
Emily Vs. Elijah

"It is time to begin the last phase of the World Championships, The Top 100," Marla said, and the audience cheered out loud; this was the moment they were waiting for.

It had been nearly two hours since we sat in the participant's area; there had been performances from celebrities, speeches from leaders, and the introduction of the participants, it made the crowd quite bored, and now they want to see some blood.

"Lets begin the first battle then," Marla said, and projection of Top 100 appeared, and they shuffled till two projections moved out of them.

"The First Battle will be between Emily August of Silverstone Academy Versus Elijah James of Sundering Peak," Marla announced, calling out two participants from the Participants area.

Two of them got up and flew toward the arena, "That boy going to get crushed by Emily, it would be lucky if he would be able to last more than ten minutes," Mary said beside me, and Elina nodded in affirmations.

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