

Jenny was tied with ball and chain, but she was not cage, she was little injured by ice. Walter wife take her out and show her around the palace, but scenery was good but she didn't find any live creature and animal here,

Walter wife explain it to her, you can freely walk here, but don't trying to run away, if you do, they will cut me, please thinking my husband and my life

Jenny said, you seal my power, you tied me here, and how can I escape from here? But make sure, don't let that ugly vampire near me, I will escape from here, my husband will come here, he save me

Hey! Hey! You just thinking too much, you little girl, this place is very much secure, you are not escape alive

The person was on the south Africa, metal claw on his right hand, she recognize them, jenny look at them, she saw that, this is one of the vampire, who lost against her.

Jenny look at them and said, come down to tree, you lost last time against me, now you saying, I can't escape from here, if you leave this chain, I can easily knock all you down.

Ha! Ha! We all know about your power, but that thing we already done, when we are kid, we also meet black dragon, that you call, they are also with us, but someone cage him other world, otherwise, there is no one in here, who can fight against him.

Jenny said, I never call such person, you must me joking, I don't remember a single bit of it. Just know your place you stupid Dracula

That vampire with metal claw vanish and appear behind jenny, he said, if Dracula not order us to touch you, I already suck you blood and end your life. But I must say, my brother is really fell for your beauty, but for me, you are ugly.

Walter wife said, sir, master Sid looking at her, please don't do anything to her, I am requesting you, she don't well know about this place.

He left her

Walter wife said, please be calm down, if you take any bad step, you will soon end here, I don't have power to stop you.

Hitesh and kilo are in plan to knock that warrior family in prison, he want a plan to knock them, but the new leader plan to mix something on their food and make them lose, but their support not agree with his plan, a true warrior never done something like that.

Support of leader, she listen their conversation one of the soldier, he said, go and mix this poison, it will slowly kill them, it will easy for me to beat them in battle.

She already prepare for it, she make that poison away from this, and she throw food away from the house.

Mikatsu said, why you put your life for me like that? You can easily go back, why now?

Mikatsu and her family was just beside the cage, where they imprisonment, all prison was made of solid wood, where the staying, but the floor is hard. There is only one window in every cage.

Hitesh look at them, you just worry about too much, I already make arrangement about you, I just can't let you go like that, and you are my love after all.

Mikatsu father said, thank you prince Hitesh to look at my daughter, I thought that, how can she manage to hide their identity, but you really help her.

Mikatsu mother said, now her identity reveal, it will soon our family life or dead decided by the rules of the family, we already betray them, now they will sentenced to dead.

Both were crying about this incident, they both know, for the sake of her daughter, they have to sacrifice, but they don't have choice

Kilo said, please don't cry, now you can break the rule and escape from here, we just came here for the sword parts, we will leave this place with your daughter, don't worry, we can win against them.

The other prisoner of the supporter of former leader of family said, don't think about, he will easy on you, he is also a good fighter, we are expert in sword style, if you don't know a single sword style of japan.

Mikastu said, father teach him now, otherwise they will lose tomorrow battle, you also teach them about the flow of magic throw sword and make them very effective.

Mikatsu father said, this is very few time, but this is not easy to learn from a single day.

Take this wooden stick, it will help you, first off all, when you carry the sword, don't lose it, while drawing, otherwise, he will sense your weakness, drawing the sword also be the winner,

Make sure, you tighten the sword very tightly, if I have that, rock, I can help you with you holding capability.

Kilo ask, what rock?

Mikatsu reply, in single handed, you hold sword, they apply lubrication, on the heavy rock, and you have to hold them tightly, if you lose a single strength rock with fell

Kilo said, master, I was bind you with rope, you have to rope tightly, you have use a single hand and hang for more than a minute.

Kilo I hold the other rope and hang, after one minster we will change the hand, please don't lose the rope, otherwise one of us will fell into ground, you can assume that, mikastu life on line, she will carry someone else child other than you

Hitesh said, No! No! I will never let that happen

Mikatsu mother look at mikatsu and said, you boyfriend really love you, we never thought that, you will fell for someone soon like that,

Mother! Please don't say something like that, I also happy with you, please understand it,I am your daughter, hmm! Oh!oh! Mother, you

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