
Running from the Fire

Somber evenfall to an orange darkness from fires that crackled, hissed and spat flames from the burning cabin.

Aiyama-san's heart raced. Her body tensed with fear and relief the further Yuri drove them away from the fire.

She had seen the secret police's approach as abnormal twinkles of sunlight moving up the path earlier. It didn't take her long to determine the danger and stir up the others into action. She was relieved when Yuri had already packed their things in the truck. He had somehow received warning from Rocko.

The children naturally reacted with confusion. But they were used to having to pick up and go that it didn't take them long to settle in the truck.

Their timing was slightly off when they came head on with a group of secret police. Yuri drove abrupt circles to dodge the gunfire on them from the bushes and cover of trees.

Akira had jumped out of the truck to lead the police away from them, granting them time for an escape.

"Honda-san." She sighed, feeling the loss of another great man.

"He'll be fine. He's a fast runner despite his poor eyes," Yuri soberly said.

"I hope so." She sighed again.

Too many good people were being sacrificed to this war. Why?

Her heart stirred another image of a man to her mind. The man she yearned for, but would never see again because of war.

"Did you loose someone to war too?" Yuri bravely asked her who sat in the passenger seat with Miki, Mei, Shouta and Miwa between them.

She checked the cover of the blanket that were over the kids, making sure they were warm.

Aiyama-san glanced to the window. Feeling the urge to curl her hands into fists.

She wondered how many loved ones did Yuri take away under the pretence of honor? No. That was wrong thinking. He had been a soldier doing his orders for his country. He was not to blame for losses. Those who gave the orders were.

"I did." She gazed to formless darkness outside her window.

A tear escaped her eye, making a slow trail down her cheek.

"Was he a soldier?" Yuri continued to probe, carefully.

"He was a navy doctor," she answered monotonously.

"A good man then." Yuri sighed with sorrow. "Another good man lost to this war."

Aiyama-san glanced to Yuri. Her heart sensed his internal war scars and the pain he'd always carry.

She inwardly cursed her stupid moment of being self-centered and felt she had no right to judge those who fought the front lines. Yuri was a good and kind man at heart.

"I hate war." She cursed under her breath.

"I love life. You focus on that too. Miki-chan needs a mother who focuses on living," Yuri answered back with a serious expression.

More tears slipped from her eyes as her heart persistently stirred memories of her husband's face. Of cool green eyes etched with deep laugh-lines, square split-chin and always a cocky, knowing expression. His blond hair would shine underneath the sunlight as he'd lean down to kiss her.

"He would've loved Miki." She sighed. "You're right. I need to keep living for the children."

Yuri gulped down his words and understanding.

Slithers of sunlight broke through the darkness as they neared the mountains near Rocko's shrine.

A raven crossed paths in front of the windscreen to catch Yuri's sight. He realized it was flying with a tiny scroll of paper tied to its neck.

He eased the truck off the road, following the bird's flight into a safe clearing. A man was standing in the distance.

He stopped the car and ambled out towards him.

"Rocko!" Mei-san cried out when she jumped out of the back of the truck.

She reached Rocko before Yuri did.

Rocko looked like he had been running the entire night. His navy kimono was torn, muddied and unevenly tied. His face was pale.

Aiyama-san ambled out of the truck to observe the arm wound that Rocko was holding with this good hand.

"Let me look." She calmly demanded.

Rocko removed his hand.

She saw material crusted over a circular laceration, typical of a gunshot graze. It wasn't a deep wound, but left unattended would allow infection and gangrene.

The women helped Rocko to the truck, where Aiyama-san tended to his wound to the best of her skill. She was able to haphazardly clean, dry and dress it with what they had on them. It would suffice until they reached a medical facility.

She suspected that was another dilemma. As by now a lot of the medical units would be under military control.

"Dun yah worry about me. Gotta get to my master's shrine further down the valley. He'll make sure I can heal up fast. These kids be safe." Rocko reassured her.

"And Honda-san?" She gulped, knowing her answer already.

"He'll be fine. There're other problems we need to be safe from."

The raven swooped down to Rocko's shoulder and bowed its head. He gingerly untied the slip of paper that had been held around its neck with fine red string. He read it with a sigh. Removed seeds from his pocket to feed the bird. Then sent it on its way with whispered blessings.

"We have to hurry. Dem secret police are nearby."

Aiyama-san helped Rocko into her spot of the passenger seat, next to the little kids.

She climbed into the back with Mei and the others. Snuggling next to the twins to keep them warm as Yuri restarted the car and drove down near paths to safety.

End of Hinatas' POV - Darkside of Sunflowers. Thank you for reading this chapter

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