
Visiting my hometwon

I was in my way to Spirit City. I know that the imperial family of the Star Luo Empire is waiting for the meeting, but when comparing them with the birthday of my little sister they don't really matter all that much at all.

Imagining their frustrated faces put a smile in my face, they are not under my control so they can be counted as at least partially enemies in my destiny of controlling this world, as such if they get frustrated or get bad things happening to them it is only bonus as far as I care.

Not that I would tell them it directly, but it would remain the truth regardless.

Anyway, as I sat inside my XYZ-Dargon Cannon I could not help but feel happy with myself. I managed to advance leaps and bounds quickly this entire world, my next release would be, with luck, my Artificial Spirit Rings, and I am sure it will be enough to create a whole lot of problems.

I am not stupid enough to think otherwise, any Empire or Kingdom as well as any other sect would see the sheer value of such invention, the chance of them not trying to forcefully take it over is near zero. That is why I know that I must have more talks with mother and enter in proper agreements with Spirit Hall to decide what to do about all this, if dealt badly it would potentially mean an early war but I do not desire that.

Spirit Hall still isn't in the point where we are confident about dealing with the rest of the world without taking serious damage. Normally it would be worth it, but the fact that a war against deities is approaching makes it a bad idea to do as such.

Oh well, I think this is a bit much to deal with considering I am just an adorable brat that has more power and influence in the world than any prince or kid in anywhere else of this continent.

"Master Kaiba, are you anxious to see your sister?" Lingling said as she appeared beside me as if she was a ghost.

I turned an eye to her and turned back to enjoy my time flying. I am flying a robot dragon tank, that is more than enough to leave me too happy to care about anything else, this is awesome!

She waited for a while but as she didn't see me answer she went back to her place and started playing some card games in her mysticphone. It is a function that all mysticphones have in place from the get-go during production, I even make tournaments of Duel Monsters every once in a while with good prizes from Kaiba Corp to improve marketing and especially make the game more popular.

Of course, everyone can challenge me at the end of every tournament if they desire, if they win they get 20 times the amount of prizes they got previously and if they lose they lose half the prize they obtained, until now no one got me to even sweat. But I admit that there were some interesting duelists amongst them who I took notice off, for instance, a boy named Dai Mubai who had a very aggressive play-style but was not stupid by any means, I guess he was the closest thing to a challenge I had during these tournaments. I suppose it is to be expected of royalty to be better than others, but I think he will never be top duelist material, he is just too direct in his approach.

Anyway, as I was thinking that I saw Spirit City underneath me. It has not changed much in these last few years, it can even be said that it is probably the last big city that was left untouched by Kaiba Corp, but not for lack of trying.

Mother and I tried many times to introduce my technology in this city, make it the technological and industrial center it should have been, but Daoliu, that son of a cheap whore, was against it in every way from start to finish. Even when we went behind his back and build anything he would trash it in a matter of days while declaring it is against the views of his glorious god to have blasphemy in his territory, which is totally BS.

I asked Obelisk about it and from what he knows the Angelic God was more of a person that would not accept evil actions but would not try to intervene in other people's decisions and actions as much as possible. He was more like a peacemaker in the God Realm, he would stop fights and intervene if anyone tried to do something stupid but would otherwise help others as much as he can, declaring technology that would make the lives of others better is not something he would ever do.

In other words, Daoliu is distorting his own god's teachings to try and lessen mother's influence from spreading any further as she already controls an absurdly large portion of Spirit Hall. Thanks to her hard work and the financial support she is obtaining from various sources including Spirit Hall she now has more control over Spirit Hall's resources and influence in the decisions than even Daoliu. The only thing that is stopping her from completely controlling Spirit Hall is Qian Dioliu and his little goons in the form of the high elders, they are all above rank 95 and Dioliu is already rank 99.

Not that it matters, their end will come eventually anyway. As long as enough time passes I will grow strong enough to face them by myself if needed, after all, I will be a God in the future anyway.

Thinking that I start descending above Spirit City. I talked to mother in the way here and she cleaned an area of the size of a soccer field by the side of Spirit City for me to land my beauty here, there is even a carriage on the side already prepared for me and the other girls, I am also sure that the dumb combo (Ghost and Chrysanthemum douluos) that were held in the machine from the outside would appreciate the chance to rest.

They originally wanted to go inside but I told the official version to them that it would be inconvenient if anyone tried attacking and they were inside since it would dampen their capabilities and make an opening for enemies to potentially kill me, something they know they will be tortured to death by mother if happen (no kidding, mother even showed them the machines she would use if anything happened to me and even I was scared seeing them), but the real reason as to why they are outside is that I don't want a fag and a decaying thing right by my side in a closed space. The smell here would be unbearable, I'd much rather the smell of girls and machines as I have now.

Right now they spent the last few hours holding to the exterior of this machine for dear life for the last two hours, so a rest is in order or they might demand extra hour payment, I hate those.

"We arrived everyone, go back to your seats." I said to the others, ending their time doing whatever the fuck they were doing, I wasn't paying attention since I was piloting a robot dragon tank, my life is awesome.

Getting to the ground went as smooth as I expected, there was no problem and we could easily take off as well if needs be. Not that it would be needed as, when I opened the door to the outside, I felt that I had no other option than staying here for a while.

Reason? My mother trying to hug me so much that if she did any more I would fear for my life is an excellent example. As soon as I opened the door she got inside the robot dragon tank (it never gets old for me to say this) and without warning, she already hugged me and showed no indication of letting me go.

"My precious baby boy, you finally came to visit mommy." She said while rubbing her cheek against mine. Sigh, I guess I should have expected that.

She is someone who is very serious all the time and the only time she ever relaxes and shows her less 'supreme leader' side is when she is around me, when in a phone call she is calm enough but when in person it is like she loses all inhibitions and just wants to stay glued to me all the time. She is much more carrying than any other parent I've seen in this world, to think that Yu Xiaogong had given up on this perfect being so easily in the first inconvenience, it is embarrassing to have any blood of his in my body.

Anyway, I had to stay in place for about two whole minutes while mother kept trying to crush me in a bear hug. I saw Jackelyn with a mean and teasing smile in her face as well as Xiao Wu taking pictures using her mysticphone right by her side, I could only release a soundless 'show this to anyone and you both will pay for it' before mother started hugging me even tighter and the two girls only laughed to the point of rolling in the ground. Akiza did not seem to care much as she had already left my magnificent machine (she loved nature, weird girl for sure) while Lingling was on the side waiting for this 'bonding' section to come to an end.

When it finally ended I could feel it perfectly, my lungs getting filled with air again. But even that did not last long as mother moved before I could notice and I only saw a blur before I was sat down on her lap inside one of the carriages. She was hugging me from my back as if I was this world most handsome teddy bear.

But the worse part? There were people looking!

It was three kids, the oldest looked about 10 years old with a serious face, spiky black hair and looking like he could work as a butler in the future. He had a dual blades weapon, red all over, curved like a half moon in hands as he apparently was training right now, but as mother and I entered the carriage he seems to have awakened.

"Are you young master Kaiba? If so it is a pleasure meeting you." he said while giving a respectful bow even while my current position did not exactly impose any sort of respect from others.

"Stop trying to bootlick him, Yue. He is just a kid like us, you don't have to treat him as if he is any better than we are." The second kid, a boy with around eight years old and long red hair said with a smirk. He looks brash, stupid, ignorant, and like he has no idea what he is talking about.

Why is it that I feel an impulse of telling him to shut up? It is almost like all he is missing is a stupid blond hair and a Brooklyn accent for him to be a Joey rip-off in my books.

"Shut up, Yan. The conversation still hasn't hit the gutter so it has nothing to do with you." The Yue kid said, making me smile a bit. Yeah, hearing people telling this Yan to shut up is almost as rewarding as when I told Wheeler to shut up so many times in the past.

It is amazing really, it is almost like he is the poor copy of a poor person.

"I challenge you to say this to my face again." Yan said while standing up and releasing his spirit. It looks like a cheap and weaker version of Jackelyn's own spirit, like if you removed all dragon powers and just kept the fire and demonic energy, but weaker. It was honestly pathetic, but he seems confident enough so I guess this is something.

"I said, Shut. Up. YAN! You are embarrassing us in front of an important guest and if you can't control yourself you can go and turn right around the corner before walking to whatever the hell you want while getting the fuck away from here." Yue said, arrogance that made me think it is excellence in his voice. He reminds me a bit of some of my butlers in my past life, he was arrogant enough to tell the ONU's representative to shut up and wait for two or more hours in the waiting room as I was still taking a light nap and was not in the mood to wake up, he was an excellent butler indeed.

AS this happened I saw how the two boys looked like they are one step away from trying to murder one another, but the third kid decided to intervene.

"That is it you two, stop this. We are supposed to be a united team, so stop this right now. And yes, this includes you two Big Brother Yue." A small girl intervened. She was also around eight or nine years old, she had long black hair and was spouting fox-like ears and her irises looked like one from a fox as well, so I think she might have a fox spirit.

As the kids were fighting amongst themselves I could only sigh as mother kept hugging me happily, not carrying in the slightest if these kids saw her acting this way, which goes against what I knew of her, but considering I heard she got a few personal disciples these just might be them. If so it makes sense at least partially, in this world disciple is like half your own child so she letting them see this isn't much at all.

Not much long after that, the carriage started moving as we started moving to enter Spirit City. Looking from above the city was impressive but from the ground it looks quite stunning, it was almost like the Vatican in how it feels holy and the sun illuminating these white walls is amazing in its own way, but I still prefer looking at my Blue Eyes as it is a dragon and this makes it amazing.

Finally, mother let me sit properly in the carriage, but I was still glued to her side as she kept asking me a thousand and one questions as if she wanted to know everything that is happening. It is a bit annoying but she is the first decent parent I ever had so I did talk to her about everything she asked.

Entering Spirit City I frowned my eyebrows, the influence of Kaiba Corp here was far too small. People were walking the streets without any Mysticphone in hand and there were no kids playing Duel Monsters, something I saw happen in every single big city during this last year. Daoliu's influence by using his strength is absurd, he truly is like a grumpy old fart that hates technology just because it is different from what he is used to.

Anyway, ignoring the obvious fact tht Spirit City is far behind its time due to some old fossil that still haven't figured out how to rool over and die, me and mother proceeded to her mansion. Getting there I was not exactly surprised when a bundle of blond hair hit me before I knew it as soon as we were inside (the other disciples were to be elsewhere to train until the banquet tonight) and Renxue appeared hugging me as if she wanted a repeat from what mother did.

"Big brother, I missed you so, so, SSSSOOOOO MUCH!" She said while rubbing her cheek against mine, mother did not ignore this and hugged us both, and just like that I was about to be crushed to deaht by excessive familiar love.

Sigh, it is strange really. In my previous life I always had Mokuba but I feel even more in peace with these two by my side than when I was with him, maybe it is to do with how I feel protected and a desire to protect as well, with Mokuba I was always the one that had to protect and guard him, he was kidnapped like 5 times a month at least and I had to spend just so much time stopping it but was never one to be protected. I had to guard him but also had to see him grow into someone who resented me for his kidnappings and for not taking care of him enough even as I did my best while basically being his father and older brother, I was never fully relaxed when with him.

This feeling of security I feel now, it is nice.

I, I will be sure to help create a world that this type of feeling of everything being fine is the norm for me.

AND I will beat Atem, that is unnegotiable.

Sorry for taking longer to post, removed four Wisdom Teeth and I am in as much rest as possible for the next few days. Thanks for the comprehension. Next chapter will include a battle scene between Kaiba and a few other characters.

kingCHcreators' thoughts
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