

Ramon parked the SUV car at St. Mary's Hospital parking area. The two women were rushing inside the hospital entrance, they went straight into the information window.

Catherine's mother was being confined in the 10-ward bed when they went inside the room, all bed were full, it's a crowded place, patients and their relatives mixed together. On the last bed near the window, they saw Caroline feeding her mother with food given by the hospital staff.

Catherine and Grace rushed to their side.

Caroline stopped feeding her mother when she saw her sister coming towards them.

"Mother!" said Catherine, she brought her mother's hands into her lips.

Thelma looked at her daughter with tears in her eyes.

"D-did you finally married him?" she asked.

"No mother. I rushed here when I know what happened to you. The marriage didn't push through," this time her voice was quivering.

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