

No one could have foreseen this ending as this was suppose to be a blood bath, especially since the last few matches were more skills oriented. Sure, people had died, but it wasn't overly gory. In truth, there shouldn't have been as many monsters as there were, but because they were on a time crunch, they added more to not only make things more flashy, but to make it end faster.

Due to all this, there was no one who considered that someone might actually be able to survive the massacre. But Laz had done just that. And what's more, he was injured, bloody, cripple and yet somehow had survived.

Now there was just one more test for him to endure.

The Emperor stood as the cheers of the crowd quieted.

Laz's fate was now to be determined by this man, whether he would live or die for his performance. If it was acceptable, he would be rewarded and live. If it wasn't, then he would be killed even after surviving the beasts.

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