
Familiar Urges

Zylvia ducked her head bashfully at her best friend's teasing. She felt flustered and embarrassed. But there was also a wistfulness inside as she felt the all too familiar urge for motherhood.

But she knew that she needed to be patient. It had taken Fayre two years to get pregnant. There was no guarantee that Zylvia would even be able to have a child that quickly. It might take a while and there was no guarantee that she was not actually barren.

She tried not to think of that possibility. At least even if she could not have kids, she would still have her beloved sorcerer. He was enough for her. While she definitely wanted kids, as long as it was Kaldrek at her side she could handle the thought of being unable.

Though they had only been married for little over a month so there was no real point worrying about it. Children did not come overnight. Zylvia mentally shook herself. She was worrying over nothing.

Instead of dwelling on it, she grinned at her best friend, "So, is there anything special you want me to make for your little one?"

Fayre thought about it a bit, and then smiled, "We still need to make some blankets. And you make them so beautifully." A pleading look came unto the queen's face, making Zylvia laugh.

"Alright. I can make some blankets." She smiled, before finding what she needed to start on the baby blanket that Fayre was going to need.

She wondered softly to herself what gender Fayre's child would be. Whether it would be a boy or girl. Or if Fayre would be blessed to have twins. She quietly hoped that this was the case as that would allow Fayre to actually have two children instead of just the one.

It was a few hours later that Fayre suddenly frowned, "Oh, dear."

"What's the matter?" Zylvia lifted her eyes from her work.

"I just realized that I am getting low on supplies." Fayre's eyebrows creased as she sighed. "And I really doubt my husband would allow me to go to the market for more. Ah, well, I suppose I might just have to send a servant to get some."

"You need someone to go to the market?" The bright voice of a young girl made Zylvia smile.

Hazel had just come into the room, her vibrant smile back on her face. She had obviously been out of sorts lately but she seemed over it, "I can go if you'd like. Asrar would go with me and I would be perfectly safe!"

Fayre smiled at her, "Thank you for the offer but –"

"Please? I am getting tired of being cooped up all the time…" Now Hazel got a pleading expression on her face, "And Asrar won't let me out without a good excuse."

Fayre and Zylvia looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Alright," Fayre giggled, "If you put it that way then I suppose I have to let you go."

"Yay!" Hazel clapped her hands together and skipped excitedly over, "So what do you need?"

Zylvia shook her head as Fayre gave the excited young woman instructions and some money for her purchases.

"Enjoy yourself, alright girl?" Fayre laughed as she sent Hazel on her way. As the girl left, the young queen smiled fondly, "Such a good girl, and rather more open minded than I think our husbands were expecting."

"Aye," Zylvia shook her head, "But her best friend is a sorcerer so unless she wanted to lose that than she had to be."

"He has improved as well, I think. At least he seems less distant."

Zylvia agreed with a smile. It was true; the princess's knight seemed much more friendly now, though he was still rather quiet.

It was about a half hour later that there was a knock on the door and Jayesh looked in at them, "Would you two like to join us for lunch?"

Fayre smiled at her husband and nodded, "Of course, I assume you mean you and Kaldrek?"


As Fayre walked over to her husband Zylvia peered past him at her own. Kaldrek smiled at her and once their friends had moved into the hallway offered her his arm. She latched onto him and kissed his cheek.

He ruffled her hair, "Hungry, my love?"

"A little."

"Well, then, let's get you fed."

As he spoke, he guided her down the hall behind the other two. Zylvia found it nice just hanging on his arm as if it belonged to her. Which it kinda did.

I was wondering if any of you might have a guess as to the gender of Fayre's child? I have tried my hardest not to give it away as of yet, though I left one hint of a foreshadowing if any of you noticed it.

And also if you might have a guess as to the gender of Zylvia's first child? This one I have left small hints to.

RainStormcreators' thoughts
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