
New Game+

Penulis: Rapture_Tales
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An alien race invaded the Earth on June 6, 2128. At the midst of this war, many nations allied with the alien threat and the war nearly wiped out the rebelling humans of the planet. At the edge of mankind's survival, the United Nations Army launched its forces to eliminate the immediate stellar threats that loomed over Earth. General Seeker Carlean, commander and leader of the mission, risked and gave his life to destroy the immediate stellar threat. The battle was won though Earth lay in ruins. Perhaps mankind will live to see a few years of peace before the alien threat returns to wipe out their existence. At the immediate aftermath of the stellar battle, the fallen Seeker Carlean awakens and finds himself at aged 17, living the peaceful life he lived 16 years before he died. So begins a new game in the battle for humanity's survival. ---- Cover art by Jayps. http://www.behance.net/Jayps

6 tagar
Chapter 1The Tide of Death

The United Nations Army had initiated a desperate mission to save Earth.

All their enemies had left Earth and was driven back. But it was then they realized that an armada was waiting in the skies above. With such great enemies, the army sent their elite teams on a crazy mission that would most likely lead to their deaths.

The main force would fight, but another small force were tasked another mission.

Inside a strange dropship with a sharp beak at its front, several of the most powerful humans that Earth created were there.

These were the people who had received experiments that altered their very body. Their bones and muscles were stronger. But more importantly, was how the brain was altered and even reshaped into a powerful weapon.

The leader stood up and prepped his team.

"Commander Ivan, Fish, Suarez and Epic. Get ready." The leader announced.

The main force began to clash with the thousands of alien ships that they had.

The leader glanced at it and frowned.

"Those traitors. They'd proudly pilot an alien ship than die for Earth!" The man raged.

The battle began and through various powers that couldn't be comprehended, the dropship of this small team, and a few several others made it's way to one of the largest alien ship in the space above.

"The Balmung is up ahead. We crash through. Fish, you pilot the ship and fight. But remember the mission."

"Yes, General." The pilot nodded and she piloted the dropship to crash onto the location which she was assigned to send the ship to.

The ear-piercing crash was the signal for their rushed entry. As the dropship's door opened, eight soldiers broke through the wreckage of the crash. The metal suits that each wore could withstand the flames of a flamethrower being directed at them and could even block most bullets and armor-piercing rounds. Yet death after this mission was the best they all could hope for.

Commander Ivan was the first to exit through the steel cage and blast the panicking soldiers nearby.

"Let's do it, men!" He cried as the remaining soldiers followed on the assault.

The thick armor and bulletproof helmets were all that they had left to count on as the brave soldiers of the Gryphon Squadron engaged the enemy soldiers. Clothed in his trademark red suit, Commander Ivan continued to direct orders towards his men at the same time shooting at any signs of life other than them.

"General, where to?" Ivan asked.

The General he addressed was checking on a hologram screen being projected at his arms.

"Zera's pings confirmed that the locations of the Star Chamber are where we thought it would be. We continue towards this compartment's Star Chamber." The General wore a simple suit that would mistake him for a soldier. The only difference was a pair of thin rods protruding at the back.

"Suarez, any word from the other team?"

"Three teams have reported successful entry and are Oscar Mike to the targets." Suarez wore a thin blue crystal ring on his head. This ring appeared like an ordinary headband if viewed from afar. A twinkling glow was seen in this ring as Suarez gave a concentrated look. The light subsided as he exited that state of concentration.

"Let's move, Commander." The General spoke.

The Gryphon Squadron dashed onwards, blitzing and shooting whatever soldier they could find. A blast ultimately hindered their sprint.

Several gunshots erupted from the other side of the hall.

"Back!" Ivan ordered.

A series of explosions arrived, and the team hurried to find anything that may shield them from the torrential rain of bullets. Their armors would be pierced through, and only the alien metal that made up the ship could withstand the gunshots. Ivan and the team sent their volley of bullets towards the enemy.

The two groups began shooting at each other, and soon, several stomping sounds could be heard approaching them.

"Suarez. Any word on the other teams?" the General called as he heard the strange sounds.

"Phoenix and Chimera Squadrons reporting successful reconfigurations and are on their way to other compartments! Minotaur and Cerberus have yet to make an entry." A soldier reported.

"Then we don't have time for this." The General's suit detached several layers of what consisted of his armor. As the last pieces of steel fell, it revealed the dark synthetic clothing that the General wore. Attached above his elbows and on his heels were small turbine-like objects. The General pulled the pair of rods that were protruding on the detached armor, and a couple of transparent crystal blades was unsheathed.

The General immediately wore a blue ring over his head, similar to the one Suarez wore. The ring emitted a faint blue light. The two circles on Suarez and the General's head glowed a soft red and returned to its usual blue.

"Proceed as planned. I'll divert the enemies. If we split up here, it will increase the chance of the compartmental disconnection in this sector. We don't have much time. This is an order, Ivan." The General ordered as he dashed forward towards the opening, and bullets rained on. Yet despite the barrage, none of the shots hit.

The speed of this lone soldier who dove at the fray of bullets surpassed the rate a normal human being could accomplish. The transparent blades which looked like crystals were slashed towards the soldiers shooting at him.

But the crystal blades weren't in any way hindered by the metal armor that the soldiers wore. The blood of these men continued to spill as the General dashed from one soldier to the next, leaving only the dead behind. The fearful stomping sounds that Ivan heard also stopped as the General zoomed pass the room.

Another group of enemy soldiers halted from their march as they could hear the silencing of their comrades. The soldiers then went into position and aimed their weapons at the nearby door, which led to the other side.

Was one of them among the groups that infiltrated this ship? The sounds of chaos and gunfire on the other side of the room suddenly stopped. Did their friends manage to kill the intruders? Or did an Inhuman manage to enter this ship?

The victor was unclear. Wary of the approaching enemies, their sights locked in on the possible gap that the door would create as it opens. And the soldiers were ready to pull the trigger at the slightest of movements.


The door suddenly exploded, and bodies of dead soldiers started bursting out through the door. The soldiers began shooting randomly at the piles of debris that were flying around.


The other soldiers could only see a blur race by their comrade, which left their comrade split in half with his upper torso flying out towards another soldier.

"It's Death Tide! Death Tide is on this ship! Repeat! Death Tide is on this ship!" This was the last transmission the soldier sent before his entire arm was sliced off. His legs no longer supported him as they too were sliced off.


Explosions rang left and right as the stellar battles over Earth intensified. The tremors felt by the passengers of the Balmung grew worse as more bullet shaped dropships rammed the different compartments.

General Death Tide immediately sent a mental message to Suarez. "Suarez. I moved towards a different compartment. Proceed as planned. The enemy should be focused on killing me. Proceed with caution. I'll meet up with Chimera Squadron."

The blue light on the ring grew brighter, and Death Tide received a mental response.

"Roger. No soldier on sight, Sir! After your rampage, most of the enemy soldiers started dashing off to your platform. As you said, General, you are the priority kill.." Suarez laughed.

Death Tide sent a mental confirmation and went on with his massacre. The speed of his dash exceeded the speed of sound. His body was generating a powerful energy fluctuation and radiation that would have been lethal to anyone without hazmat suits.

Yet even in this dangerous power, his suit remained stable and unphazed.

The Four Force Accelerator was a propelling jet system designed to allow nimble, fast, and flexible maneuvers to its wearers. Two were worn directly above the elbows, and two above the heel. These four small cylindrical tubes emitted a strong blast force that would propel the user onwards to its direction.

The FFA, though incapable of long-term flight, allows its users quick and speedy maneuvers enabling one to pass through the harshest forms of obstacles. The speed was so fast that at maximum, the FFA could allow movements beyond the speed of sound.

The only drawback of this godly weapon was the immense requirements for wearing the FFA. In the entirety of the U.N Army, only 13 individuals were allowed to wear them. The requirements involved having a body capable of dealing with physical stress. This meant that the wearer's body should be strong enough to withstand the immense pressure and stress that accompanies the humanly impossible movements. The second requirement was even more impossible than the first.

A gun was aimed at Death Tide. After seeing how this nimble lone soldier evaded all incoming bullets, the gunman decided to shoot at a closer range. Death Tide was still busy dismembering several soldiers and did not see the encroaching enemy.

Without hesitation, the trigger was pulled.


As the bullet exited the barrel of the gun and as the soundwaves vibrated out. Possessing abilities that far exceeded human capacity, sight, vision, hearing, and even smell for an inhuman hero like the Death Tide, this attack was extremely trivial. Milliseconds meant nothing and the Death Tide immediately reacted and evaded the bullet according to the position he heard the shot, and the faint vibrations he felt. Unlike ordinary humans, the General had a superior hearing, which allowed him to listen to things immediately. It was as if his ears were more than 20 meters from his current position. And this was the most trivial nature of his senses. The very triggering of the gun was "felt" by this General. He didn't need to "see" where his shooter was. Seeker gave a quick spin to evade the bullet, and upon the execution of the full circle, Seeker slashed.

The gunshot hadn't even echoed throughout the room, and the gunman was already sliced into two halves.

The second requirement of the FFA?

It involved the greatest weapon that Earth mysteriously acquired and learned to create. This power was never seen before and appeared with such mystery. Some believed that it was the evolution of humans, others believe that it was something that they acquired as they fought the aliens, but regardless of how this power came, it gave them amazing powers that allowed them to fight the aliens and send them fleeing to space to reorganize.

With the many experiments that could alter the brain itself, Earths armies gave a standard for reference that imitated the age-old theories of people only using 10 percent. While there were certain correlation, the Unlocking was a power that allowed the brain to capture, harness, and wield powers that even surpass the three dimensions.

For using the FFA, at a minimum, An Unlocking of at least 48% of the brain. A simple task for an  elite soldier like Death Tide. Regarding his current Unlocking, General Seeker, the "Death Tide" Carlean, had a recorded reach of up to 74% brain Unlocking.

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Getting A System In A Modern World

[WSA 2024 Entry] Please Support. _________ Silas, as a normal hot-blooded youth with big dreams and huge ambition, wanted to see the world, experience what it has to offer while living his dream life. But when has life ever gone according to plan? when has it ever been fair to anyone? Silas was hit with a reality check after graduating, if school was hard, society is harder. For two years he worked but nothing seems to be working out. He gave up on his dreams and ambition and his determination waned. After a long day at work one day, he looked up at the ceiling and made a wish, a wish he never knew will come true and change his life forever. He got a system, one that seems to be an all-rounder and it has his dream feature. [Ding!] [You spent $1199. You received 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $11,990. The money has been sent to host bank account] "My dream life is no longer out of reach!" ________ This is my first book and English is not my main, I will apologize for any possible error. ________ Disclaimer: 'Getting A System In A Modern World' is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book may reference real companies and organizations, but these references are for narrative purposes only and are not intended to depict actual conduct or involvement of these entities. The use of these names and references is not meant to harm, defame, or discredit these companies or organizations. ________ Thank you for reading :)

Daoist_Godfiend · Sci-fi
174 Chs
Jilid 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Jilid 1 :A New Game+
Jilid 2 :Acts of Arthur
Jilid 3 :Rise of the Overcomers
Jilid 4 :Cities of Refuge
Jilid 5 :Tale of Two Cities
Jilid 6 :Presider Wars
Jilid 7 :Age of the Beasts

Bab Privilege Tambahan

Unduh aplikasi untuk menjadi pembaca Privilege hari inI! Intip bab-bab yang telah disiapkan para penulis kami

Unduh aplikasi untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak bab baru! Kalau mungkin, bergabunglah dengan program Win-win. Menangkan lebih banyak kesempatan untuk dapat eksposure lewat program ini!

