
Divine Trials

Draco knew that his job here was done. He had incited the core members to seek to cause harm, dismay, and agony to the new forces that appeared with the update, and that was more than good enough for now. 

Now, it was time for him to do what he was sent out to do, which was grow the Powers of the Evil Trio! They had set up a party between them with equivalent experience and drop share, so even if Draco alone fought, Eva and Shuangtian would receive equal rewards. 

So where was Draco going to go to achieve this? After all, the main plane was barren of True Gods right now. There were some scattering of True God monsters, but they were not enough to fill the gaps between his teeth, and he was not yet ready to fight them. 

Now that they had True God laws, they needed to practice using them and seeing whether their fanciful ideas would work. 

So where could he find an endless amount of true gods and True God monsters which would never fill up his plate? 

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