

As i approached Stark industries's building on my Nightcycle, I saw a large commotion at the freeway across the building as Obadiah aka Ironmonger wearing his armor suit having a slug fest with Tony in his Ironman suit.

"Oracle keep tabs on all the cameras location and hack into them, once i give the signal stop all the recordings, we don't want anyone to know that I steal the miniature arc reactor. If anything goes wrong i will use the EMP gun" I said before heading into the heat of battle.

Oracle replied "Happy hunting. Nightwing".


Ironmonger was stomping Ironman into the ground with his right leg "I build this company from nothing!" before lifting Ironman into the air using his right hand "and nothing is going to stand in my way!" before throwing Ironman towards the hydrogen powered bus that still has peoples trying to flee from the scene.

I jump in catching Ironman before he hit the bus but in the process slightly denting the bus slightly with my back saying "Except Me!".

Surprising both of them. Ironman in confusion "How is it possible? The math does't add up! Who are you?"

Putting Ironman down on his feet "I'm Nightwing! Let me handle this" pushing Ironman aside before walking towards Ironmonger.

Standing in-front of Ironmonger, both Ironmonger and I started sizing each other up. Looking at Ironmonger I concluded that we are about the same strength with different weigh class.

"How much money you want so you could look the other way?" Ironmonger negotiated.

I replied "No need, Lets fight! Show me what you got!"

Ironman shouted to me "You are just man in a superhero suit, lets work together to bring him down!".

"Evacuate the civilians first! I will slow him down!" I answered but before I complete my sentence, a missile came out of Ironmonger's back and with red laser targeting aim towards me.

"Look out!" warned Ironman.

Before Ironmonger could shoot the missile, I took out my explosive Wingdings and threw it toward the missile that destroyed it causing Ironmonger to be blown backward by the impact of the explosives.

"Go now!" I ordered. Ironman nodded before he flew to ensure that the civilians are all out of harms way.

Ironmonger stood back up with his armor missing its left hand and slightly damage "You will pay for that!" he shouted as he ran towards me and send a right punch will all the armor's strength.

Seeing this I decided to test my strength by standing at the same location and returning a right punch of my own. As both of our fists meet it send a shockwave that caused the ground beneath our feet to crack slightly.

Even though Ironman was busy evacuating the citizens he still paid attention to the fight between Nightwing and Ironmonger. Ironman was deeply shocked to see a human being is able to match the armor suit strength which is not logical in all scientific way.

The impact of the punch caused Ironmonger to stagger backward with the armor's right hand badly damaged while I am still at the same spot with only my right hand having a slight stinging pain. Shaking off the pain in my hand, I felt really good to finally able to see my full strength "That feels good but it is time to end this!" I said as I looked at Ironmonger.

Feeling scared Ironmonger decided to escape so that he can fight another day. "I will get you next time!" Ironmonger threaten as jet thruster appeared underneath his legs and powered up.

Seeing this I said "No need next time. just stay" as I threw another set of explosive wingdings destroying the jet thruster that send him flying crashing towards the side of the freeway' guard rail.

"Now Oracle" I said as run towards Ironmonger and the same time throwing as much smoke pellets as possible. (Oracle disable all cameras around that area) Jumping on top of Ironmonger, I quickly punch into his armor chest and extracted the miniature arc reactor ending the fight. I quickly hid it in my utility belt while at the same time taking out the fake miniature arc reactor before anyone would notice the switch. "We are done, Oracle" (Oracle turn back on all the devices)


As the smoke dispersed, Ironman saw Nightwing standing on top of Ironmonger with the miniature arc reactor in his hand, Ironman was surprised that the fight ended so quickly. Before Ironman could tell Nightwing to return the miniature arc reactor, Nightwing smashed it with his bare hand. Seeing this Tony feels a bit relieved that no one else has his technology.


Looking back at Ironman and seeing that there is no response from him, I knew that i have succeeded in my plan and he didn't notice the switch of the miniature arc reactor. "Is everyone safe?" I asked Ironman.

Ironman replied "Yes, there is no casualities or heavy injuries among the peoples just some cuts and bruises".

"Good" I said as was getting ready to leave the scene before SHIELD agents arrive.

"Who or what are you?" asked Ironman.

Seeing the approaching agents I replied "Just a concern bystander. Next time try to be more careful and try not to endanger people's life again" leaving the scene of battle with Nightcycle. As I leave, my heart is leaping with joy thinking of all the things i could built.


Few days later....

There was a huge discussion on Nightwing and Ironman stopping a malfunction prototype robot that cause damage to Stark Industries building and endangering the peoples on the freeway nearby. Stark Industries is having a press conference to explain about the situation.

Tony is sitting on the chair reading a newspaper with the title 'Who is Ironman?', 'Spiderman Endangering Students' and 'Nightwing and Ironman Safe The Day' while Pepper is applying make up to his face to hide all his injuries. "Ironman that sounds kinda catchy, it got a nice ring to it but it is not technically accurate since it is a gold titanium alloy but it is kinda provocative in a amateurish way" Tony commenting on the newspaper.

As Agent Coulson came in with a piece of paper saying "This is your alibi" with Tony replying "I was thinking more of saying it is only Pepper and me alone on the yacht" as Pepper tore the bandage of his nose.

"Okay" Tony said as he took the paper.

Agent Coulson continued "You are on your Yacht. We have poor papers to putting you at Avalon (Tony's yacht) all night and sworn statements from 50 of your guest"

"That is what happen. Just read it word for word" Agent Coulson informed Tony agreeing before saying "But there is nothing about Obadiah Stane".

"That has been handled, he is caught for drug trafficking at the border of Mexico where in actual fact he is in the custody of SHIELD" answered Agent Coulson.

"What about the cover story that Ironman is my bodyguard?, that is kinda flimsy" question Tony.

Answered Agent Coulson "This is my not first rodeo Mr Stark. Just stick to the official statement then this will be all over" before leaving he stop and turn to Tony "Mr Stark, do you have any hint on who is Nightwing or did he give you any method to contact him?".

"No, nothing special just bossy" replied Tony feeling irritated to be upstaged.

"I see, if you remember anything about him just contact us" said Agent Coulson.

Pepper interrupted "From the Strategic Homeland..."

Agent Coulson "Just call us SHIELD" as he left.

Pepper looked towards Tony saying "Lets get the show on the road"

During all this Tony keep thinking to himself that it is not that bad idea to let everyone know that he is Ironman but frustrated that everyone is against it.


Press Conference, Stark Industries

"And now Mr Stark has prepared a statement and he will not be taking any statements, Thank you" said James Rhodes who is in charge of the press conference.

Tony coming up to the stage "It has been a short while since my last statement but i will stick to my cards this time" drawing laughter from the journalists.

Clearing his throat Tony continued "There has been a speculation that I was involved in the event that occurred on the freeway with Nightwing...." before being interrupted by one of the journalist.

"Do you honestly expect us to believe that was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared despite the fact that....." the journalist Christine Everhart said

Trying to get back attention Tony interrupted "It is one thing to question the official story and another thing entirely to make wild accusations that insinuate that i am superhero"

Christine replied "I never said you are a superhero. Even if we don't know who is Nightwing, he has superhero qualities not like you" baiting him.

Tony feeling flustered "Well good because that will be outlandish... ah fantastic" sighing "I am not the hero type with all my character defect and decisons, not like an upstanding vigilante that hide behind a mask"

before suddenly pausing and thinking to himself for a moment. Tony don't want to be upstaged by another person finally comes to a conclusion, making the declaration "I am Ironman" causing huge commotions in the press conference.

Ps: Please review, write, rate or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks


From here on, MC won't be holding back since the marvel timeline won't be affected much if he did extra. enjoy guys. have a nice day.. working on writing more so i can give you guys extra chapter as soon as possible.

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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