
Chapter 23


Naruto walked into the academy room as quitely as possible. No one noticed him. Good for him. He hated it when girls swooned over him. It was filled with went and sat in the last row. He liked this row. It had been his spot. He was wearing a long black coat and a waistcoat underneath. Both the coat and waistcoat had the Uchiha symbol and the Uzumaki symbols. He was wearing a full length black pant. He had sealed up his sword in his wrist. No one would notice the sword sealed in his wrist until it was too late. Mito walked into the room not long after him with equal stealth and she took a seat beside him. She was wearing a red dress with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back. Naruto took a moment to notice her. She looked gorgeous. Her dress wasn't too lose nor too tight. It did a good job at showcasing her well developed body.

Naruto was staring at her until she noticed. She then asked what was wrong with him. He didn't hear a word of it. For a man with the Rinnegan, he was desperately in need of hearing for he was deaf to everything. She then shouted at him. At hearing the shout he looked startled. He shifted nevously and said, "Hey Didn't notice you there."

Mito continued in rage, "Didn't notice me?! You have been staring at me since the moment I came here. What's wrong with you?" Naruto looked ahead and said,"Nothing! What's the deal?"

Mito snorted in rage. Naruto sighed in relief. He told her. "On a copletely different side note, you look gorgeous today." Mito clearly heard the comment and she blushed a shade of red that even Hinata could not match and that girl was always that red in front of Menma. She nervously said, "I didn't hear you. Can you repeat what you said?"

Naruto said, "I said, you look gorgeous." He calmly turned front again as though it was not such a big thing. Mito on the other hand had lost all her calm and was blushing a tomato red. She thought,'He thinks I am gorgeous. What's gotten into him? What's gotten into me? I should be able to shrug it off?'

Just then, their sensei, Chunin Iruka Umino came into the room and somehow managed to bring order to the room. He then went on to lecture the kids on what being a shinobi meant through all which Naruto and Shikamaru aptly slept. A short while later Iruka started announcing the teams. Mito hit Naruto awake and he snapped instantly into a defensive position. He then heard Mito say, "The team placements are taking place. Stay awake price sleepy head." Naruto thanked him for waking her up. Teams one through six were people Naruto could not care lesser about. People he knew had little potential. Team seven was Sasuke, Menma and Sakura. The best at taijutsu, ninjutsu and chakra control respectively in their class leaving out Naruto and Mito. Team eight was the Ino-Shika-Cho trio of their class-Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Chouji Akimichi, team nine was supposedly still working while team ten were the tracking unit, Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba and Hyuuga Hinata. Then Iruka said, "Team eleven will be Uchiha Naruto and Uchiha Mito. You are to leave for the Hokage tower immediately where you shall meet your sensei. The others are to wait here for their jonin sensei to arrive. You all can have your lunch."

Naruto and Mito could care lesser about lunch as they made their way to the next building. They rushed into the Hokage's office. Naruto asked, "Tou-san, who is our sensei?"

Izuna smiled and said, "The two of you shall not officially have a sensei as you have been placed independent of a jonin sensei. The two of you shall go on missions with other teams instead as you don't have a third team member and for your sensei, I am unofficially the jonin sensei of the two of you. I would have let Kakashi handle this but he is getting lazier by the day. Soon he is going to overtake the Nara the way he i going so I take it upon myself to train the two of you and I am the best to teach the two of you as I have the Rinnegan and my knowledge of the Sharingan surpasses that of Kakashi. The two of you are to meet me at five pm in Training Ground 44 or The Forest of Death where you two shall continue training. Go on ahead and enjoy your day off. If you are late, let's just say, the Forest of Death shall be the least of your worries. Now, off you go. I need to complete this horde of paperwork."

Naruto was stunned. He immediately went to his home along with Mito and shouted in happiness. He had not only gotten the strongest man alive as his sensei but he also got to spend some quality time with his father and what better way to spend the day than train and fight. To say that he was very happy was a understatement.

Mito on the other hand was struggling with internal issues. Naruto had said that he looked gorgeous today. What did that mean for her? Her imagination was running wild. Wilder than it was supposed to in her age but ran anyway. Naruto went off to his home by himself by using the teleportation abilities he go from Kamui and the enhancement to it from Rinnegan. Mito had chosen to walk home. She was also happy that they had gotten Izuna as their sensei but that was on the back of her mind. Naruto and his actions dominated the forefront of her mind. He had stared at her continuously and then he called her gorgeous and it had come out of nowhere. By the time she reached the compound, she was blushing red completely. Naruto came out and asked, "Mito-chan, I am going out to Ichiraku-san's place. You want to go with me?"

Mito was blushing tomato red. Was he asking her out on a date? Naruto cared little for honorifics. The only ones he used were sensei to Iruka and san when he was talking to the elderly or his father. He rarely ever called her chan. Naruto noticed the red on her face. He knew this wasn't a fever. Fevers only heated up Mito's throat and forehead. Though the entire body heated up, the forehead heated the most on her face. This was a face with all parts equally red. That could mean only one thing to him. She was extremely angry at him. Naruto didn't like it when she was so angry tha her entire face got red. He failed to notice the nervous shifting of her body and got down and said, "Mito, I don't know what I did wrong to you but please forgive me and don't let me suffer your wrath. Matane." Saying so, he ran off in a speed only Gai could match.

Mito calledout to him to tell him that she was not angry at him but he didn't hear a thing as he ran off. She pursued him and went along to Ichiraku's.

Meanwhile in Ichiraku's,

Naruto burst into the place and sat down in the corner. He said while panting,"Ichiraku jii, two bowlsof miso char sui ramen." He was sweating and panting and had a dreaded look on his face. Ichiraku's were also scared. They asked, "Naruto-kun, what is wrong? You seem to be running away from something dreadful"

Naruto said, "It is. You know my friend Mito don't you?" The Ichirakus nodded. Naruto continued, "I asked her if she wanted to come with me to eat ramen. She got all riled up and her face completely red. That only happens when she is angry. I didn't want to be on the recieving end of her anger so I ran as fast as I could."

The Ichiraku owner Teuchi said,"It might not be anger. It might be something else altogether. Was she about to hit you? If she wasn't then it might in fact be that she was blushing."

Ayame gave him his bowl of ramen. He said in surprise,"Blushing?! That's impossible. She never blushes." Just as he finished that, Mito walked into the store and sat next to Naruto. Naruto didn't notice her as he was too busy slurping down his ramen. Mito sad, "Ichiraku-san, one bowl of miso ramen for me please." Teuchi said, "Ayame, one bowl of Miso ramen."

Naruto finished his second bowl and said, "Jii san two more cups of ramen."

Teuchi relayed the order to Ayame. Naruto then saw Mito. He bowed down as low as he could and said, "Mito, I doný know what I have done to enrage you but I ask you to forgive me for anything I may have done."

Mito said, "You haven't angered me baka. " Naruto was surprised at this. He then remembered what Teuchi had said. She had been blushing. But what caused her to blush like that? Not once in his entire life had she blushed like that. The two of them then ate their ramen and made their way to the Forest of Death. It was still two noon so they had three hours to train. While on the way Mito asked Naruto, "Did you mean what you said today morning?"

Naruto asked, "What? I have said a lot to this morning to you."

Mito had a tinge of red on her face. She said, "When you said that I looked gorgeous. Did you mean it?"

Naruto then realized why she had been blushing. She had thought that he had asked her out when he invited her out to lunch. He said,"Of course I meant that. Did you actually think that I was asking you out?"

Mito said in a low voice, "Yes Naruto. I did think that you were asking to go out with me."

Naruto asked in a sincere tone, "Do you want to go out with me?"

Mito said with a blush, "We could give it a try."

Naruto then said, "If it is fine by you then we can go out on our date once dad'd training session for us is over." Mito said, "Fine Naruto kun."


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