
Scorpion and Rhino

Spiderman was on the way back home from his daily patrol as Spiderman when he heard large commotions coming from one of the streets. Web slinging towards the source of the disturbance Spidey keep hearing loud screams and crashing sounds coming down the street.

Reaching source of the commotion, Spidey saw a large green scale humanoid monster with a 12 foot long tail ending in a spike that looks like a scorpion with several injured people on the ground. The scorpion open its jaw that extended open from both top and bottom with two mandible at both sides of mouth as its did a bloodcurdling roar that send shivers down Spidey's spine. "Crap, please tell me it is Halloween or that I have been punked" Spider said to himself as he quickly send the distress signal through the Wing Wave.


"There is a distress signal and Spiderman is requesting help! There is a scorpion like monster terrorizing the city. There are several reported injures and one reported death" Oracle called out to me.

"Damn it, Norman! Tell Spidey to bring that monster away from the busy streets so that innocent bystanders won't get hurt! Distract the monster until I can get there" I said. Looks like I have to deal with Norman before things gets worse.


As the crowd is run away from the monster, Spidey is trying to distract Scorpion "Can we just be friends?".

Scorpion roared before picking up a car and threw it towards the crowd to stop them from escaping. "A simple no will suffice" Spiderman quipped.

As the car flew towards them and was about to flatten them, Spidey leapt into the path of the vehicle and catching it. "Get away from here" Spiderman shouted to the bystanders.

Before Spidey could throw back the car towards Scorpion, his spider senses stated warned hims of an incoming danger as Scorpion's tail came smashing through the car and hit Spidey. The strength of the hit send Spidey flying smashing into a building. Spidey struggle to stand back up feeling suprised of the sheer strength of the monster he is facing.

As the impending danger of another attack from the tail nearly hit him, Nightwing finally arrived and kicking Scorpion away sending him flying backward across the street. Spidey seeing Nightwing complained "What took you so long? It feels like i went few rounds with Ivan Drago from Rocky"


Smiling at his joke, I looked towards Scorpion saying "I must break you!" as I went to stop Scorpion.

Spidey suddenly became excited replied "You get my joke!".

As I was approached Scorpion, he stood back up and started firing a stream of green fluid from his tail that I avoided by jumping sideways. The green fluid started causing the road pavement to start melting due to the acidic properties in its tail. "Spidey be careful of its tail!" I warned as I threw few explosive wingdings towards Scorpion.

The explosives stun Scorpion and caused him to stumble backward. "Tag team Spidey" I called out.

Spidey lunged at the creature delivering a powerful right punch to the Scorpion's jaw shouting "Stay down!" before I followed his attack with a left punch powered by venom blast at Scorpion's face sending him flying back crashing into a car before it exploded.

Before we could even could determine whether Scorpion survive or not, we could hear loud crashing sound coming towards our direction from the end of the road. Spiderman complained in a tired voice "What now?".

Approaching us like a very fast tank is a muscular Goliath man in grey costume with a large and sharp horn on top of his head as he keep crashing into vehicles without slowing down. "Oh man! This can't be good!" said Spidey.

As Rhino saw us, he shouted "Rhino will crush you!" as he smashed and plowed through all the vehicles that stood in his way towards us.

"Can I catch a break!" said Spidey as fired a web lining that stuck to a manhole cover which he later pulled into the air and threw toward Rhino's face.

The manhole cover didn't do anything except making Rhino more angry. Both of us jump to the side to avoid Rhino as he crashed into Scorpion's exploded car. "Do you think the Scorpion died?" Spidey asked in concern.

"I hoped so! He is too dangerous and he killed someone!" I answered. "Focus on the matter at hand".

As Rhino step out from the burning wreckage with slight blood on his leg, I thought to myself that highly likely Scorpion is dead.

"I feel so powerful! Like a tank" said Rhino proudly before he charged towards us.

Avoiding Rhino again, I taunted "The thing about tank is that they don't corner well. Plus they are ugly!" that caused Spidey to laugh.

Feeling very angry Rhino shouted "You'll pay for that you little piece of crap!".

I whispered to Spidey "Web the surrounding like a wrestling ring make it small" as Spidey nodded and both of us split up.

As Spidey started webbing our surrounding, I jumped towards Rhino and slap both of his ear, slight stunning him before he aim a punch towards me. Avoiding Rhino from under his leg, I notice Spiderman has finish webbing our surrounding.

Running towards the webbing I used its elasticity to ricochet me back toward Rhino head like a pinball and punch his face using my venom blast punch and jumping to the next webbing.

Seeing this Spidey also did the same thing shouting "Tag team battle!". As Rhino is too bulky and the space is too small, he was not able to hit us since we are too fast for him and he couldn't get enough momentum to tear the webbing. He shouted "I am impenetrable!"

As we keep hitting his head near the ears to affect his ear drums. Before Rhino could do anything, he fainted due to the vibration in ear affecting his brain. "But your brain and ear is not" said Spidey.

Looking at each other we gave each other a high five. After helping to clean up the scene of all the wreckage and determining that the police officers is able to handle Rhino, we decide to leave.

Just as we were planning to leave scene, a young woman and a cameraman came running towards us and stopped us. "Wait Nightwing and Spiderman!".

The woman approached us speaking "I am Betty Brant, from Daily Bugle. Both of just saved a lot of people here today, do you have anything to say as a hero?"

Spidey looked back and answered "Suck it! J Jonah Jameson!" stunning the reporter and everyone before leaving. Hearing this I decide to escape before they ask me anything.


Tony Stark's Mansion

As Tony came back to his mansion "Jarvis" said Tony while wondering why his mansion lights didn't turn on.

Jarvis answered in a muffled voice "Welcome home, Sir".

Standing in the corner of the mansion over looking out of the window is a figure of a man. The man in the dark said "I am Ironman. Think you are the only superhero in the world. Mr Stark you have become part of the bigger universe that you just don't know yet".

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked.

The figure answered "Nick Fury" as he approached Tony "Director of Shield"

Tony looked back in confusion "Oh"

Fury continued "I am here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative".


Norman Osborn's Secret Lab

Norman Osborn is in dilemma due to the failure of Scorpion and Rhino to capture Spiderman. Spiderman escape with the help of Nightwing. Looking at the other three chambers in the room and looking at the serum in his hand. He started thinking of his plans and counter measures to ensure his success. Looking at the screen with Nightwing, he decided "Nightwing Must Die" as he grip the serum in his hand tightly.


Culver University

Bruce Banner aka Hulk standing in the corner looking at the university thinking of a plan. He need to get his research that turn him to the Hulk and once he can get it with the help of 'Mr Blue' he can be human again. A world without.....Hulk.....

Ps: Please review, write, rate or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

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