



Subject: Dossier

Name: Alicia Lu

Job Profile:Assistant to this country's best,hottest lawyer.

Description:Looks can be described as beautiful.

2.Temperament is stable(unless roused,if roused then it is better to go into hiding until cooled down) .

3.Known to fulfill requests better than orders(eg:if you want an expresso coffee then please ask for it ,if ordered you may find yourself saddled with a latte)

4.Is able to eat Desserts as three meals and can be bribed with chocolate truffle cakes.

5.Likes to chatter in her personal time and ask weird questions.Examples listed below:

a. Why is watching cat videos better than watching Dog videos?

b. How to not get asked out on a date?

c.Why are all high school teachers so old?Do they not accept young teachers?

d.What would happen if cats ruled the world?

Many more such questions are available from Ms Al's question bank.

6.Past Secrets:...Though I know but I cannot break her confidence so my suggestion is to earn her trust and she will let you in on her secrets sooner or later.

7. Motives for marriage:Could be anything.I don't know.You will have to ask her!

8.Past records/tickets /anything : Ask her

9 Anything else:ASK HER

P.S. She is the one who risked her life to save me and Ru from the drunk driver a couple of months back.

P.P.S If you know answers to any questions mentioned in point 5 please let me(and also author)know.



Subject: Dead lawyers

Dead lawyers do not need answers...and you are going to die 😵 soon Mr Hot Lawyer!!!



Subject: Wounded

I am deeply wounded by your nefarious desire to kill me.I would refuse to acknowledge you as my brother if I did not love you so much..

P.S. Good suggestion by the way.One good way to avoid being asked out on a date is dying?!!!

Ryu Long(after reading his brother's email): "....."

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