
Chapter 198 Xuan Feng's Army Is Done For

Commander Ke spent much of the time going from his original battlefield to Baron and Xuan Feng's battlefield to try and reorganize his army. After making sure that Lun Hu's army would no longer be able to fight back at all, he had taken massive losses. Even without their leader, the men of Lun Hu's army would not be easily defeated. The fighting had led his own army to become extremely messy after feeling like he had done enough damage. So, he had some of his and Ba's trusted inner circle flip the army around so that they would be more offensive once they get into contact with Xuan Feng's army.

Though the enemies upon the mountains were still shooting at them, they wouldn't even be able to see Ke's men once they got to their neighboring battlefield so he paid them no mind. It was tough to do, but they managed to establish a formation that would be great for offensive maneuvers, but no so much for defensive ones. It took them half a day, but they were just able to make it in time to do a few hours of battle with the army of Xuan Feng alongside Baron's army before the night set and they were forced to retreat.

Baron had Ke's army camp with his and the two spent the night updating each other on what had happened on each other's battlefields and thinking of strategies that they could use to take out or cripple Xuan Feng's army with so that they would be able to aid Zhang Da Zhi. As it stood, Zhang Da Zhi would have the most difficulty with his opponent as he had to face mounting pressures from two of the all-stars of Lian Po.

Unfortunately, over the few days that it took for commander Ke to get to Baron, Baron's scouting team had lost track of the army that flanked them before. There were some that stationed themselves upon the mountains, but that wasn't all of them. Somehow, somewhere, that particular army had evaded all of Baron's advanced teams and gave went somewhere that they would not be able to be found. This could spell disaster if they were able to flank one of Baron's armies once more.

For the next few days, Baron and Ke's combined armies managed to deal significant damage to Xuan Feng's army using their pooled experiences in war and the use of a lot of their fighter strategists. Baron had been keeping a little secret from the armies of Xuan Feng all of this time, it was that his deepstrikes that he had thousands of and were all nearly undamaged were able to hit Xuan Feng's camp with relatively high accuracy rates. Once this fact was revealed, Baron made sure that he used every single one of his deepstrikes to fire their missiles at full speed. This completely decimated their enemies. Enough so that Ba was confident that he would be able to leave all of this to Baron and head on over to Zhang Da Zhi's battlefield.

The situation with Zhang Da Zhi and Jie Zi Fang plus Jiang Yan was completely different than Baron and Xuan Feng's. For one, Baron was already starting to get a foothold and was pushing back Xuan Feng's army, but Zhang Da Zhi seemed to be struggling quite a bit. Ke used the same formations as he had used on Xuan Feng's army that he had used for days and rushed at the closest enemy army that he could find.

Zhang Da Zhi, Qi Ji Guang, and Ding Lai Hang were starting to realize that they took more than they could chew and became ecstatic when they saw that they were getting reinforcements. The three of them were able to hold out this long due to the insane amounts of fighter strategists that they could use. However, as the days passed, that advantage started to dwindle as they lost more and more of them. With the arrival of their temporary ally Ke, Zhang Da Zhi was quick to do everything in his power to get the upper hand in the battle back to his side.

Many more sacrifices later at the end of the day, they were just barely able to get to that equilibrium point, with neither side pushing each other back. Zhang Da Zhi, Qi Ji Guang, and commander Ke took the night to update each other on the happenings on their own battlefields and took the time to plan on how to destroy their enemies. It took them many more days before they found something that worked.

They capitalized on that and were able to figure out a few more tricks that ended up helping them immensely. What truly drove the ax through their opponent's heads though, was that Baron's army also joined in on the action and there was just no way for the armies of Jie Zi Fang and Jiang Yan to compete. Baron took his time to properly cripple Xuan Feng's army, then proceeding also packed up their artillery so that they could be safely transported over long distances. Some days later, they had finally managed to get the last army to the point where they only needed one or two more days to completely win on all 3 fields.

This was something that they had no idea that they were capable of. Except, Ba was still in the enemy's hands somewhere. Who knows where the commander was, or even if he was alive. Such a blunder on their part was the only thing to go wrong in a list long list of things that could go wrong. Though it wasn't a perfect victory, they were still happy that they had managed to come out of such a grand battle on this scale on top. Especially considering that their opponents were the legendary all-stars of Lian Po. All of the leaders of each army gathered to discuss matters during the night and to have a premature celebration to drink a few.

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