
Central Park's Fight

Midtown High

Before the class start, Ned came running into the classroom excitedly with his smartphone in his hand as he quickly approach us.

"Guys, exciting news! Tony Stark will be bringing Stark Expo event back and the opening ceremony will be held next week on Friday" Ned said excitedly as he run towards us.

Peter replied in surprise and enthusiasm "What? That sounds great! It will be the first expo event since 1974".

Felicia huffed out "You guys are nerds"

"You complain about it but you still hang out with us" I replied chuckling.

"It is too late for me, you guys grew on me" Felicia answered with a smile.

Ned dreamily said "I hope that Tony Stark will show off his Ironman armors at the expo, imagine if I can wear that armor too"

I playfully replied "You might need to slim down to fit into the armor buddy" causing Peter and Felicia to snort out laughing.

"Hey, that is rude!" Ned complain as I quickly apologize.

MJ out of nowhere looked at Peter and asked "I have always been wondering since everyone knows that Tony Stark is Ironman, why superheroes like for example Spiderman does not reveal their identity too"

Peter look back at MJ nervously replied stuttering "What...Er.... I... think ...."

Ned quickly interrupted "Of course it is because they are worried about their families and friends' safety. Imagine what the criminal or villains will do once they knew Spiderman's identity".

"Ya, that is what I was planning to say" Peter nervously replied causing MJ to glared at Ned.

Ned ignored her, saying "We are off topic here guys! Once the Stark Expo is open, lets find a day so that we can all go together. What do you say guys?".

Felicia replied casually "Sure why not, but next time lets all go together to a beach or something" as MJ nodded her head in interest at Felicia's suggestion.

Peter asked Ned "Will it be difficult to get a ticket for the Stark Expo event?".

Getting everyone's attention, I said "Actually I got several VIP tickets for the event".

"That is not possible. The ticket is not even available yet" said Ned.

"I know someone that has connections with the people in Stark Industries, they send several tickets for free to attend the expo" I replied.

Peter look at me in amazement "Who is it, Harry?".

"My butler" I replied truthfully.

Everyone look at each other in disbelief as they all curse out "Bullshit".

Seeing that they don't believe me, I took out the tickets from my bag and show it to them. Everyone stood in silence and shock when they saw the ticket.

Ned called out in glee "Hell yeah!" as MJ, Peter and Felicia stared at me in confusion wondered whether am I lying or not.


Kraven was previously in Africa when he received a package from an anonymous sender from America who sends him photos of vigilantes in New York. In the package is also a letter that challenge him to capturing the vigilantes, so that he can proof that he is the best hunter in the world. Since capturing wild animals is too easy for Kraven, he was easily tempted by the new challenge and went to America.

Kraven contacted J. Jonah Jameson to record his battles with the vigilantes so that he could proof to himself and show the whole world that he is the best hunter. Jameson easily agree to help and financially support Kraven's show due to his hate of vigilantes. After 2 weeks of tracking and studying his 'preys', Kraven is ready for his hunt.

Donning a lion-themed attire and equipped with wide range of hunting weapons,traps and poisons as Kraven is currently on top of the rooftop tracking his 'preys' Jewel and Powerman.


Somewhere on top of the buildings in New York around 10PM

Tonight it is my turn to train Black Cat, she is training her mobility and avoiding skills while running on top of the buildings with me. She use her grappling hooks often in her movement since she claim that it is mentally and physically freeing to swing from buildings to buildings.

"Kitty, are you sure you don't want to use whips?" I asked as I avoided her attack.

"I think you have hidden interest for S&M play, Birdy" Black Cat quipped as she used her claws.

"Whoah! Nice attack, looks like your training sessions with Ironfist is showing great result" I complimented as I blocked her attack and countered her attack with a punch (controlled my strength and speed).

Dodging my attacks, she replied "Ya, the mixture of Leopard and Tiger Kung Fu style suites me".

After a series of dodging, attacking and blocking , I jumped away from her saying "Good , that is enough!" stopping our training sessions.

As she tried to catch her breath, I said "Great training session, Kitty. By the way, I have great news for you"

Panting slightly, Black Cat asked "What is that?".

"The others has all agreed, you are ready to officially join the Defenders" I said smiling at her current condition.

"Really? Yes!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Black Cat squealed gleefully as she grab my hands thankfully.

"Yup! I will inform you the location of our base before our next Defenders' meeting. But you will still have few more training sessions with the others before you are allowed to go solo".

"Okay but I thought Spiderman does not like me...." Black Cat asked but she was interrupted by the Wingwave communicator.

"Hold on to that thought" I said to Black Cat before picking up the call.

"What is it, Oracle?" I asked.

"Kraven has taken down Jewel and Powerman, they barely even last few second against him. I have warned them of Kraven stalking them but they didn't take it seriously. He is currently bringing them towards Central Park, Spiderman is closest so he is on route" Oracle replied urgently.

"How?" I asked in surprised

"Kraven used some sort of tranquilizer darts on Jewel first and Powerman is knocked out by some sort of sleeping powder" Oracle replied as I was slightly speechless with how easy they got taken down. Looks like they got too confident.

Glancing at Black Cat, I said "Black Cat. I know it is your first day but today will be your first official mission as a Defender!"

Black Cat looked back at me in surprised.

"It is a rescue mission!" I replied.


Central Park, New York

In the middle of Central Park, tied to the lamp pole is Jewel and Powerman knocked out cold. J Jonah Jameson and his crew is in the Daily Bugle's news helicopter flying nearby out of sight ready to start filming while Kraven is out of sight hidden.

Reaching the middle of Central Park, Spiderman noticing Jewel and Powerman quickly run towards them in concern.

Nearly reaching them, Spiderman's spider sense started tingling,, he said "What.." quickly jumping backward avoiding an arrow that is shoot from the shadows with the arrow pinned to the ground where he once stood.

Spiderman quickly dodge several more arrows fired at him and avoided a net trap that sprung out of the ground before finally catching an the arrow by its shaft. The arrow tip is just inches away from Spiderman's face.

Kraven slowly come out from the shadow saying "At least one member of your pack should have the survival instinct".

Spiderman in surprised "Kraven?".

"You are so easily drawn out like a moth to the flame" Kraven said smugly.

Elsewhere J. Jonah Jameson started recording and the show is call 'Kraven Dangerous Prey'.

"What is the game here?" Spiderman quickly asked confused.

"The game now is you! Give Kraven true challenge and try not to disappoint Kraven like your friends" Kraven answered with a grin.

Kraven attacked with his spear as Spiderman avoided his attacks feeling more confused by the second. Noticing that his spear is not able to cut Spiderman's costume, Kraven kicked Spiderman backward.

"I think there is a huge confusion here,I am not a beast. I am Spiderman. I don't want to hurt you" Spiderman quickly explained but he accidentally step on a trap that release a huge amount of gas.

"Smoke screen, that can't stop..What...." Spiderman said before finding himself paralyze.

Kraven approached Spiderman saying "Kraven is disappointed, but you are bit better compared to your friends. Don't bother trying to move, the gas is a paralyzing gas".

Jameson used his communicator shouting "Good move Kraven. Excellent. Now quickly unmasked him now".

Kraven answered "Stop shouting into Kraven's ear".

Kraven stood in front of Spiderman ready to unmask him when a figure came leaping in and kick him away.

"What? Who dare to interrupt Kraven" Kraven shouted in annoyance.

"Why are you calling yourself in a third person?" the figure reveal herself as Black Cat.

"You!" Kraven shouted.

"Yes! Me! I am Bla....." Black Cat answered

Kraven quickly shouted in annoyance interrupting her "The sidekick!"

"Hey!!!!" Black Cat shouted back.

Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and the story

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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