
One Hour

I sat on the floor with a dazed look, it had been ten minutes since I finished performing Body Cleaning Technique.

I should have been lying on the floor like a dead dog but I am currently sitting the floor, able to move my hands at my will and the shocking thing is I am feeling only slightly tired and that slight tiredness also going away at visible.

Got up and tried few buttons on the control panel of the Abode and soon suction could be felt across the room and a few seconds later beautiful fragrance is spread the drowning the whatever foul small that had remained.

But I am still feeling the foul smell as the source of the foul smell is me, as long as I didnt clean myself thoroughly, the foul smell would not be gone.

Without wasting time, I went to the shower and cleaned myself thoroughly and only came out only when I started to smell like a flower.

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