
Flames that rose to end love…

"Pere--- ka lick!" the transponder snail called out before immediately calling out in a sleazy voice.

"Boss! You asked us to call you if there was a change in the air. Honestly, this information is probably the most world shaking information we have, even more earthshaking then even Roger's execution!" The voice called out, breathlessly heaving on the other side.

"Get to it, don't waste my time!" I said giving Angella a look as I slowly pushed the tip of the rapier that had been pushed into the fabric of my clothes.

"Fine, fine boss! But I want a raise!~" He called out as he finally collected himself. "Boss, seriously I think that you need to sit down for this" he said self importantly.

"Carl I swear to god, if you dilly dally anymore than you already have I'm seriously going to reach through the damn snail to gut you!" I roared, my patience coming to an end as I looked over at the prone and stern form of Angella.

"Fine then, this information just came in with the latest paper. It's about the most recent and forceful of marine actions in the past decade or so.. It's about the razing of Ohara.." and with those chilling words the man cut the call.

I stiffened before snapping my head towards the paling Angella. A chocking cry rose strangled from her constricted throat as a hint of madness gleamed in her eyes.

"He's lying! He must be! Why would Ohara be razed?! It must be another one of your ploys! it can't be, it just cannot be…" and with a maddened huff she charged at me, the glint of her blade matching the malicious rage that had appeared in her eyes.

With a quick twirl out of the way, I avoided the pointed tip of her blade before firmly holding onto her hand and pulling her closer using the momentum of her charge to make a quick chop to her neck.

With a gargle of saliva she fell to her knees, glaring at me with so much hate that she reminded me of that day on the boat when I had vowed to raze the world government to the ground.

With a rapid twist of my leg I brought the back of my palm to the base of her neck decisively chopping at it to knock her out.

I took no joy in seeing one of my newest crew members crumpling down with a frozen expression of pure and undiluted rage…


With a silent glance Fawkes had seen as the form of the white clocked book worm trudged up the wooden steps of the ship, obviously heading to the captain's cabin.

With a sniff he slowly looked at the shoddy attempt she had made at tying him up. If it was someone else she might have succeeded in buying some time, unfortunately however she had chosen to tie up a person who had spent close to his entire life studying the way a sailor had to behave and all the things that one would have to do on a ship. To him dealing with this simple sailors knot could not take more than a mere fifteen minutes.

So he had gotten to it, tugging at his hands in a particular angle to loosen the knot before jimmying it off of his chest before pulling it off from under his feet.

Then with practiced ease he had gotten off his hammock and begun to walk up the stairs.

Just as he reached the door of the room he could not help but take a deep breath in surprise, his face achieving a startling shade of paleness as he heard the grim announcement of one of the cultural hubs of the entire world's disappearance.

His breath cold against his teeth as he inhaled sharply, he could not help but firm his stance ready to pounce in to deal with the maddened form of the crew's only female member.

Then with a dull thud he heard as she crumpled to the floor. Immediately he adopted a firm and serious expression and walked into the room in time to see the wrath filled form of his captain.

His hair slicked back in frustration as he sat on his chair, his legs tapping against the floor with a vigor that showed the panic that he was trying to hide.

"Captain.." Fawkes trailed off as he looked at the face of his captain. "Fawkes I want you to wake up everyone, even the brat. This is the most important information that we have received, probably more damaging than the damn flamingo. Go! Quickly get them on deck!

The sun will be up in a bit and with that the biggest bombshell since old uncle's execution will be brought up! Get everyone, if even one of the high ranking officers are still around here somewhere than this is going to be a big problem.

FUCK! God fucking damn the blasted blowhards in the top of the world! For fucks sake, it will be just our luck to run into the damn volcano bastard! I swear to god, This just had to happen!..." he ranted, getting off his seat and pacing the room violently.

With a crisp nod, Fawkes ran out into the last bits of night remained as Lorean bent downward and slinked the still form of the fallen Angella over his shoulder.

A dull sob rang out from his shoulder as a small and hidden tremor wracked her shoulder. Her previous fit of rebellion long gone as she wept.

All the darkness that she had held deep down in her, had leapt out with a fury.

"Gone….all gone…." he could here as she dully and deliriously called out a fountain of tears freely cascading from her eyes as her white coat crumpled beneath her as she began to bawl.

Lorean sighed with emotion as he mentally chided himself at his lack of control.

'If I had just hit her slightly harder, she would not have woken up this early. She would not have to face this weakness, mother, it seems that nothing I do will ever be able to stop anyone else from feeling as weak as I did back then…..'

i lost my shit today when i sat down to write. Thought i had published a chapter that was supposed to come much later.....

Thankfully i hadnt..

All is well with the world again!~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts
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