
Chapter Seven...Aria POV

Aria sat in front of her mirror as the sun danced off its edges, making her raise her hand up to shield her eyes. She sighed, frustrated that she could not find the right dress.

"Princess, that dress on you is beautiful, you must hurry, you are late for dinner. His majesty is not happy." The maid exclaimed, as she tried to brush her along.

"Very well, Mia" she murmured as she left her chambers.

The sun shined brightly, only stopped by the immense ivory pillars between the outer balcony and the hallway. Aria's heels clicked on the marble floor as she hurried along with Mia close behind her. Her gown rustled ceaselessly as she continued to march, completely oblivious to her surroundings. It was only the sharp intake of air from Mia that stopped her. When she turned to look at her, all she saw was an expression of absolute horror on her face as she stared outside. When Aria spun around to look, she saw the sun slowly engulfed in an abyssal black, clouding the entire sky in shadow.

It was then that she heard the screams, shrieks of absolute terror coming from the massive doors leading to the royal dining hall.

"Mia, hurry!" Aria shouted. She started running, when Mia grabbed her skirt and tugged back.

"Princess you can't! We have to get you to safety!" Mia urged. She looked at Mia hard, and back where the Screams were coming from. The urge to go and help was burning up inside of her. She whipped her head back and forth trying to decide whether to go towards the dining hall or to stay with Mia. The Shadows started to cover everything in darkness making Mia whimper in fear. Aria looked back at Mia and sighed with frustration before turning around and taking off towards the dining hall. As she rounded the corner the screams stopped and she ran into a hard wall.

"oomph!" Aria breathed, as she lost balance, and began to stumble back.

"I've did get thee!" rough hands steadied her. Aria looked up to see her old Lore Master. Standing behind him was her personal body guard.

"Gale! So, glad to see you! What is going on? Why were there screams? Where is my family!" Aria spewed.

"Rememb'r thy first lesson Aria, breath!" Gale murmured. She took a step back as she realized she was hyperventilating and was speaking fast.

"Remcome anon, we wilt receiveth thee out of the castle and far hence from h're, asketh questions lat'r. This way issue" Gale quickly went to the right, down a long corridor cloaked in darkness. Telsa nodded in the direction Gale went. Aria raised an eye brow in question, but obeyed. As she neared where Gale was, Telsa close on her heels, she heard a click and a grinding noise as if stone was scraping stone. She accidently bumped into Gale. As her eyes adjusted, she noticed him pointing into the hole in the wall. She suspected he wanted her to go in there. Yeah right, she thought, but obey. Her heels sunk into the ground as she started to slowly walk her way down the incline. Telsa lit a torch, casting a dancing across the walls. The walls were cobble, with green Moss growing between the bricks. She sneered in disgust as the moist fuzz brushed against her hand. So not a place for a princess to be she thought to herself. She continued to follow Gale through the ancient tunnel and all the while she was aware of the oppressive darkness around her. The silence was eerie, almost frightening as they slowly shuffled down deeper into depths, the ground becoming more and more damp as Aria shuddered as cold, stagnant water splashed on her with each step.

" We art almost th're, aria. Just a dram furth'r." Gale whispered comfortably, almost sensing her unease.

Finally, after some time, Gale lifted his torch to reveal a decrepit grate, rusted with age and rotted wood hanging from its hinges. Gale turned to her and have her a grave look.

" Aria, i wanteth thee to hark to me carefully, at which hour i lift yond grateth, i wanteth thee to runneth as festinate as thee can f'r the f'rest. "

"Telsa shall beest right behind thee but nev'r behold backeth," Aria took a deep breath and nodded. Gale nodded back and with a massive heave he lifted the grate over his head and Aria bolted, sprinting across the open field. She could hear the telltale jingle of Telsa's close behind her, followed closely by the heavy footfalls of Gale. The field seemed unnaturally long but finally the forest was in reach when a sound bellowed from above.

"Aria! Above you!" She heard Telsa roar as she stumbled and fell, knocked aside by the knight's push. She looked up at this time and saw talons glimmering in what little light there was. She also saw what bore them, a hulking creature with leathery wings spread wide. The talons caught empty air not moments where Aria stood and the creature took the skies again to try again.

"Aria! Wake up! It's just a dream!" someone shook her awake. Aria's eyes snapped opened, focusing on the black laced canopy behind Telsa's head, she felt her stomach churn at the last image she saw in her dream. She quickly pushed Telsa out of the way, and bolted to the refreshing room, where she heaved the remaining contents of her stomach into a Basin. She wiped her mouth with a cloth that was sitting beside the Basin. It'd been a few hours since they had arrived and Telsa had sent Aria to lay down for a nap.

"The same dream?" Telsa asked. She leaned against the door frame, looking at Aria as she sat on the floor, taking deep breaths. Telsa noticed sweat glistening on her skin. Aria simply nodded as she tried to catch her breath. Telsa examined Aria closely, at how her silver hair was a scattered mess, black bags underlined her eyes, showing years from lack of sleep, and years of refusal of blood. She was thin yet curvy and muscular. A black night gown, clung to her as she attempted to stand, struggling to stand, Telsa sighed and went over and placed Aria arm around her neck. She was going to have to talk to the king about this. Maybe he could persuade her to drink blood.

"Thanks" Aria weakly mumbled. Slowly helping her through the refreshing room, and into the chambers, Telsa carefully helped Aria crawl back into bed, and looked at her.

"Aria, you are weak. It has been ten years since you saved my life, and bonded us. Even if it was by mistake. It has been five years since you last fed. You will feed tonight. Even if I have to pin you and force it!" Telsa gripped her shoulders as if to emphasize her point. Aria only glared back defiantly, as Telsa felt a spark of anger down the bond line. Aria could feel Telsa meant what she said, and she had to agree; she was weak. Very weak and soon it would be time where the hunger would overcome.

"Telsa you know I won't accept it." Aria mumbled.

"Aria you need it." Telsa urged.

"I may need it Telsa, but that does not mean I want it!" Aria snarled back. Aria threw the covers off the bed and stood up grabbing the bed post to steady herself.

"Aria, you need to feed, or you will collapse!" Telsa reached out and grabbed her arm. Aria jerked her arm away, hissing at Telsa.

"Do not touch me!" Aria's eyes glowed dark purple. Telsa could feel the hunger radiating through the bond and coming off in waves.

"Aria, eat now or I will inform the king and make sure he sees to it that you eat!" Telsa sliced her wrist and shoved it into her face. Aria sniffed as the warm liquid started pouring from the cut. She could taste the spice in the blood, making her mouth water and her fangs ache. The hunger ate away at her insides, making them twist. She tried to resist Telsa's out reached wrist, but in the end, she couldn't resist. She flung herself towards the wrist, gripping it tight, she sank her fangs in and began drinking. It felt like she was ingesting cinders, she moaned slightly as she drank from Telsa, keeping an eye on her so she didn't take too much from her. She heard Telsa gasped as she was flooded with sexual feelings. Slowly and reluctantly, Aria release Telsa's wrist, licking the cut so it heals. She felt her fangs retract back into her gums.

"Are you okay Telsa?" Aria licked her lips, swallowing the blood that was left in her mouth. Before Telsa could respond a knock came from the double doors. Telsa and Aria looked at the doors.

"Maid service your highness." A small voice came through the door.

Telsa opened the door and a meek, child-like young girl stepped in. In her arms she held a neatly folded towel and bathing supplies, as she pushed her way into the room.

"I am here to assist her highness in preparing for the meal with the king." She said in a hushed tone before quickly striding to one of the side rooms. She pulled the curtain and she saw an ornate cistern built into the floor, steam rising from it alluringly. Aria sighed and began to strip down her travelers' apparel, leaving her body stark-naked as she stepped into the bubbling water. The maid then began to dispense a fine salt into the tub, as a mystery oil began to spread over the surface and a pleasing smell hung in the air.

Aria relaxed into the water, her body engulfed in hot water as the maid began to wash her hair. She gave a soft moan as the maid's hand massage her scalp.

"What is your name?" Aria asked as she sat forward to let her dump water over her head.

"Mia, your highness." She whispered as she cleaned Aria with a sponge. Aria sat up shocked. Was this her maid? It could not be.

Once Aria was finished, she stepped out and Mia brought the towel and, despite Aria's protest began to pat her down until she was dry.

"I have a question for you Mia." Aria asked.

"Yes milady?" She directed Aria onto the bed, she then poured oil into her hand and began to rub it into her skin around her neck, wrists and legs.

"Where you in the castle when my family was attacked?" Aria asked quietly. She then went to redress in her gear but Mia stopped her, instead leading her to another side room where row upon row of flowery dress hung from racks. Much to Aria's vexation.

"Yes Princess." Mia looked at Aria and smiled. Once Mia was done getting Aria into her dress, Telsa couldn't help but howl with laughter as she rolled on the ground.

"Glad you're enjoying this Telsa." Aria grumbles.

"Oh dear, that just won't do." Mia couldn't help but giggle behind her hand. "You sure have changed over the years milady." Aria stood there as the girls laughed at how ridiculous she looked. Mia had fitted her into a dress that made her look like a decorative tassel. Aria couldn't help but smile with them.

"Okay Mia, how about we compromise?" She asked her. Mia raised an eyebrow.

"I won't wear my garb to dinner, if you can find me something that is easier to move in, and is not like a tassel. Deal?" Aria asked.

"Deal!" Mia squealed and went off looking for some dresses for Aria to try on. The time went by quickly with Aria trying dresses on that made them howl with laughter, until they found one that worked with Aria. She wore a rich nightshade purple dress, that had dazzling sparkles with delicate lace that accentuated her waist that flattered her. Lace sleeves ran down her arm as the dress flowed down her body and flared out when it touched the floor.

"It is made out of luxurious silk. Only the most skilled seamstresses can make this fabric." Mia smiled in approval. It had a slip that ran up to her hip on the right side. Lots of room that Aria didn't feel restricted like the many dresses she tried on.

"Telsa, what do you think?" she asked.

"You look absolutely gorgeous. Fit to be a queen." Telsa wiped a happy tear away. "So proud of how far you've come!" She hugged Aria. Aria couldn't help but smile and return the embrace. Very solemnly did she receive hugs.

"Now let's quickly fix your hair, it is time for supper milady. We must not keep the king and guests waiting." Mia quickly fixed Aria's hair and rushed her to the door.

"Guests?" Aria asked as she walked to the door.

"The king has many good news to share with everyone." Mia smiled and shooed Aria out the door.

"Hurry along!" Mia said as she directed Aria to the banquet hall doors.

Aria looked back at Telsa, "Are you not coming?" She could feel the hesitation down the bond.

"I will meet you in there, milady." Telsa bowed and walked away. Aria took a deep breath, and pushed open the doors.

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