
Transfer student

1st Period:

"Welcome everyone to Polo High. I will be your first period teacher and if you have any questions please feel free to ask" said The Teacher.

"And My name is Mac" said Mac.

"How many periods are there" said a student near the teacher.

Hahahaha laughed everyone else.

"Now Now... Oh dear I almost forgot to introduce you to the Transfer student..... Go on say your name and what you like to do" said Mac.

"My name is Jerry and i like to play Magic Ball" said Jerry.

"Duh we are in this school for the same reason" said a voice from the room.

"Don't be mean its his first day of school in this country" said Mac. Jerry had Red hair that was not combed just like your hair when you get up. He was wearing a jacket and some running pants.

"Look at this nerd he is wearing running pants in this weather" said the same voice.

Everyone laughed.

"Alright jack detention and i will call your mom" said Mac.

"Wait no please" said Jack.

"I will make you pay" said Jack.

"I will see about that and you have to do 50 hours of community service" said Mac.

"And Jack if he gets hurt by you, you will not like it at all" said Mac smiling like a devil.

"Harsh" said some kids.

"Anyway Jerry please have a seat near mia, she is near the window to the right". Said Mac.

Mia was the only girl to the right so Jerry could tell.

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