
New world madness

With a huge jerk the ship screeched upwards, the sudden presence of waves on the ocean surface shocking its residents. The winds around began to wail almost instantly, with dark clouds swarming hungrily over the miniscule ship.

The sails that stood bundled up on the side whipped with the sudden gust, breathing down a sense of terror and pressure down on the fragile mast of the white sided ship.

With a roar I ran out, taking the steps three at a time racing to the deck. The sudden difference of temperature and climate had shocked me. Behind me the crew followed, with Rein wheezing with each step that he took.

On the deck, Sorren ran with his arms akimbo. A sheen of worry and sweat on his face as he attempted to pull at the well tied harness that tied the sails in place.

"Fatty focus on the rear ties!" I roared out loud as I pumped out my Haki. With both hands on the helm I could finally breathe a little easy.

Fawkes bulldozed out of the stairs, wind whipping at his hair he gazed around a barely concealed hint of glee as he ran to aid our diminutive doctor. He was bare chested as I was, and could not help but shiver as the winds chilled the stream of sweat that trailed down his biceps.

Within moments the crew had assembled running to different places on the ship as they attempted to right the situation.

"North winds in coming!"

"Damnit this harness, who the fuck tied it!?"

"God damnit, these winds are so damn unforgiving!"

A trail of curses rang out of the inexperienced crew as they glared at the bundle of black clouds in the sky. Since it was basically the first time that the crew had come across such a lethal and downright terrifying storm, their inexperience showed brazenly as they attempted to cope with the sudden upheaval.

Over the next hour the ship swayed uncontrollably, the open sail bellowed in protest at every passing wind and the mast groaned heavily as it faced the brunt of the wrath of the water that streamed out from the monstrous clouds.

The water waved blearily, the waves cresting at the side of the deck with cracks and roars that seemed to come from an unfathomably scary beast that we could not see.

Water roared from all sides, freely passing through the barren deck.

"Fawkes! Right the sail! We go Northward!" I roared out loud as I looked over my back, my Haki still roaring through the creaking wood that formed the old ship.

"Which way is North!?" Was the infuriating response.

"That way you fleet footed dingus!" I yowled out, bending my neck awkwardly towards a completely inconspicuous direction.

"Aye aye Bastard!" Fawkes called out as he pulled against the swathe of ropes that controlled the direction of the sails.

At this point, you would be forgiven for thinking that I did not possess a log pose to navigate through these beastly waters. Fortunately however, I had long stocked up on a dozen new world poses, back on the island.

They had laid securely alongside the fruit that mother had given me. A single one, embedded into the wooden centre of the spoked wheel that controlled the rudder, controlled the direction that we sailed towards.

The trio of needles quivered in the rain, swiftly falling flat before jumping back into action as if under the stimulation of a whole packet of Viagra.

Suddenly I roared out. "Damn bastard, are you annoying me on purpose?? I said north, that's in the opposite direction!" Before glaring venomously at the panting first mate.

"Fuck you. You try holding these ropes in place!" He barked at me, before digging his feet into the wood below to forcefully pull and change the direction that the sail had somehow begun to point at.

Over the course of the next hour, the crew marched up and down the deck, roaring and panting like a steam engine as they attempted to right the rebellious sail and protect the quivering mast.

At some point in the grueling exercise Rein had fallen down, beaten out of the land of consciousness by a golf sized ball of solid hail that had punted him ruthlessly on the temple. Now he sat at the side, leaning against the door, that had until that point been subject to banging under the cruel winds.

A fist sized bump stood proudly on his head, his hair parting over either side of the massive welt.

The only female on the crew looked positively drenched having at some point been forced to jump off deck to save Scipio who had been forced to dive for the entertainment of the cruel new world weather.

The only reason that she had made her way back on deck was because of the three lines of rope that tied her to the mast, with two of them intertwined so as to maintain a level of strength that it could not possibly possess otherwise.

Terrick stood to the side retching furiously as a shine layer of sweat fell from his mouth, a transparent layer of bile that his stomach had ejected to accompany the food that had been forcibly evicted.

As the winds finally began to calm the quivering needles finally began to stiffen, no longer looking like a dead leaf in the storm.

The ship creaked loudly as we collapsed on deck. The first mate whimpering silently at the level of strain that his body had been forced to undergo.

Sorren walked between the collapsed bodies, with Barts at his side as they helped calm the people around and deal with the furiously hacking Terrick.

A goofy smile existed on Sorren's face as he patted on Terrick's back, his face gleaming with a mischievous light as he no doubt thanked his lucky stars for the injury that he had undergone.

"Can we go back to the blues captain…?" Scipio genuinely questioned as he curled in on himself, stroking his burning muscles.

I looked at his red tomato like face and smiled, then I began to laugh, and within a few seconds my crew laughed alongside me….

New world madness indeed!

North is the other way fleet footed dingus!

*Punts headfirst onto the solitary mast on deck*

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts
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