
Attacking Weapon Plus Base (3)

Weapon Plus Base

I ran through the corridors of the Weapon Plus facility searching for Wolverine when I encountered a large number of soldiers' corpses. I said to myself "Looks like I am heading towards the right direction".

Feeling another presence behind me, my spider sense started tingling as I dodge the person attack by rolling on the floor and hurling a wingding toward the person's direction.

"Err.....Hi!" I muttered when I face my opponent who used her claw to block my wingding. Facing me is a female figure in black combat suit with two claws from both her hand and a claw extended from both of her feet.

Backing away from her, I said in a friendly tone "Just want to say that I like you better compare to Wolverine" X-23 frowned when she heard Wolverine's name.

"Wow, your claws looks really sharp!" I muttered when X-23 suddenly snarled and dashed towards me in attempt to impale me with her claws.

"Hey! That was a compliment" I said as I dodge her attack by side stepping away and grabbing her wrist before sweeping her feet with my right leg.

X-23 quickly rolled on ground before unleashing a series of kicks that sliced the ground and wall around me as I avoided her attack.

I jump and stick myself to the ceiling to avoid X-23's attack, I patiently said "Can we just talk this out. Who knows maybe I can help you".

X-23 had a surprised expression for a short while before jumping upward by piercing her claws into the wall before leaping towards my direction claws first.

I quickly ducked by jumping downward while X-23 snarled as she quickly whirled around and tackled me to the ground.

I exclaimed in surprised "Wow, you have better reflexes compare to Wolverine!" as I quickly blocked both of her claws away from my body before both of us fall to the ground with X-23 on top of me.

X-23 quickly mounted me as she raised her claws and started slashing downward.

Feeling the sense of deja vu, I said "Hey, I think we are going to fast here! You have not even bought me dinner!" as I as grab her wrists and rolled over which send her sprawling on her back with me on top.

X-23 snarled angrily as she struggle to release herself from my grip.

"I am trying to help you and I will release you only if stop struggling and talk to me like a person" I said firmly.

After seeing that she can't break free, X-23 growled as she said "I don't need your help".

"So you can talk.... good... I will let you go if you stop attacking me, okay! I don't want to hurt you" I reminded her.

After glaring at me for a short while, X-23 snorted her nose angrily and nodded her head.

Releasing her, I quickly leap away and prepared myself from any attack. X-23 quickly leap to her feet and poised herself before growling at me in annoyance.

X-23 slowly begin walking around me in an intimidating manner before grunting "Talk".

"I can bring you out of here and give you a loving family. You don't to suffer anymore pain or do anything that you don't like" I explain to X-23 nicely.

X-23 snarled "I don't trust you! Everyone want me as a weapon and it is all Wolverine's fault that I am like this".

"It is not his fault, he didn't know about you. He is also a victim like you" I said calmly.

"Lies!" X-23 snapped as she leap into the air toward me and perform a spinning kick.

Blocking her attack with my arm, I step back saying "It is the truth. You can find out about it yourself, if you don't trust me" as I avoided her claws from impaling my stomach by continuously stepping backward,

X-23 glared at me before slicing her claws towards my face "Why I have to suffer too, if he is also a victim?".

"I am sorry about that but I promise you that you don't have to suffer anymore" I replied reassuringly before showing that I am not going to continue fighting with her.

X-23 dashed forward swinging her claws toward my neck but suddenly stop her claws barely inches away from my neck. X-23 growled "How do I know that I can trust you?".

Slowly taking out a wingwave from my utility belt, I said "You don't..... but inside this communication device I have downloaded all of the base data. You can read it for yourself or do your own investigation. Once you are ready to trust me, you can just call me on this device and I promise to come to your rescue and bring you to safety".

X-23 glared angrily into my eyes for a while before snorting as she snarled "Fine! If I find out that you have been lying to me, I will make sure to hunt you down!"

After that, X-23 turn around and bolted down the other end of the corridor.

As I watch X-23 leaving figure, I said "Call me anytime, I will be waiting for you!" before resuming my search for Wolverine.


Following the trail of destruction left by Wolverine, I arrive at a laboratory room with two open containment chambers and destroyed lab equipment.

"What?!!!!" I exclaimed in surprise as Wolverine suddenly appear in my view as he is send flying across the room by a powerful blast of energy and smash against the wall.

As Wolverine groan in pain and try to get back on his feet, I looked across the room to see two large human figure walking towards us.

One of the figure has exceptional stature that surpasses Sabretooth's size with similar lupine features of both Sabretooth's and Wolverine's sideburns, canine fangs and pointy ears. His hair is almost solid white with the exception of his bangs which is black. He has four adamantium claws extending out from each arm.

Seeing him, I recognize him as one of Marvel Character call Romulus. Romulus's ability is an accelerated healing factor which greatly slowed down his natural aging process to an extraordinary degree as he claims to be tens of thousands of years old. Romulus' senses of sight, smell and hearing is also enhanced to unknown superhuman levels. Romulus also has speed, agility, and reflexes is greatly enhanced with some degree of weak telepathic capabilities.

As I glance over at the other male figure, I mumbled in confusion "And...Who the hell are you?". The other mutant's chest and hands is pulsating with psionic energy similar to Chamber (Marvel Character) but looks more taller and muscular.

"None of your concern.... you will be dead either way" smirked the Chamber's duplicate as his chest began to pulsate as it increase in power before sending a massive psionic blast towards me as I quickly run across the room to avoid his attack.

Sound of rapid footsteps followed behind me and Romulus charged towards me with his claws extended growled "You are not going anywhere!" as he attempt to corner in me against the wall.

As I backed away from Romulus, his claws continue slicing through the wall and science equipment as Romulus unleashed waves of attacks that I easily dodge by moving side to side. I quipped "Wow! Grandpa! What sharp claws you have!"

Chamber stepped forward with his arms pulsing with psionic energy shouted "Lets see how your friend like this!" sending surge of energy that slammed into Wolverine, who is send crashing through the wall. Dust and debris started flying all over the place due to his attack.

"Grr!!!" Romulus growled as he attempt to slice my neck with his claws but I take out my wingding and interrupt his attacks by blocking his arm and slice Romulus's tendon and ligaments continuously with the wingding before grabbing Romulus's head and slamming it into the floor. While all this is happening, I quickly took Romulus's blood sample.

After sending Romulus sprawling on the floor, I grab him by the neck and flung him towards Chamber's direction but Chamber blasted Romulus away causing thunderous sound as Romulus slam into the wall.

Chamber stared angrily at me before quickly gathered himself as charging his power in his hand before slamming both of his hands together causing a blast wave of psionic energy to erupted from his body.

At the psionic attack barrel towards me, I quickly leap behind Romulus and use him as a shield as a loud thundering explosion occurred in the room.

"Hey... Wha..You idiot... Arghh!" said Romulus as he struggled to break free before the explosion send both of us crashing against the wall.

As debris and smoke is send flying all over the place, groaning as I get back on my feet and I rushed towards Wolverine's location but another another explosion happen as Chamber send another wave of psionic blast ripping apart the laboratory.

Seeing the attack ripping apart the laboratory, I storm across the room running and avoiding all the obstacles before jumping through the opening in the wall made by Chamber attack on Wolverine.

"ARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!" Chamber shouted as he pushed himself past the limit of his power causing

the psionic attacks to crush and destroy anything in its path.

I rushed towards Wolverine who is still trying to get back on his feet and throw him across my shoulder before running to safety.

Wolverine groaned "What took you so long? And... Put me down, Pipsqueak!".

"Meet your daughter, by the way Happy Father's Day!.....damn that stupid Godzilla wannabe..." I replied before snapping in annoyance as Chamber unleashed another blast of energy which caused explosion to ensue in the laboratory.

Wolverine exclaimed "What!!!??"

The explosion created a small diversion that momentarily stalled Chamber's attack as Romulus massive body slowly walk through the flames created by Chamber's attack. His skin was burnt and peeling but the pain was second nature to him as Romulus's body quickly healed while his eyes scanned over the area.

Romulus shouted intimidatingly "You can't escape from me!!!".

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story..

Finally watch avengers end game.....lol.... the wait has been to long... Happy Father's Day

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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