
Who Is The Real Grand Master Here?

While Izroth made it sound simple and easy to understand, in actuality, it was much more complex than he led on. On paper, reversing a magic cycle sounded effortless, however, it required a near-perfect control over one's own mana to execute properly.

At the moment, Izroth believed that, currently, no players within RML were capable of accomplishing such a feat; at least not yet. This was something that awaited them on their far journey ahead.

There was much more to the magic in RML that players were completely oblivious about. However, once they began to fully understand that, it would separate the true master magic casters from those who were mediocre at best.

Orion wasted no time as he placed the thick yellow covered book back into its proper place on the bookshelf. He then picked out another book in one of the piles. This book was on a more advanced level than the 255 laws of magic sequences and a lot thinner.

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