
Chapter 114: Unexpected Outcome

The four pair of eyes observed the selection well for the past hour. They had to book the VIP section of the seating area so they could see the battle between Sky Profound Realm participants better rather than seating in the spectators area. Moreover, they decided to do so to avoid any attention on them after had enough of it for the rest of the day. No wonder how hard they tried to hide their beauties but it simply doesn't work.

To solve that problem, they had to pose themselves as noble ladies to avoid constant harassment from the other clans now that this place is where the best clan gathered but they were kind of relieved when none of the young masters dare to approach them. Its a good thing or things might get bloody on their end. At least in the VIP area, all of their faces were unseen by the spectators below.

These people were none other than Cang Yue, Retsu, Mio and their plushy companion, Kon. They arrived here earlier than Yun Che to separate themselves to avoid connection with each other. Currently, all three of them were trying out their new ability taught to them by Yun Che.

"Damn, my eyes went back to normal the moment I moved. This thing is harder to master than Haki itself. Kon-sama is out for today." Kon sounded as he started lying down on one of the chairs after overusing his new ability. Good thing the room was soundproof and prevent his voice from being heard.

Cang Yue was also giving up as she stopped her vision before collapsing on the chair to catch her breath. She turned he head towards Retsu and Mio and started pouting as they managed used their new ability with ease. "Muu, me too. How did you two use these eyes so well?"

Retsu slowly move around the room while maintaining her glowing bluish eyes, their so called new ability. Even if she can move, her steps were a bit slower. "Well, you two didn't master it yet. Even I have some trouble getting used to it. Using these eyes required absolute focus. Besides, with these eyes. I can see better during the day and dark."

Mio was also using the new ability before her glowing bluish eyes turned back to her normal black eyes. "Retsu-chan, can you see the Danna-sama from here? My haki is not strong enough to prolong the use of these eyes."

Retsu slowly scanned the crowd to find her beloved. It didn't took her much time as she used her new vision to detect her targets. Using them making it easier than already is. "Hnnn, he's all alone in that empty space over there."

"No wonder I couldn't see him. My vision didn't extend that far. Muuu, my haki only reach the threshold of Intermediate stage for Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku. Without proper mastery of it, I can't use these eyes to that extend." Mio sighs as she sat on the chair in the VIP room while recovering some of her haki. Due to her mastery was a bit lacking, she couldn't cover the entire arena and locate Yun Che through it.

"Don't worry, Mio-chan. Just focus on using on channeling your haki well. Even I myself didn't master it to that extend." As she said those words, she began to pat Mio's back reassuring her.

"Yeah, you're right. Retsu-chan. Danna-sama said that to properly master this eye technique is fully mastered Kenbunshoku." Mio sighed once more as she began recovering her haki.

Retsu slowly descend into thoughts as she pry through their new eye technique. To think such an advanced technique exist within Kenbunshoku itself...How vast is his martial knowledge?….


The day before the Grand Selection Tournament of the Moon Empress's Tomb.






Explosion after explosion occurred throughout the plain area as sword waves were shot all over the rural area of the Wasteland of Death. Currently, Yun Che is training his Dracule Mihawk persona along with his new sword, The Black Sword Yoru. As he shot green sword waves towards the plains, he was making progress in sharping his swords waves as well as creating several new sword waves that match Dracule Mihawk's original sword attacks

. With Old man Zangetsu's guidance and his past life memories, he was able to sharpen his sword waves at the same time evolving them into stronger attacks. Moreover, he was able to make several improvements to his Getsuga Tenshou by making it sharper, faster and stronger compared to his previous technique.

Using Getsuga Tenshou seemed to take toll on Yoru as the sword wasn't built to support Zanpakuto sword techniques. Even Dual Getsuga Tenshou is out of the question but as long as he can minimize the damage and energy channeled into the sword, Yoru will be fine. He promised himself to find more stronger materials to make Yoru sturdier so it can hold his sword waves in the future.

"Hmmm, handling Yoru is much harder compared to my other Zanpakutos. Then again, it is the sword I need right now to enter the selection. How did the original Mihawk use this thing?" Yun Che slowly said in his Mihawk's voice. The system was right, he felt much calmer and sound cooler in this persona. As he practiced, he noticed that his three girls and Kon watched from the nearby safe zone cooking the profound beast that he accidentally killed in one of his sword wave explosion.

He finally finished things up before appeared instantly next to them and cause the others to temporarily shocked.

"Mouuu, this form of yours really scares me sometimes. Yun Che." As Yun Che use this persona, he had a great deal of time explaining to them why he chose Dracule Mihawk as his persona. He did come up with some story to convince Cang Yue.

He pulled Yoru from his back before giving it a few swings. "Can't help it, I need to get used to Mihawk's form and his sword. So far I managed to handle the sword perfectly."

Kon raised his plushy hand before pointing it at him. "Seeing you so calm makes my blood boil for some reason. So, How did he live with that kind of sword on his back?"

"I don't have any problem with it. I just stored it in my spatial ring if I entered a tight spot." He replied. He wanted to say inventory but Cang Yue was in front of him so he had to say spatial ring.

Retsu was preparing their lunch as she spoke "*Giggle, Well, that's one less problem to worry about."

Yun Che slowly stored Yoru behind his back before sitting down on one of the fallen trees to get comfortable. Mio slowly get close to before she started poking his cheeks. "But, calling an Oji-san 'Danna-sama' seems a little bit off."

He simply smiled and said "Don't worry, I am still me through and through, just a little bit older, calmer and cooler."

Cang Yue suddenly spoke while smiling. "Still, you chose the strongest man among soul cultivators is really cool to begin with."

Yun Che immediately smiled at her and replied... "Not among soul cultivator, he's the strongest swordsman in the world."

"Goodness, is his strength already entered Monarch stage?" She expresses her shock.

"Yeah, but he's already passed on. Seeing him like this it's like feeling he was alive once more. But, I am using this persona just to cause trouble without using my real face. All right girls, enough about him. Aside from Retsu, how's your haki training by the way, girls?"

"I manage reached the threshold of the intermediate stage for both haki already. Well, you taught me this Haki yesterday, Danna-sama. Nee..nee.. Danna-sama, pat my head." Mio started pulling his hand and placing them on her head. Unaware that she triggered a jealous gaze from Retsu and Cang Yue.

"Impressive, you advanced quicker than expected." He complied to her wishes by softly patting her head but Cang Yue was quick enough to pull his other hand and place it on her head. "I am still advancing to the Advanced stage for both Haki."

"You two sure are handful, What about you, Kon?" He sighs as he observed these their antics before turning around towards Kon.

Kon turned his face hiding his jealous expression as he said "Reach advanced stage for Kenbunshoku a while ago. Still having problems predicting the future though."

"I'll let Retsu guide you on that part. By the way, today I am going to teach you and the girls another haki ability." He let the two girls go before he sat on the fallen tree explaining the new abilities he's going teach.

Retsu immediately asked as she heard there's another ability. "Another haki ability? I thought haki only had three abilities?"

"Yes, haki only had three but this ability is exclusive to eye use only. I can't teach you girls my eye art as it a bloodline skill that can't be passed to others. But, I can teach you three and Kon something similar to my bloodline skill. However, it required your Observation haki at least passed the basic stage." Seeing he used his Mihawk's persona. The girls felt like it was another person who taught them this technique but if that's him who gave the instruction then all is well.

"Yosh! Another skill from you equals another boost for Kon-sama." Kon suddenly pumped himself up.

"Then, please teach it to us, Yun Che." Cang Yue always wanted to learn any art he could teach. If he wanted to give her the legendary cultivation technique of the Moon Empress then she must do whatever it takes to live up to their expectation.

"*giggle, Then, if you don't mind us learn it, Yuu-kun." Retsu stopped everything as she too keen on listening to him.

"If Retsu-chan learning something, I am in as well." Mio spoke as well. She managed to learn haki before they left the cave to this part of the area. She was still advancing it but due to her capabilities as a Godly beast and bound to the system. She has the ability to instant learn as well.

Yun Che place his hands in front of his chest just like Mihawk before slowly said "Right… Brace yourself ladies, I am going to teach you how to use 'Eagle Vision'"

"Eagle Vision?" The other four sounded.

"Yeah, the Eagle Vision is like awakening all of your senses and concentrate them to your surrounding at the same time enhancing your vision. However, it required your Observation Haki at least passed the basic stage to successfully cultivate it." He slowly explained the concept of Eagle Vision to them before he continued "Haki energy is really a complex and mysterious thing dwell inside our body. It enhances your reflexes and instinct if you channel it to your brain. That's how you use Observation Haki. Channeling it to your body awakened the Armament Haki. The stronger you channel it, the stronger and sturdier your body will become. But have you three ever consider channeling it to your eyes?"

The girls give it a though as they slowly wondered. Its true that their speed, defense and offence are boosted the moment they channel the haki to the respective places but none of them ever wondered of channeling them to their eyes.

Then he continued again. "But, you need to be careful in channeling it. If you use too much haki energy, your eyes will be overburden and risking blinding yourselves. Learning Eagle Vision is a bit risky for first timers. That's why I am helping you girls channel your energy slowly. Since you three passed the first stage of observation haki, please sit down and closed your eyes. Whatever happens, don't open your eyes or you interrupt the channeling process and we have to start all over again." Yun Che slowly placed Yoru inside his inventory as the girls and Kon closed their eyes.

"Retsu, I'll start with you." Yun Che in his Mihawk's persona slowly got up before touching Retsu's forehead with his finger before slowly guiding Retsu's haki energy towards her eyes.

"Since you perfected the basic stage of Observation Haki, you can ignore the first awakening stage of sensing the intention and harnessing the sense around you." He did the same for Kon, Cang Yue and Mio allowing them to experience the awakening of their newly gained ability. Seeing the channeling process was complete. "Now, don't move but slowly open your eyes. Keep the Observation active." Retsu and the others did as they were told and the moment she opened them. What they didn't noticed that each and evety one of them had glowing bluish pair of eyes. The Eagle Vision has successfully awakened within them but to perfect it, they had to rely on themselves.

"Goodness!" "What…what..is this?" "Incredible...." Cang Yue, Retsu, Mio and Kon exclaimed as they observe their surrounding trying to see and understand what is going on around them.

"Everything's glowing. The trees, the grass but everywhere seems darker for a reason and my eyes are brighter. Also, why is everyone glowing with blue aura?" Retsu started to ask him as she too was comprehending the situation.

Cang Yue also exclaimed. "Mine too, everyone's blue."

Yun Che then explained "This is the first stage of Eagle Vision. Your mind and haki are in sync with your eyes. Allowing you amplify your senses through your vision. As for the bright part, the haki energy channel was a bit much. But here's the best part. You can sense the people around you. Allowing you to identify the enemy, allies as well as the person you need to find. You can see my glow is blue, am I right?"

He slowly continued again. "Blue marks the calm energy your allies exhibit towards you. Your haki detected their intent but transforming it to obvious intent in your eyes. So your allies, friends and loved ones are marked as blue. But when someone express hatred or killing intent towards you. The Observation Haki will detect their killing intent and transformed the one who exhibits them into red."

"So if someone bears an ill intention towards us. They show up as red?" Retsu asked him.

"Yeah. But if you wanted to find someone with specific preferences like seeing their face or remembering their details. Your enhanced senses and haki will use your intent and allow your eagle vision to mark your targets. Thus, transforming them to gold. It means you will instantly know your targets. Once your intent of wanting to find them is gone, the gold will slowly transition to blue but if its normal, white."

"White?" Mio slowly said.

"Any innocent random civilians and animals will be marked as white but not as bright as allies so you won't confuse them easily unless the animals or civilians wanted to harm you. With much practice, you can classify the living creatures and civilians so they won't glow if you marked them as unimportant. Wouldn't want running around with eagle vision in the city if every people is glowing." The rest of them nodded as they tried to mark the unimportant features in their vision. Yun Che was right, everything they wanted to see is decided by their brains. They can see the trees and grass didn't have any glowing just like before as it probably as they classify them as unimportant. Right now, they tried classifying the animals as important and the white glowing aura around them was slowly decreasing and shows quite a number of animals in the Wasteland of Death.

"Incredible, we utilized their intent so we can sense them. It means we will know their intent before the things happened." Mio slowly said as she thought of using them in battles and walking around the city. They will know instantly which people harbors ill intention towards them.

"Well. of course. Eagle Vision also remove the access light from your surrounding allowing you to see pass bright lights and smoke as well as increased the contrast during the night. However, your vision will limit on your mastery of Observation Haki. As for Retsu and Kon, they can see a wide range with their eagle vision." As he said so, both Retsu and Kon nodded slightly as they can see a wide range of area.

"That's right, I can't see passed that mountain over there. So this is my limit right now?" Cang Yue slowly sighs as her mastery was still lacking.

"You and I are on the same boat, Yue'er." Mio sighs as well. For the moment, until they are used to them. There's nothing much the can do and continue to practice their haki to the advanced stage.

"Eagle Vision not only enhanced your vision but your other senses as well. You can hear, see, smell, touch and taste better in eagle vision mode. You can see what others could not. You can see through illusions, techniques even any hidden clues. When people hid something, they also transfer their intent through the object and your eagle vision can sense it and revealed it to you. In other words, you can see hidden traps easily. Moreover, you can also sense through their lies by observing the pulsing on their color."

"So cool." Kon suddenly spoke after admiring the capabilities of Eagle Vision.

Thinking the possibilities of the Eagle Vision in real life. She slowly spoke. "This skill.... is incredible. Yun Che. Think of the things we can do with them."

"Yes, it seems. But can you try to move?" He ordered. The moment each and every one of them tried to move, the special vision immediately shut down and returned their vision back to normal.

"Ehh, its gone!!!" Kon immediately shouted earning similar expression from the other girls as well.

Retsu looked at Yun Che for explanation and said "Did we failed, Yuu-kun?"

"Well of course, maintaining the haki energy for the vision is like pouring a stream of water into a cup. If you move even a little, the flowing energy will be disrupted and the vision will disappear. Currently, the four of you can only use Eagle Vision while standing still. As for your training for today, get used to maintain the flow of haki without disrupting the flow. Take baby steps if you must." He slowly ordered. This is the only way of mastering them while moving. Otherwise, it'll be a pain if they could see while standing.

"But, that could take forever." the others exclaimed but Yun Che ignored them before saying with a grin. "Then, you better get started."

"Muu, that's mean." Cang Yue slowly said with her hands in front of her making a cute pout followed by Mio. "Danna-sama, won't you help us a little?"

"Nope, you're on your own. I don't see Retsu having any problem." He slowly said as he saw Retsu moving at a turtle's pace to mastering her vision. Seeing her refusing to give up, the others immediately follow suit forgetting about their lunch.

"A word of advice, maintaining Eagle Vision and haki can took a toll on your mind. Take a rest once in a while." He slowly said while enjoying his lunch leaving the girls and Kon to their training.


"*Sigh, with my haki still below the intermediate stage, my eagle vision range is not that far." Mio powered down her eagle vision before she saw her beloved Yun Che sitting there on his own. But, her eyes caught something as she too saw a person with similar situation just like Yun Che. It was a black robed woman, the only one at that. "A woman in this selection? The only one at that. Who is she?" Mio turned towards Retsu as she too shook her head.

"I don't know. Looks like he's not the only solo player in this selection."

Kon turned his eyes towards the black clad woman. "Who is that woman?"

Cang Yue nodded as well as she said "That's right, she's the only woman attended this competition. Whoever she is, she must avoid a great deal of trouble to get here." She knew the risk of becoming a solo player. As the only woman in this tournament, she knew the risk will come if she won any matches today.

Retsu slowly sits down and observed "Let's trust Yuu-kun to settle this thoroughly. If he faced that woman, we will know her identity."


"The selection will now officially begin. All cultivators please get ready before your respective fights. As mention as agreed before, the empty space you have chosen for your seat marks your respective numbers. Selection will be done randomly and according to the number drawn from the raffle. The process will be seen through by representative from each faction to avoid any cheating." As the announcer spoke, some of the people glance at the two solo cultivators that attended the event. They didn't have any representative to overseer the raffle. Yun Che didn't mind but he's not that sure about the woman clad in black.

"Contestant Dra..cule Mi..hawk and contestant Li Yue. We assume you will have no problem with this?" The announcer asked causing everyone shifted their attention towards them since they are the only solo players in this match.

"So her name is Li Yue? Short but fitting name for such a woman. Wonder how she looked like underneath the black robes and mask?" Yun Che slowly spoke in his mind while maintaining his composure. As the announcer asked them, both of them simply shook their heads indicating they did not have any problem on how they decided the raffle. Doesn't matter anyway as long as he can kick anyone's ass today.

"So both contestant doesn't have any problem so let the Tomb Selection Begin!!!!" The city lord announces the earning bursting cheers from the crowd eagerly awaits the beginning of the selection. The sixty-four fights between Sky Profound Realm cultivators officially starts now. As agreed the raffle was being drawn without matching the stronger ones and the weaker. Not that the match was decided, the battles between the contestants starts.

As the fight commences, Yun Che can see various techniques being performed by those clan's representative outside the empire but none of those techniques caught even a bit of his attention. All he wanted to do now is to end this faster so he could explore the tomb of the Moon Empress. The fight between clans continued, he heard various words like 'giving face' throughout the fights. A common and novel way to settle fights but none of them actually settles it. Some were stronger and some were weaker despite having the same cultivation.

Even though he was calm on the outside, he was actually looking forward in participating in this battle. Since there are sixty-four contestants he had to fight four times and won each and every one of them before being chosen as the final eight. However, the true final will not commence here but somewhere in the tomb later on. Once someone obtain the treasure, the others will not see this through and bloodshed will commence in the tomb with anyone's knowledge. Even if they find it, the other clans will be waiting outside for the results and it will be a matter of time before everything descended into chaos. Common way in novels where offending is pretty much a common word. But no one can say anything if you're too strong.

Sounds of cheering and sighing are heard across the battlefield as the fight commences. No one can deny the losing and the winning outcomes but for the sake of protecting their clan, they could only grit their teeth.

"We will commence to the next fight and this one will get even the attention of everyone. In the next match, mysterious new warrior, Dracule Mihawk versus Qin Wu from the Qin Clan." The announcer announce earning dumbfounded look from the spectators.

Some of the audience were dumbfounded and asked around "Dracule Mihawk? Who is this guy? Anyone heard from him before?"

Another member of the audience said "Looks like the man called hawk eyes by the city guards is fighting. No one heard from him before. Let's see whether he had the capabilities beating the Qin Clan."

"The man with the Hawk Eyes? That's him? Hmph, pretty self created nickname if you asked me."

"That Hawk eyes is fighting the legendary Qin Clan of the southern of the empire? Damn, how unlucky. If I were him, I should concede."

A fatty heard the audiences response immediately placed his profound coins on the betting table and said. "I am betting my money on that Qin Clan Elder. I am going all in."

The male attendant looked at him before saying "Oi..oi… are you sure? You'll lose everything if that Hawk Eyes guy win."

"That's the Qin Clan supreme elder. There's no way he would lose. Besides that, Hawk Eyes or whatever is just some nobody wishes for a piece of the meat." As the fat guy said that, everyone started betting with the Qin Clan elder assuming that he would won an easy match.

"Damn, this is going to be an easy fight to that elder. Why didn't I was paired with that guy? The heavens are unfair." One of the participants sigh as he looked at Yun Che.

The disciples who escorted the Qin Clan elder remembered their encounter with him in the morning. "Hmph, that guy offended the elder before. He would not have an easy ending. If he just suffered some broken bones, that guy is considered lucky. Even that sword of his won't save him."

As Yun Che heard those comments, he was even excited. He couldn't wait to slap the rest of the spectators the moment he settled everything just like before. "Hmph, underestimating the Great Swordsman Mihawk? You people will know the emergence of the Greatest Swordsman in the Empire after this." He slowly said in his heart while keeping his composure. Besides, he achieved his wish in facing that elder from before. Achievement is being earned easily. He will strike in the Empire before going for the title of the world before ascending to the heavens.

The Qin Clan Elder, Qin Wu slowly walked to the field while commenting "Hmph, to think I finally get to fight you properly. Don't worry, I'll allow you to swing a couple of swings from that sword of yours. Come.... let's have a duel."

The Sect master of the Qin Clan from before spoke. "That weird swordsman provokes our great elder, this is the moment where that guy will lose everything. Our elder is a swordsman as well and he doesn't need a sword to deal with him. That swordsman is lucky if the elder allows him to use his sword."

Seeing the fortune is on his side, the elder suddenly spoke "Dracule Mihawk, I, Qin Wu will challenge you to a Duel of Life and Death. Do you dare to accept?" He proposed a dual of Life and Death so the nobody swordsman will not chicken out and this is the best place of humiliating him. He won't dare to decline it if he wanted to save his face.

"The elder challenge him to a duel of life and death?!? What did that guy do to provoke him?" The disciple remember that the Life and Death Duel is the duel where everything must ended with only one survived. For the elder to propose such a duel, whatever that guy did was pretty unforgivable.

"Looks like that Hawk Eyes will die before he makes his legend. At least the people of this city will remember him." The spectators gave a though before sighing.

Yun Che simply sits there keeping quiet as he heard the bad comments came from the people in the arena. Suddenly he spoke at the same time amplifying his voice with his Spirit Force allowing everyone to hear him clearly. Slowly raising his head allowing everyone to see his yellow eyes as he spoke… "Hmph, Duel? What a pitiful weakling."

"What, you dare call me a weakling?"

"More like a fool."

"You…. If you dare come to this arena and face me like a man. Or you're too scared to face this old man?"

"Like I said, A pitiful weakling." As he said those words, the spectators didn't even see him move as he made a jumping motion from his seating area towards the arena. Before their eyes could react he was already landed on the arena with his arms around his body as he looked Qin Wu with pitiful eyes. The arena was quite large and even Sky Profound Realm cultivators made several jumps to reach the arena but this Hawk Eyes just make one single jump and he arrived there instantly and gracefully landed on the ground. Now, people actually could see that towering black sword behind him.

The other contestants immediately widen their eyes as they see him move. "So fast. I didn't even see him move."

"Do you think he actually could defeat elder Qin Wu?"

"No..no.. its impossible, even Sky Profound Realm masters from previous fights can't move as fast as that."

"That Hawk Eyes isn't a simple man after all."

"Did you see his eyes when he lifted his head just now?"

"Yeah… its like his eyes pierce me like a hawk. No wonder these people call him that."

"No, the guards at the gate call him that. So it kind of spread as people didn't know his true name. But now I see why they call him as such."

Qin Wu was shocked as he saw Mihawk's movement. It was fast and his eyes didn't even see he move. He immediately kept his guard up but he couldn't help but being curious about this unknown swordsman. He gritted his teeth and just said one word. "You…."

As he stood on the arena, everyone eyes and mocks of mockery was immediately silenced. None of them dared to talk once he shown his movement just now. But, that doesn't marks the end of his skills.

Yun Che divert his eyes and saw Qin Wu's sword on his lap before sighing. "If you're really a fine swordsman, you should've been able to judge the difference in strengths without drawing your sword."

"Challenging me to a life and death battle.... Are simply that dumb or really that reckless? Is the life of an elder clouded your judgement of facing the reality of stronger realm above you?" As he said he immediately shouted in his heart "Damn, I always wanted to say that line."

"You… DON'T SIMPLY GET COCKY JUST YOU CAN MOVE FASTER THAN ME!!" Elder Qin Wu simply draw his sword earning the attention of his disciples and the spectators. But not enough to put even a small amazement towards Yun Che. The sword looked like ordinary Chinese design sword and emits an aura stronger unlike those ordinary powerless swords.

"An Earth Profound Realm sword?!?"

"As expected from the Qin Clan, to think that he owned an Earth Profound Realm sword."

"Yes, So far this is the only sword in the Earth Profound Realm. The Qin clan determined to win this tournament if that Qin Wu used such a sword."

As someone who held an upgraded peak Monarch sword, he didn't even interested in that sword as he simply spoke "An Earth Profound Sword? Pretty decent piece."

"Decent?! Draw your weapon! Let's see this decent sword can't defeat a bigger weapon like yours. Even if you had bigger doesn't make you stronger." Qin Wu pointed his sword towards him.

"As someone who just saw the world from the bottom of the well. Very well, come at me when you're ready." He simply spoke while remain standing on the stage. Didn't draw his sword and doing anything. Just standing there like a statue.

Qin Wu's blood was boiling before he spoke again. "You…what is the meaning of this? Are you mocking me by not drawing anything?"

"You can say that."

He suddenly remembered Retsu's word during the banquet back then and decided to use it as well. "I am not like you idiots use a cannon to shoot a duck. You call yourself a swordsman but remember this is the Blue Wind Empire, the weakest Empire in the Profound Sky Continent. I originally wanted to use a smaller weapon but I think my finger is enough to deal with you."

"You… A nobody like you doesn't have the right to MOCK ME!!!" Qin Wu suddenly increased his speed towards him in an attempt to take him down with one shot. But, Yun Che made a little movement by shifting to the side before slapping the elder's sword gracefully. The momentum of the elder cause him to fell face first to the ground earning him humiliation in front of the crowd.

Seeing the elder was the one who fell, none of the spectators dared to say anything. Now they actually know between a true swordsman and someone who held a sword. The elder was from one of the strongest clan in the Blue Wind empire but immediately he started engaging the swordsman Mihawk, he was being toyed on the spot.

Seeing the humiliation, he was suffered as he gritted his teeth before engaging him again. He swings his swords towards Yun Che once more but this time he simply raised his finger before the strike hits it.


What shock the audience wasn't the sound of blood or a finger being cut. It was actually the sound of the sword hitting the finger but it wasn't advancing further. Seeing the current situation, Qin Wu immediately widen his eyes. "What in the .....world?"

Yun Che shows him a mocking smirk as he said "Hmph, a sword without strength is just an iron bar."

Qin Wu gritted his teeth as he could only say "You…"

"*Sigh, challenging you was a waste of my time." He flicks the sword aside before moving to the center of the arena.

"You…I won't accept this. Me. A Qin elder. Defeated by a nobody. I won't accept this." Qin Wu started running towards him swinging his sword like a madman. Clearly the elder has lost his mind and started throwing skills after skills at him but Yun Che's body was graceful enough to avoid it by jumping around the arena and sometimes parrying his strikes with his finger.

The spectators from"Am I seeing things? Is it just me or that Hawk Eyes simply toying with the elder of the Qin Clan just like that?"

"No you're not the only one. He toyed with him like he was nothing. This Hawk Eyes, what kind of man is he? Why has anyone heard about him from before?"

The clan or sect master of the Qin Clan widen his eyes once more. Regretting that he too offended this man from before. "We…we offended a man capable toying with our supreme elder? What will become of our Qin Clan?"

"Looks like this is the end." Yun Che raised his finger before empowering it with his haki thus transformed it into a small energy dagger that wasn't visible to the naked eye. As the strike from the elder was coming, he immediately countered it by slicing the sword like a hot knife through butter. The sliced blade flew towards to the sky before landed on the arena. Qin Wu was startled as he widens his eyes while his sword was sliced apart by using only Yun Che's finger. With a quick side step, he uses the elder's momentum before hitting his neck with a little amount of force but that force was enough to knocked him out instantly.

The hit launched the elder out of the arena before crashing into the wall in front of him shocking the entire audience once more. Some of them even gaping from the beginning of the match until the end. With that concludes his match before he teleported back to his chair as if nothing was happening in the first place. Even if that fight just now is a life and death battle but he wasn't amused in fighting that kind of battle. With that, he finally advanced to the top thirty two.

Kon was observing everything from the beginning slowly sounded. "Hmph, looks like the he shoved the insult of the city back into their own asses."

Seeing this situation again, Retsu spoke once more. "*giggle, seeing their faces after insulting Yuu-kun was pretty satisfying."

Mio shown her usual stoic expression as she coldly spoke. "Danna-sama should kick that old dog's butt painfully after he threw those insults at him."

"But, he wanted to keep in character right? Maybe that's how that Mihawk would've done." Cang Yue spoke as she too remembered the same situation occurred once more.

Various whispers occur across the battlefield as Yun Che won his first match easily. Now, people won't dare underestimated him. Seeing the Qin elder was beaten just now spread news to the entire city about a lone dark horse suddenly rising above the distinguished clans.

The spectators immediately exclaimed "Impossible, the Qin clan's elder was beaten?"

"That Hawk Eyes, he beat that elder like he was nothing. He didn't even use his sword."

"Did you see how he used his finger to cut his sword? He just cut that Earth Profound Realm sword with his finger just like that."

"He wasn't even amazed by it. Then, does that mean that sword behind him is even stronger that an Earth Profound Realm sword?!?" As the spectators said that, everyone turned their attention towards the Black Sword Yoru behind his back. They didn't deny that logic but if its true that sword's level is even higher. The other fighters won't stand a chance against them.

At the betting section, the betting fatty just now lost everything the moment he decided to bet on the Qin Clan elder. He tried to beg for his money but he was thrown aside by one of the men. "No...no...my MONEY!!!! I shouldn't bet on that Qin clan just now. Damn it!!!" The fatty was about to leave until he was stopped by a group of men. The same men who followed his footstep in betting all in just now.

"You... If it wasn't for you. We won't lose our every coin. Men, beat him up!!" The fatty who make the suggestion just now had his ass handed to him but such petty squabbles wasn't enough to earn anyone's attention.

"That Hawk Eyes, he doesn't have any allegiance right? Why don't we try to butter him up to our side. If he were to join our clan, we will be unstoppable." The elder from the Xiao Clan slowly spoke from their side of the seating area.

"We better strike fast, we aren't the only clan interested in him." Another elder spoke to him as they saw the other clans whispering with each other. The Qin Clan can only bow themselves in shame as they lost the ability to rope someone stronger to their side.

Hearing those words allover the arena, Yun Che let out a satisfied smile underneath the hat. Looks like he finally got his attention and now he was going to build it. As for now, nothing interests him more than entering the tomb itself and looked forward to his next show off. But, the later fights' momentum seemed to be a little down after his fight. People were not interested in the later fights but looking forward of his next battle. After a few fights something caught his attention once the selection's announcer make his next announcement.

"The final fight before we enter the top thirty-two is the fight of the only female cultivator in the selection. Let's welcome our mysterious lone Fairy Li Yue versus Burning Heaven Clan elder, Feng Zhong." Yun Che who had his eyes closed suddenly opened as he wanted to see what this lone female is capable of.

Sorry about the late release. Re-started Assassin Creed I and Assassin Creed II the other day. Those games hooked me up. Here's my chapter.

Looked up to Eagle Vision the other day and I was able to relate it with intent from haki and create a new ability for the girls. Yun Che didn't learn it as he had the Sharingan which have similar function but he never use it.

PS: Maybe I try creating an Assassin Division from a shinigami. Just maybe.....

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts
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