
Vol 4 : Ch 293 - Small world it is

Vol 4: Ch 293 - Small world it is

After telling his story to his friends El and Bum, he is now looking to his wife dearly and having a very subtle expression. His friends Bum and El with their wife are just looking to him sincerely because both of them are now satisfied that at least their friend already found the right one for him.

Bum: Never expected that this divorcee got me first, huh, he already has a bun coming and yet I'm still in the process of making one.

El: That's not the right one to say you know.

Lu : (Done looking to his wife and commented to Bum statement) if you're a sharpshooter then you can also have one.

Bum: Are you mocking me?

Lu: If you think that way then go ahead but for now let's go home now since El has a flight tomorrow in at early morning.

El: Yeah and let's see each other again for this man's wedding.

Lu: Right, right.

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