
Angel's Kiss Potion

Despite his earlier conviction to lead as an exemplary Guildmaster, old habits die hard and the interaction with his best friend prompted him into spending an unholy amount of time fooling around with Rambunctious Buttlover. They were being a general nuisance to the poor members of Umbra. On the flipside, such an activity had left him extremely relaxed and content as he returned to his room in the super mini small world.

Now, it was time to begin with his first official task as the Guildmaster: To create first class weapons and armor for his new members. Usually this wouldn't be part of a Guildmaster's duties, but he felt that it was the perfect time to do so. Umbra hadn't grown too large yet and there was no guarantee he would have as much free time as now in the future. What's more it would help the Tradeskill players manage their heavy duties.

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