
Found It  

Clap Clap Clap

"Once again, director Zaar, you and your team had performed a miracle," said Lord Hunt as the clapping stopped.

"It was all due to the council's unlimited support, which I hope would continue without stopping," I said. "You can be sure of that; everything you need, the council will try its hardest to provide it to you," said Lord Sylvian.

They left a few minutes later, and a few others went to the party hall; the successful parties have become a tradition. I will treat them with a fine meal and good wine for their efforts which they very much deserve for their great efforts.

"How do you like your gift?" I asked Jim as I walked toward him with a wine glass in my hand; "Good, the eleven new Master class alchemists would help us a lot in elevating the pressure," He said. 

"Grandmaster Salvador had trained them well; all of them were well equipped with handling the intense pressure," He added a moment later.

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