
ch3 The Trial

Eight months after he awakened his class, Kayne was lying in bed recovering from another beating. Ever since he had learned what his class was everyone in the castle started either ignoring or actively antagonizing him.

He was currently lying in his bed recovering from another of his quasi daily beatings. He had tried to get help, but the only person who didn't give up on him was his sister. She had stayed with him through it all.

She was currently tending to his wounds silently with tears in her eyes. She was walking around the room with herbs putting them into different bowls to boil them at different temperatures. Kayne was directing her on what to do with them.

He had learned as much as he could from books and he had managed to memorize most of them to his large surprise. He had also practiced his healing skill (slow bleeding) on the pig, which he had named Whyvern because he was never good with names but Whyvern seemed to like his name so he kept it. He felt like {Stop bleeding} was getting better however his stats never changed so he doubted if it was actually getting better.

He was pulled from his thoughts by his sister's voice.

"Um Kayne? I think I just got my class!"

Kayne could clearly hear the excitement in her voice and he felt excitement for her and asked.

"That's great! What is it."

"It's... Hero!"

She responded, in the most excited voice she had spoken with since Kayne was revealed to be a support class. Kayne on the other hand just continued to lay on his bed with his mouth hanging open in awe.

Kayne had read about many classes and hero was the most popular so he had read a lot about it. It was one of the unique style classes. At any point in time there couldn't be more than one person with any of the unique class. It wasn't known why, however one of the leading theorys was that there was only one of each unique class and it just got transferred to a new person when the previous owner died.

Most unique classes where unknown because when someone saw that their class style was labeled {unique} they would often try to hide it. However hero was one that always ended up revealed because the skills are all iconic.

He was about to congratulate his sister when the voice he hadn't heard outside of checking his status for the past eight months resounded through the world. This time it wasn't only in his head and every one could hear it.

[The 100th hero has been born and, due to unstable space dilations, the human population needs to be decreased. What will follow will be a trial. Everyone on Feren will be forced to fight demons of strength relative to the total levels of the people involved in the fight.]

following that announcement a hole seemed to appear mid air and some sort of humanoid creature stepped out before dashing towards Kayne and his sister. Kayne's sister suddenly shouted.

"Sword of the Righteous"

Following her shout she attacked with the sword that magicaly materialized in her hand. She instantly dissected the humanoid that Kayne presumed was a demon. Kayne then cast [boost speed] and [boost strength] on his sister and only then did he realize that he didn't need to say his skills to cast them but all other skills he had seen been used required the caster to shout something.

Kayne cut off that line of thought to stay focused on the fight. He quickly got out of bed and stood with a wall to his back so he could watch the whole fight. He was amazed by his sister managing to hold off three demons and even kill them efficiently enough to keep up with the ones still exiting the portal.

Two demons died in one sword strike by Kayne's sister but just then five more exited the portal and managed to start pushing Kayne' s sister back.

Kayne instinctively lunged forward to help his sister before realising there was nothing he could do. He was about to return to the wall when he felt a shadow fall over him. His sister glanced at him then her eyes widened she instantly activated two skills in a row quickly. One was a slice that cut through the six demons surrounding her then another made her and Kayne switch places Kayne suddenly appeared around the corpses of the demons she had just killed quickly turned around and got hit by his sister who was flying towards him after being hit by the demon.

Kayne helped her get to her feet but by then the demon had almost hit him. Once again his sister got between them however this time she managed to attack she stabbed the demon through the head but at the same time the demons claw went through her chest.

Kayne instantly panicked and started casting [slow bleeding] over and over on his sister. However it wasn't enough her life faded quickly from her eyes and Kayne started crying he continued to cast [slow bleeding] on her body even though there was no way it would work. He kept on casting even through the exhaustion he had learnt came from over using skills he even continued casting two more times after having passed out.

He didn't notice because he was uncontious and the entire event was invisible. However his sister's soul didn't return to the heavens instead his constant casting of [slow bleeding] managed to interfere with the remnants of space magic and her hero power and a million other details and transferred her soul to Whyvern.

If he had seen it however he would have been surprised, as the only way her soul could have transferred was if the vessel was good enough and the only good enough vessel would be a spirit beast created by the magic power of the person the soul was closest connected to.

The only possibility was that Kayne was way stronger than he thought and he had a hidden unique style class. Of course, Kayne had no way of knowing any of this.

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