
Zombies and another group of adventurers?

1 hour after packing gold, weapons, armor and other valuable things Celder saw a door that was opening on the wall which revealed another long corridor.

Celder being curious decided to follow the path without any kind of problem finding again a long corridor with old Japanese-style interior walls.

After a certain time of walking, Celder finally reached a door and when he opened it he could observe the night sky and the stars, but he realized that he was still inside a dungeon because when he looked at his watch he could see that it was 11:03 tomorrow still.

Celder walked out of the tunnel and when looking back he could see a huge old castle in the same Japanese style as the walls.

"It seems that everything is set in the old Japanese era eh?" (Celder)

"Raaawwwhhhh" (????)

"Uhhhhhhaaagggg" (????)

"mmmeehhhhhhhee" (???)

Celder heard some strange moans and when he looked back he could see that a huge number of dead people were approaching him at an extremely slow pace.

Celder watched the people for a few seconds and immediately deduced that these were the dungeon monsters called "Zombies" adventurers who died in the dungeon before losing their souls and are dumped by the dungeon which gives birth to a zombie.

Although extremely slow these zombies go in huge groups that attack without fear and do not back down for nothing.

Many adventurers try to dodge encounters with zombies in dungeons because when fighting with a zombie they tend to attract the attention of more nearby zombies and thus end up collecting many of them which easily surpass a group of adventurers.

Celder took his shotgun and changed the ammunition drum and took a little time to fill the other drum that was empty although he had 4 it is better to always be ready to regret it in the end.

Celder raised his shotgun to the head of a zombie and noticed the small button that changed the shooting mode.

* Click *

When the button was pressed, a small sound was heard and next to the shotgun was a needle pointing to a number [1]. The shotgun now fired from a cartridge, this had 3 shooting modes.


[3] ---

[6] ---

Celder pointed to the zombie again and started firing one cartridge after another causing a zombie to return them to their graves.

20 minutes of unnecessary massacre after...

Celder noticed that there were small dark colored stones on the ground which shone very clearly.

These stones were exactly like the one that the lava lizard had released, but they were dark.

Celder began to collect one by one which were scattered everywhere or even still in the heads of the zombies that were shattered by shotgun pellets.





"Maybe those were shots?" (David)

"They sounded like shots...I hope this dungeon does not have monsters that use some kind of weapon." (Satakeshi)

"Do not you think it would be easier to get out of here and go to a smaller dungeon?" (Veronika)

"If we continue in minor dungeons we will never find anything worthwhile, we also need to complete major dungeons in order to win a promotion and become rank A once and for all!" (Alexey)

In the Dungeon Rank B "The damned Bushido era" the adventurous group of silver fangs formed by David Brown, Veronika Petrov, Satakeshi hiroki and Alexey Kozlov were challenging that dungeon to try to win an ascent and become an adventurer rank A.

The group had already been active for 2 years and had already gained much recognition around the world for having brought constant supplies of items from the dungeons to the outside world to help both the laboratories financially and for the research of new medicinal plants.

The group gossiped about their reputation until they noticed that there were many tasks that required to be Rank [A] and that they had at least one completed rank B dungeon to be able to entrust the jobs to them.

Confident of their solid teamwork the group decided to try their luck in the dungeon of rank B located in Japan called "The damned Bushido era" which had fame for representing in a dark way the Bushido era with its powerful structures and its labyrinthine dungeons.

"The damned Bushido era" was considered one of the dungeons of rank B easier to handle since its most common enemy to be found were zombies that with a little strategy these could be controllable and even an adventurer could love a small fortune killing a large number of them.

The group consisted of four members of different nationalities and four different roles, one that was complemented with that of their colleagues to make a very balanced team.

[David Brown] Acts as a front-round unit using shield and sword in addition to being a weapon holder and his magic armor is able to summon strength and defense spells.

[Veronika Petrov] Act as a spell caster who carried a cane and a shield and was able to invoke the elements.

His spells are of rank [B+] therefore his mana and his variety of spells is considered high.

[Satakeshi hiroki] acts as the archer of the group which was able to quickly intercept any enemy at any distance to avoid future and unnecessary damage to his companions. Satakeshi is also able to use healing spells to heal minor and medium wounds.

[Alexey Kozlov] ​​acts as a Guardian which is able to use his sword and shield which, when hit, derails all the attention of the enemies towards himself.

He is also able to use "transient immortality" and "endless rage" which allows him to hit with 200% strength and gives him immunity against all damage for 15 seconds.

The group had almost perfect teamwork, but they were never ready to find what they saw when they reached an open field in which they found hundreds of cadavers of zombies and Re-assassinated.

In the distance Satakeshi was able to spot someone handling the corpses and extracting something from them and the group decided to approach to review but this immediately became a decision they regretted.

The four members of the group immediately spotted a creature that is covered with a dark haze to which its eyes shone.

This creature was Celder who was equipped with a cursed armor which made him look like a monster towards the eyes of other human beings.

For that same reason, Celder did not at any time experience any problem with the armor since it only changed its appearance before human eyes.

The group watched as the creature put its hand in the skull of the zombies and extracted a bright stone from them.

The whole group was paralyzed with fear as they noticed who was the one in front of them.

Although the reality turned out to be different and the voice of Veronika was heard among the other 3 members of the group.

"D-D-Death's shadow" (Veronika)

The three members of the group turned their heads looking at Veronika and the voice of the creature was heard making a chill run down the back of the whole group.

Alexey immediately raised his voice preventing Celder from speaking.

"Let's get out of here fast while is still distracted whit the bodies!" (Alexey)

Alexey started running in the direction of the entrance while the other members went after him until they reached the entrance of the dungeon and came out of it.

While on the other side many other adventurers noticed the group that was trembling with fear and breathing very agitated.

An adventurer approached them and started talking.

"Hey, what happened !?" (Adventurer)

Other adventurers approached trying to talk to the members of the group but only one name could be heard coming out of their mouths.

"Death's shadow!!"(Veronika)

"Death's shadow!!"(Satakeshi)

"Death's shadow!!"(David)

"Death's shadow!!"(Alexey)

"That was Death's shadow was inside and there was a huge pile of dead zombies to which he buried his hand and ripped something from their heads!!!" (Veronika)

Somehow Celder had induced extreme fear in the group and the adventurers immediately decided to prepare their weapons to wait for whatever it was to get out of the door of the dungeon but after 40 minutes of waiting nothing came out of it.

Once again the internet world began to talk about Celder, which they now called [Death's shadow] and new rumors were immediately created.

[Death's shadow] IS NOW able to induce permanent terror in those who see it.

Hundreds of television channels around the world spread the news and the little information they received about the group of adventurers "Silver Fangs" and their encounter with the creature called [Death's shadow].

Hundreds of doctors around the world began to talk about the disturbances caused by seeing [Death's shadow] as very deep psychological wounds caused by the encounter with the creature.

[Death's shadow] IS able to transport from one dungeon to another!

[Death's shadow] murders other monsters for their magic core's!?!?!

10 Facts about [Death's shadow]

The world began to go crazy when it found about a creature that was able to move from one place to another with total freedom.

Meanwhile, Celder was in his house showering after having extracted 212 dark rocks from the skulls of Re-assassinated zombies.


Celder never found out about anything because his visits to the internet are very short, and he almost did not watch TV, so he was not informed, and he was not registered in a guild, so he never received any kind of information.

Although sooner or later he would find out what was happening.

Are not misunderstandings incredible?

The internet is still so exaggerated even in 2045.

Thanks for reading.

Someday I will do Sketches about Celder in monster form I guess.

Deephuntercreators' thoughts
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