
New World

As Rene step through the gateway, he came across a passage of blinding light alongside of a high speed winds akin to a HALO jump he did back in the past only realizing he was transported midway in orbit of an unknown planet with it's stale-air filled atmosphere.

This left Rene intrigued on how the hell he ended up in this situation only then he realizes that because of his previous reputation to other factions and relationships, and also because his transporter was from that faction that will leave him hanging most of the time was the reason.

"DAMN YOU ADMINISTATORS!" as Rene cursed while still falling down from orbit.

"I'll get you next time we meet and I'll tell you it will not be funny!" as Rene thinked (How am I supposed to salvage this situation?) while counting numbers on his fingers on what are his chances of surviving from being dropshipped to his "supposedly destination" that his caring "admins" promised about.

"Well I hope they prepared some countermeasures for me to rely on since I got no ideas on salvaging this situation since I got no equipment in dealing that fall lest ability to endure since my level and tier was resetted during the <Cycle> now will it be featherfall, or sudden stop, or fre..." cutting his line of thought as he was teleported midway from his freefall down to faceplanting himself to the ground full of metal scrap and mud.

"Now that's some innovative pranking and I tell you that much on me now admins, I make a counter soon for that admins." as Rene admitting defeat towards his unlikely rivals as facing to a score of 0-2 where he is zero and the admins is two.

Now facing reality back to its former glory as he sets his sight upon the scorching horizon that his eyes met is a world of mountains of scrap, polluted landscapes and it's horrendous wildlife surviving on paltry amounts of purity and it's smoggy atmosphere.

As though done with viewing the new sights that will be soon be normal in the future, he gazes up high in the skies. Soon scrunching up his face as he was disgusted what fell upon his fate.

"Isn't this a trash-dump stationed planet that I was assigned in?" as he saw the sights of floating debris up high with multitudes of scrap laying around and bout.

(Well that messes up most of my plans and backup plans as they aren't even relevant anymore) soon remaking his plans on surviving upon this trash planet and towards on how to escape this god darn planet.

"Might as well check what resources I have on hand and what can be salvaged on this plethora of junk and what beginner's package that they left behind me." Rene said as he opens up his <Slate> and checking its <Mail> counterpart.


* Status

- Condition

- Attributes

* Inventory

* Store

* Extra

- Options

- Mail <---

- Social


Entries (1)

- Receive Administrator's Package? -


"Yes" as he accepted the package soon a rift opened up and left behind a few items on the ground and those were rations, a survival kit, a full set of clothing and an full interface module.

<Type-12 Pack Rations>

* Tier : A

* Grade : 1

* Effects : Fills up hydration and sates hunger, tastes absolutely disgusting

* Description : Made from a random assortment of organic materials from a mass production factory for portable rations ready for consumption, contains rations for a maximum of 7 days for a single person

<Feltan Survival Kit>

* Tier : A

* Grade : 2

* Description : Contains a standard laser knife, a static firestarter and a single-action energon pistol

<Feltan Type-4 Razor>

* Tier : A

* Grade : 1

* Effects : +25 P.ATT +5 E.ATT (Fire)

* Description : A standard combat laser knife developed for survival use installed with adaptive battery and passive energy generator

<Feltan Type-1 Blaster>

* Tier : A

* Grade : 1

* Effects : +40 E.ATT (Fire)

* Description : A standard use energy pistol that uses adaptive heat technology to produce scorching blasts of heat, requires a 2 second charge before shooting and after 5 consecutive shots needs a lengthy 12 second cooldown

<Feltan Type-6 Wear>

* Tier : A

* Grade : 2

* Effects : +50 END +20 AGI +30 P.DEF

* Description : Contains inner & outerwear, jacket, pants and boots

* Description : Made from flexible but durable material that can disperse and absorb both heat and cold

<Feltan Type-1 Headpiece>

* Tier : A

* Grade : 3

* Effects : +30 PER +5 P.DEF +10 M.DEF

* Effects : <Aim Assist> <HUD> <Minimap>

* Description : Made from a durable material to prevent breakage from impacts or collision

* Description : An engraving at the back can be seen "Batteries are included"

"Pretty basic to my tastes but will do the job done since considering I'm still naked after all this darn time" as Rene commented to his current condition.

"Now shall we check the changes to our status and it's bountiful rewards" as Rene opened up his <Slate> for him to see.

Me like cliffhangers :P

PS: Releases are inconsistent also same for chapter length

SiRoasacreators' thoughts
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