Garp groaned as he nursed his wounds, they had been beaten back. The impromptu alliance between emperors had put a massive amount of stress upon his sole ship, and with the sudden removal of a strong Vice Admiral the situation had only worsened.
So, here he was. Leading his ship in a hasty retreat as he worked double time throwing out more cannon balls then half the cannons on board.
The magma man had been beaten into submission, with the sweet commanders double teaming him he had been no chance. So here he was, sulking in the corner as he sent waves of flaming magma tumbling over the fragile ice that Kuzan conjured up.
Speaking of Kuzan, he had been the most unaffected by the situation. Uncaring of the massive loss of life on board the ship, and even more indifferent to the fact that a colleague of his had just been vanished into thin air.
He stood there silently in the spot that Garp had commanded him to oversee, a lazy look in his eyes and a clear lack of expression on his face. Though a solitary trickle of sweat ran down his forehead, there was no other sign of the exhaustion that he was no doubt feeling.
The atmosphere on the ship was somber, not many on the crew could believe that they had been beaten back, they had Garp the Fist on their ship after all! But Garp was getting old, and even in his prime, he would find it difficult to take on two massive powerhouses like Big Mom and Kaido let alone now.
However much he did not wish to accept it, he was getting old. He was burning out at a faster rate than his overly passive friend Tsuru. It would only be a matter of time before he would be forced to retire, if not because of his inability to contribute to the navy any longer then because of the worry his superior/ close friend had for him.
He was Sengoku's right hand man, like Sengoku had been for Kong. The only difference being, that he would not succeed anyone.
"Captain Roman.. Set course for Marineford, we have failed. The artillery we have on board is a pathetic amount, it shall be pointless to even consider remaining within the battle with one whole aspect of our ship crippled like this..
We've lost a high ranking officer with next to no chance of having him return to help the battle. And even if he somehow did manage to work his way back in any reasonable way, a single ship against an entire armada is a stupid idea." Garp groaned as he massaged his forehead.
"Aye sir!" the said captain called out as he made his way into the control room. He would report to headquarters.
"Vice Admiral!" a second captain called out, walking out of the control room he glanced hurriedly to the high ranking officer.
"Speak soldier." Garp acknowledged as he let fly another projectile.
" We've traced the direction that Vice Admiral Borsolino was blasted into! With the information we have it would be reasonable for us to hypothesize that he landed somewhere near Whitebeard's territory!" As if to add insult to injury the absentee Vice Admiral had created another ticking time bomb for them.
As if two warring emperors wasn't enough to give the marines an issue, they had a third and potentially infuriated emperor in the walkway to conflict. Of the three emperors Whitebeard was the least receptive to navy presence, and any sign of the marines would be a sign of war to the old geezer!
The Marines could not afford to war with the old and strong emperor, at least not now, when their supplies had just been massively impacted by their actions on Ohara.
The great pirate era had become a nightmare to the organization, and though dealing with one of the few that could be held directly responsible to encouraging it was a highly desirable situation, it was simply impossible at this point in time!
Add in the possibility of a triad emperor alliance however minute and it was a situation that spelled doom for the barely recovered marines.
"Captain! Fleet Admiral requests an audience! " Captain Roman called out as he held a fuming transponder snail.
"Aye, Sakazuki pull double duty!" Garp called out as he abandoned his post.
As he held the transponder snail he gave the rest of the marines a look. Within seconds the control room, where plans were made and the ship's status was monitored had been completely deserted.
"Sengoku." Garp grunted out as he waited for his friend's words of chastisement, as the highest ranking officer he had failed his task.
"Garp. Report." was all the Buddha man said, a grave tone and a brick like expression on his face.
"We were beaten back, the entire armada of the duo overwhelmed our ship as I left to ensure that neither Kaido nor Big mom would actively participate in the conflict.
Linlin's whelps managed to outsmart the sparkle kid and he was chucked off the battle scene. Current information says that he probably landed on Whitebeard's territory."
Sengoku groaned as a whole new level of frustration appeared on his face.
"Minimize the damages." and he was gone. The man acclaimed within the Marines for his brains had been left stumped.
With a sigh Garp exited the silent room.
"Change course! Set course to sphinx I'm sure that we have a few poses that point in that direction lying around from when Whitebeard was making storms with that bastard Roger. Follow through with it.
This shall be a stealth mission if at all possible, under next to no circumstances are you to engage in open hostilities. The last thing we need is the world's strongest man on our heads. Sakazuki this is especially for you, you are to remain on the ship for the entire period of time Kuzan you shall accompany me on a retrieval mission.
In case we are either unable to find Borsolino, or end up finding him engaged in hostilities with the buccaneers on the island you are to set course straight to marineford to prepare for an impending attack.