
No Need to Exsist

***Many years in the future****

Troy is seen drenched in sweat blood and dirt. then he looks around and the stress makes him fall on his knees. He then sees the a ball and a broken necklace on top of dust and his face loses all color. He desperately tried to hold the dust and necklace while crying... however the wind blew them away... and he says its all my fault. He then sees a shadow and looks up into the sky.

The figure is a handsome boy wearing gaudy clothes looking down on Troy. The look he gave him was like the look you give to someone you fine isn't worthy of stepping on the same ground as him. He then gave a mocking smile and said

"How do you like my gift"

Troy then blanked out tried to activate ********* but the mysterious boy just gave him so much pressure he felt like a ant. The pressure was it pushed him on the ground and he had to bite his tongue to stay conscious. The boy then put his foot on Troy head and said

"You can't even handle showing some of my powers. he then moved his head closer to troy and said "pathetic. " he then grabs troys hair and says how do you feel to have come so far and no it only amounted to this much." the boy then kicks troy to the wall. Troy surprising has his back against the wall and uses all his muscles to try and stand up.

The boy then walks over slowly with each step it feels like Troy's life is running out. Inside Troy's head he constantly fighting with himself run stand up your not able to do anything give up . FIGHT his eyes shine but before he can do anything the boy is in front of him and grabs his neck and says

"In what place do you feel you could ever stand against us." the boy grabs the sword near him and stabs troy in the heart. and smiled and said

" You will not protect her. You gave her something she didn't have before 'hope' that will now break her to cause her to know suffering in which she has never seen. I HAVE SEEN, JUDGE AND FIND YOU ARE NOT WORTHY." He then grab another sword and places it against Troy's neck. and says "Don't worry you won't be going alone I will find everyone you care about and kill them too. Don't worry you will be remembered as someone who failed to achieve anything but..." He cuts Troy's head cleanly off "I find you need not exist..

***Present ***

POV Troy

"Hello everyone My name is Troy hahaha. I laugh because I'm amazing.

Oh you want to know why I'm amazing well guess what its been 1 month since I was reborn and guess what I'm inside a woman haha

Oh its not sexual! I tricked you ahaha.

Oh but I am inside my elven mother stomach she will give birth to me in 9 months

But Troy how can she give birth to you when you when you were already born

Well its simple my friend there was a ritual and my eleven mother had to do a lot of stuff to get me inside her stomach... what you ask how am I suppose to know. Im a month old all I know is I will suffer in the future because of the ritual.

but why Troy why would they do that if you will suffer?

A good question my good friend apparently it is a crime to give birth to between two different species. something about the goddess something about a omen, something I don't care about..

Well what happens if someone does have one

Well simple the baby will be killed and mother exiled... nothing happens to the father .

What happen to my human mother simple. she was exile and took me with her. My father who is a prince let her leave alone. however she heard rumors about bandits invading her home so she went with her time sword to fight and left me with my Elven mother... which turned out she wasn't but was IDK. My scum father surprising did something good he actually convince my Elven mother to do the ritual I also learned that the time sword was his and a family heirloom ability to mess with time duh.

So thats where we are now. My human mother is alone fighting aginst bandits that was strong enough to take on a kingdom... My father is not helping doing the elven thing well actually hes playing around. ugh.

So This is Troy again I see darkness what am I looking at

correct nothing haha

Note to self kill the Gods who have something against half breeds

***in the divine realm of Lambda***

Multiple gods had strange feeling just now like something was behind them but they are strong through it was remnants of the war. One of the Gods particular had a deep thought and pondered for a while

"has there been any thing unique happen? how have the executions of Vida's races gone" this god is Alda the god of law and fate

"they are going good except " Curatos, the God of Records hesitates to say " Schneider, also known as the Thunderclap Schneider, the S-class adventurer and the leader of the adventurer party, Storm of Tyranny. He is now a follower of Vida"

"WHAT what happen"

"Well what happen was ...."

Alda shakes his head and thinks 'why did you go crazy sister nddid I really do the right thing back then

Sorry for the short chapter was sick so haha.

What happens in the future does Troy die? Was it a dream?

Who was the boy?

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