
First Flight

After all the preparation that I have done, I am very anxious and nervous of my first appearance as NightWing. I am lucky that I have completed my costume and equipment just in time because keeping taps and talking with Peter I have found out he has plans to buy a car to impress Liz. I have tried to advice him to take it slow and get to know her first but all my advice falls on deaf ears. Realizing his intentions, I know this would the night to decide his fate.

That evening while I was dressing up in my costume and preparing my self in my underground secret room (a huge area with the combination of laboratory, fabrication machinery, training room, infirmary, vehicles bay/workshop and training room), I felt Bernard staring at me. "What is it, Bernard?".

Staying silent for awhile Bernard finally asked "Excuse me, sir. I know this is an overdue question but why you are so obsessed on becoming a superhero, sir?". Looking at him I knew I can't just say "I want to enjoy the Marvel Universe to the fullest".

Slowly I replied "The reason i want to become a superhero is because i hate bullies, if there someone is in trouble i want to help the person. I know donation and charity are also ways to help peoples but that is not the solution for criminals. Since i have the capability, skill and knowledge i want to make a difference in the world. As the quote say with great power, comes great responsibility". "Other than that, I know my father has criminal connections and i want to stop him from harming more people". (Thank you Captain America and Uncle Ben)(In my heart, meeting hot female superheroes).

Looking at Bernard's eyes I realized that his eyes were burning with inspiration and motivation after hearing my excuses. "I will do all in my power to help you,sir!!!"Bernard replied.

Not daring to look into his eyes I cough and look aside i tried to divert the attention by asking "Is there any problem in getting the raw materials, parts, and chemicals for all our projects, Bernard?". "No, sir! Most of the supplies i manage to get small pieces and parts from all the the industries that your companies has established in and slowly piecing it all together. Things that we don't have, i had to order from other companies in huge bulk to avoid suspicion, sir. I would highly advice you sir to try establish our company in other parts of the industries to help on research on new products to help in your quest to be a superhero and reduce the risk of discovered".

"The only problem for now would be weaponry for your vehicles, sir. There are three options to solved our weapon problem either from buying from illegal weapons dealer, stealing weapon from the criminals that you have faced and the safest route is that we have to get into the weapon industry, sir" Bernard continued.

Looking at Bernard i was impressed. As i want drinking my tea i asked "By the way, What you buy in huge bulk, Bernard?".

"10,000 specially modified jockstraps due to your change in size and for extra protection for your future children, sir!" Bernard replied seriously.

"Poooooofffffff" As i spit out my tea.. Cough, cough, cough!!!. "I think i have to get ready!!!!"..

As i quickly change and get prepared, Bernard approach me with a different looking mask compared to my first idea. "Sir, i have made extra changes to your initial mask design by having the black mask cover most of face including your nose. The only thing you can see would be your mouth and hair,


"To prevent your hair from falling and leaving evidence that might lead to you, you need to apply this chemical product on your hair to prevent your DNA to be detected and help style your hair, the mask and extra features that produce electrical static effect to prevent hair from falling". "i know you like to look cool, sir but this is for your safety" Bernard told me with a serious face.

Looking at the mask that is nearly looking like Batman mask without pointy ears and using some chemical similar to spirit gum that NightWing use to stick on his face, I sighed... "What would I have done without you Bernard, Thank you". Bernard replied "Of course, sir".


Running parkour on top of buildings and occasionally using the web shooter i arrived early with a lot of time to spare. Waiting on top of the rooftop, I watched as the Spiderman event unfolded in front of my eyes. I saw Peter arriving in the car with uncle Ben with them talking and quarreling in the end before he exit the vehicle. He went into the library before sneaking to the opposite building to participate in the underground fighting tournament.

I watched the tournament from the roof top window as Spiderman wins his match, but the promoter cheated him and refuses to pay him the reward money. "Looks like I have to get ready" I said moving to find Ben Parker.

Soon two robbers raided the promoter's office and Peter allows them to escape with the money as his revenge against the promoter. I nervously and anxiously waited on the rooftop holding my wingdings, my plan was rescue Uncle Ben seconds before his so called death scene and make a lot of noise to show Peter that his actions has consequences and he nearly cause his own uncle to be in a dangerous situation and nearly died. Hopefully this will ensure Peter positive growth as Spiderman and fulfill his destiny.


Finally, as the criminals run through the crowds, they run towards Ben Parker standing by his car. "I feel like I am walking on a tight rope of fate" I said to myself as I watch the thieves approach Ben.

"Give me your car or you will die!" shouted one of the thieves(A). As that thief was pointing the gun at Ben and urging him to quickly while the other thief(B) keep looking at his surrounding. Seeing that Uncle Ben is struggling to take out his car key from his pocket to pass to thief(A), I notice the thief(A) is going to pull the trigger due to his anxiousness.

I quickly threw one of the wingding towards the gun held by thief(A) causing the wingding and the gun stuck together on the wall. Thief(B) shouted "Marko, what happening?".

"Over there Carradine, shoot him!!" Marko shouted as he pointed at me.

Jumping of the the rooftop i perform acrobatics feats while jumping from ledge to ledge downward and decreasing the distance between us. This cause Carradine to panic and shoot at me wildly while increasing the risk level of Uncle Ben safety at the same time. (while doing all this with my agility i keep checking on the bullets shooting directions to make sure the safety of the crowd).

I threw my wingding toward Carradine's gun and pinning his gun too against the wall. Approaching them, i back fist both their faces with one punch, knocking them out and webbing them up against the wall. Taking back my wingdings and netting the guns together into the corner.

Looking at Ben i said "Are you ok?". Flustered he replied "Ya, Ya, Thank you, I felt my life flashing i front of my eyes" (You have no idea).

"Can you report this criminals to the police? You better take photos of both of them just in case and tell what happen today to your family members on how dangerous the situation is. This is for you and your family member's safety because sometimes they may take revenge on you for foiling their escape" (i bullshitted) I warned him.

"Ya, sure, of course, i will do that, thank you so much!" Uncle Ben replied excitedly.

As the crowd started to gather around in curiosity, i said "I have to go, tell the police the netting will dissolve in 1 hour time" as i get ready to jump away one of the crowd members shouted "Who are you?".

Hearing that i couldn't resist, and start posing myself with my back facing them, glancing backward at them and said "I'm NightWing". Saying that i quickly left the scene with my web lining. As I leave, I sigh in relieve and hoped in my heart that everything went smoothly and without a glitch.


10 mins later....

As Peter exited the building, he was cursing himself on his bad luck, he didn't think to much of the gunshot sounds, he was half expecting that the thieves was shooting to scare the crowds and make their escape. Looking at the huge gathering of crowds and police vehicles, he squeezed into the crowd to see what is happening in the middle. Seeing Uncle Ben talking with police, he got very nervous and shouted "Uncle Ben!!! Are you ok? What happen? Let me through I am his nephew!!!".

As his uncle retold the the incident to him, he realized that the thieves were the criminals that he has let go. Realizing that he nearly caused his uncle's death due to his mistake he promised himself that he won't take things for granted. Promising himself with a quote "With great power, comes great responsibility".

Hope i did a good job. introducing character and scenario is hard work...

Notice correction in naming in chapter 1 n 2 has been made.. Peter first love interest....

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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