ah! Yes!" What followed was the increase of the little whines and gasps.

She heard Izuku's low laugh. "Kacchan you're begging so prettily for me."

"Shut up!"

Mitsuki's mouth felt open slightly in shock. Okay. So. It was her son losing his chastity instead of Izuku. The thought made a round in her brain, before making a few more rounds. It still hadn't quite sunk in yet. Her son. Who went around exploding at practically every little prod or nudge.

Her son which had the same volatility of a landmine.

Her thoughts stalled to a stop again.

Then, all of a sudden it felt like her son's Quirk had exploded in her mind.

Woah Katsuki's on the bottom! She screamed inwardly, feeling a weird mix of glee and mortification.

Mitsuki pressed her ear harder on the door, trying to decipher more sounds. This was a bit too close to voyeurism for her comfort, but she just couldn't put her curiosity down, dammit. She just had to know.

As immersed as she was, she didn't realize that her weight on the door had caused the door to creak open, smoothly depositing her onto the floor of her son's room.

Her son's moans immediately screeched to a halt.

She threw up her hands to block her innocent eyes.

"Are you decent?!"

"What the fuck, you old hag?!"

She hastily stood up while blocking her eyes and tried to exit the room, only to bang into the doorframe. "Ow!" She was not going to let her hands stop blocking her vision before she could hastily retreat.

A hand steadied her.

"Bakugou-san, are you alright?"

"Yes! I'm fine. Izuku-kun, didn't I tell you to stop calling me Bakugou-san? Considering you're fucking my son, you're practically another son to me, so you better drop the formalities, got it?!"

She was greeted with a pregnant silence.

Mitsuki suddenly felt the weight of a soft object smack into her head, causing her to grab it with both hands out of reflex, and much to her horror, caused her hands to stop blocking her vision. She wanted to close them, but it was too late. They were already within her line of sight.

"What the fuck, mom! We weren't fucking!"



"It's true, Mitsuki-san. I was just giving Kacchan a massage."

She took in how the two of them still had their clothes on, though her son seemed rather ruffled. She looked at him in suspended disbelief.

"You still look like you just went through a very vigorous round of making out or groping."

Mitsuki watched with interest as her son's face went from its usual tone to bright red in an instant.

He made several aborted attempts at speaking.

"Well, we didn't, alright?!" he managed to stutter out at last.

She grudgingly nodded, since Izuku's clothes looked as impeccable as they usually did.

Izuku seemed to be fighting down a grin while Katsuki looked like he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it or set of a few rounds of explosions.

She heaved a sigh of relief and walked out the door. She made to close the door, but not before leaving a few words of advice.

"Well…alright. But if you do, make sure you use protection. And plenty of lube, okay? You don't want to accidentally get hurt, after all."

She casually closed the door, just in time to hear the muffled thump of a pillow hitting the door.

"DIE!" she heard.

Mitsuki smirked.

Her son was so predictable.

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