

Laz felt like if he made a mistake, he was dead. As Azeban charged at him again and again, Laz was barely able to fend off the razor sharp claws and powerful jaw but dodge, ducking, weaving, and throwing himself around like a rag doll. The last time he had treated his own body this way was when he was being chased by his uncle shooting at him with rubber bullets.

Laz had never felt so close to death before.

There had been times when he had walked the line, but at those times he had been simply walking it on his own. Now, it was like he was constantly being pushed towards the abyss and only by sheer will and a bit of luck was he still alive.

Any arrogance Laz had due to having previously fought god like characters and lived was out the window. This one was going to kill him if he didn't do something and soon.

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