
Undo the seal

Universe 7

Planet Earth

A wild Broly appeared in a desert place on planet Earth... an inhospitable place with hardly any vegetation in which there were only rocks and sand... A very characteristic scenario of Dragon Ball Z to have definitive battles with bad guy's.

Which meant that the planet earth wasn't yet overly populated ... and that our Z Warriors were careful not to cause collateral damage in their battles...

Broly walked calmly through this desert landscape, until he reached a specific point, where he stopped.

"Well ... the most appropriate moment has arrived ...

I knew where you were from the first moment that my En covered this planet...

But until now I hadn't had the power to control you completely... and to use your abilities at my will...

But now that I have completed my Three Realm's and my knowledge of magic has reached a good level...

The moment to acquire you has arrived...

Majin Buu"

Broly transformed into True Super Saiyan God made his Jagan light up with a greenish color, proof that he was performing his "Space Invasion" in that area to teleport an object hidden underground...

Moments later, in front of Broly appeared to big sferic purple cocoon with vein-like bulges on it. That was the cocoon where Majin Buu was sealed in by Bibidi five million years ago.

Five million years ago, Bibidi sealed Buu in this cocoon and left him in Planet Earth when was difficult to control him…

Taking advantage of this opportunity Shin killed Bibidi ... and as the irresponsible and incompetent god that he is… he left the Majin Buu sealed on the planet Terra so that millions of years later... Babidi the doppelganger of Bibidi brought him back to life with the help of Gohan, Goku and Vegeta... who acted as true irresponsibles as well ...

While Broly watched the huge purple cocoon "Thanks Shin, your uselessness as Kai will benefit me a lot ...

Mmmm... what to do?

I could absorb him directly into my Formless Realm, then move him to the Desire Realm and wake him in there to carry out my experiments, but...

That would make it less interesting ...

Besides... it's been a while since I gave him a joke" He said trying to contain his laughter

Broly approached the huge cocoon of Majin Buu and undid his Transformation from True Super Saiyan God to simply True Super Saiyan ... and began channeling energy into the cocoon.

He was trying to awaken the terrible Majin Buu... the final and most powerful enemy of Dragon Ball Z 29 years before he should awaken in the official history...

Broly had dispensed with his divine phase because, as in Dragon Ball Z, the divine energy of Shin or Kibito didn't work to awaken Buu… a mortal Ki was necessary, so Broly was forced to use a inferior transformation.

Broly was slowly introducing his energy according to the indications that Normal Shenron gave him when he asked for his first wish... elevating his power level more and more, so much so that a certain person noticed.

In Kami's palace, Mr Popo was doing his cleaning tasks ... while Kami was walking around Sillon-kun on the edges of the temple making his usual patrol to observe what was happening in his world...

"Ahhhh, since Broly left, everything is so quiet ...

No jokes, no frights, no surprises and the planet are not in danger of disappearing ...

Everything is as it should be..." Kami said, relaxing placidly in his robotic chair while a tear escaped his eyes for the happiness of that moment ...

However, that joy didn't last long... since he had perceived an immeasurable energy in a certain location of the planet...

An energy so immense that he didn't think it was possible for a living being to contain it, but... he immediately noticed that that energy he had felt it somewhere before ...

"This cannot be true... Broly has returned and has become more powerful?

What's he doing?"

Kami, accompanied by Mr Popo, who had also noticed that immeasurable energy, approached one end of the platform… which hid an evil and terrifying presence.

So terrifying that Kami and Popo were trembling with fear ...

"What does Broly intend to do with that?" Kami said as he got out of the robotic chair.

Kami continued watching as Broly continued to supply energy to that terrifying cocoon ... which was beginning to beat and to expel white smoke from its base.

The cocoon every time beat faster and expelled a greater amount of white smoke from its base... the energy contained was getting bigger and bigger and its malice... became increasingly solid and deep... And proportionally increased concern and fear of Kami...

However, all their fears reached a point of no return when that strange cocoon hatched ... splitting in half... a pink smoke was coming out into the atmosphere...

To his relief it seemed that the cocoon was empty, there wasn'thing inside, but... looking up... he realized that the pink smoke had concentrated in the sky and had formed a cloud...

A cloud that was once gathering and taking shape ... until it materialized completely ...

Forming the fat Majin Buu

A strange being with pink skin, an antenna on top of his head with three "steam holes" on each side... clothed in a purple cape, and a black vest with golden trims.

He wears yellow gloves and boots with white baggy pants ... also a black belt with a golden belt buckle with the "Demon mark".

He was the Majin Buu that appeared for the first time in Dragon Ball Z.

After materializing Buu, with his typical face of happiness and big chubby cheeks that covered his eyes... he looked around and began to do some warm-ups, probably to get minimally in shape after sleeping for more than 5 million years...

Once he stopped doing his warm-ups... he started to play in a childish way, doing cartwheels, walking around with his leg or circling around him and applauding himself... ignoring Broly, who had become True Super Saiyan God once again.

Seeing the harmless appearance and behavior of Buu ... Kami relaxed a bit, believing that he had exaggerated again "Well ... it doesn't seem as terrible as I thought ...

He's just playing ... maybe he's not a threat ...

I thought the same about Broly ... maybe I shouldn't trust appearances

I have become too distrustful with the years"

Kami tried to reassure himself, since the situation didn't seem as catastrophic as he believed at first, until…

"THIS IS A TRAGEDY! A TRAGEDY! WE'RE FINISHED!" Shout behind Mr Popo and Kami desperately a rather familiar voice...

It was none other than our dear Broly... who had come to visit his two dear friends to give them good news.

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !?" Shouted Mr Popo and Kami, who were shocked by Broly's words... but also by seeing him here, since a few moments ago he was on the other side of the world... and as they were checking he was still there... He hadn't moved at all on the side of that fat and pink being.

"Are you Broly?" Mr Popo said trying to understand the strange situation that was happening in front of him.

"Yes... I'm a Broly clone created to do household chores and study an online engineering career, but that doesn't matter now.

We are facing a great catastrophe!" Broly shouted, while he shook Kami by the shoulders

Kami, shocked by the fear that Broly was showing, asked "Is the great danger that strange pink being?"



It is a monster that has existed for millions of years... a practically immortal and invincible being that only exists to destroy, and that over the years was absorbing the evil elements of mankind, becoming steadily more violent… it is a fucking killing machine, not even the Supreme Kais could do anything against him...

Now he's free on planet earth ... AND HE SUREY WANTS TO DESTROY THE WHOLE GLAXY!" Broly shouted, shaking Kami's shoulders harder.

Kami as he was shaken, his green color was turning pale and dripping cold sweat, as he understood the seriousness of the matter when hearing about the Supreme Kais "Even the Supreme Kais couldn't do anything against him?" He said stammering by the panic that was growing inside him.

"YES! They couldn't do anything against him! That monster devoured two of them and killed two others, leaving only one that was saved for hiding ...

EVERYTHING IS OVER! THIS IS THE END!" Cried Broly like a crazy bitch

Kami who had fallen in panic ... and full of anger which he directed towards Broly... and rightly... asked while shaking him also from the shoulders "IF YOU KNEW ALL THIS… WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU RESURRECTED HIMI?!



Broly still shaking him off the shoulder said with the same hysterical intensity

"There was a sign that said" DON'T TOUCH "and another" DON'T SUPPLY ENERGY TO THE COCCON"!

What did you expect me to do?

I am a 10-year-old boy! It was as if they provoked me to do it!


Kami on hearing that excuse ... was about to be dismayed by fear, anger and helplessness ... and in fact if it weren't for the constant jolts of Broly that would be the result, but that was the beginning of his terror.

"He's going to kill us all ... we'll all suffer countless tortures ... but especially you Kami!" Broly said as he pretended that his legs weren't working properly due to fear

"Hey? Why me?" Said Kami, who really didn't work his legs properly due to his fear




He will come here and torture you, sodomize you... he will turn you into his little whore and then he will eat you alive while he laughs!

YOU WILL SUFFER A LOT! So much that you would wish to die in the first second of the many hours in which he will be torture with you!

WE ARE DONE! EVERYONE! BUT ABOVE ALL YOU!" He cried desperately, being this the best tragic performance of his life.

Upon hearing all this story ... feel the immeasurable energy that the Majin Buu had and the evil he felt coming from him before birth ... Kami began to have an anxiety attack.

His already pale skin turned completely white with certain bluish tones, the antennae retracted completely... he almost looked like a Frost Demon.

His pupils went blank while he muttered incomprehensible words ... until he fainted, falling against the floor

[Ups ...

I think that this time my joke has gone too far...

I didn't see him from so long ago ... that I wanted to make a good joke to commemorate our good moments.

Kami is becoming too sensitive]

"Kami-Sama!" A pale Mr Popo shouted as he ran to help the fainted Kami and lamented for fate the planet Earth and all its inhabitants


You have been victims of another of my classic jokes!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! "Said Broly writhing with laughter on the floor

Mr Popo, with his body frozen and burning with fury at the same time, looked at Broly wanting to kill him ... but immediately calmed down while attending to Kami ... and losing all the desire to lecture him, he asked "So that Majin Buu is not so dangerous?"

"Oh ... that wasn't a joke, he is extremely dangerous ...

But compared to me he is nothing ...

I'll finish him ...

HAHAHAHA! You should see what face you put ...

In fact, I've recorded it in a video ...

Look Mr Popo" Said Broly while showing a movie in which Kami was fainting

Majin Buu was still jumping around the field ... happy and energetic to have left the ball without anyone giving him orders… when suddenly...

"HEY! YOU! Fucking fat bastard with a stupid face! I'm here!" Shouted the True Super Saiyan God Broly with a mocking voice...

Majin Buu on hearing those insults stopped acting in a childish way...

Instead, he turned his gaze to where Broly was and opened his eyes with fury


I have been able to create a chapter for today, but I don't know if it will be possible for me to do it tomorrow ...

In the next chapter you will know what this saga will be about ... I'm risking this with this saga

Meralmancreators' thoughts
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