
Watch Over All of You

Wang Yingjie closed the door behind him as silently as he entered. Only Iris noticed him when he entered. The others didn't notice him at all, including Jin Liwei who was too preoccupied with his stubborn grandmother. Wang Yingjie was wearing his doctor's uniform and white lab coat. His naturally aloof expression warmed up when he smiled at them.

After greeting each other, Grandma Li called Wang Yingjie over to sit beside her on the hospital bed. She treated him like her defender against the villains (Huang Yuyan, Jin Liwei and Iris) who were trying to stand in her way. Everyone looked amused at her childish behaviour, especially since the elder was an elegant lady.

"I'm currently on break from my rounds. I heard from some of my colleagues that you came because of Grandma Li, so I immediately headed here." Then he turned to the elder. "Grandma Li, I hope you'll forgive me for accessing your medical files before I came here."

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