
The Church's Scheme

[Olaf POV]

This is very annoying. I thought that becoming a Holy Knight would finally put me into the middle echelons of the Church. Yet here I am, in this Goddess-forsaken slums of the world, trying to convince an evil noble to work for me.

He even expects me to pay him back! How dare a noble of this run-down town tell me what to do! The only reason I'm even bargaining with him is because I can't go out into the desert by myself.

The Arch Bishop really wants this so-called Holy Spring Water. They even sent out an Appraisal Master to the desert! What does this water even do? Apart from being very clear and slightly sweet, I can't find anything special about it.

However, the Arch Bishop told me that I might be promoted to Inquisitor if I complete this mission well. After that, he left me with 2,000 gold coins and told me to make do with it.

Somehow, I get the feeling that I'm a disposable pawn. That I'm just supposed to complete this mission then disappear off the face of the earth. Despite that, there is no way for me to disobey.

After all, anyone who is found guilty of treason will be strung and whipped for 20 days in a row, before being made into a living candle. And I really don't want to die yet.

At worst, I'll just run away and live like a fugitive. The Church may be strong, but only true deities can be all reaching.

Anyway, the 'exploration' – the excuse Khardin came up with – has finally started. There is something suspicious about the group though. There is a single adventurer who dresses like a knight yet is totally subservient. He also stays away from the main group. Does he really think I wouldn't notice him?

We reached the first oasis. I approached Khardin again to make sure that he knows what he's supposed to be doing, yet he once again demands for payment. Does he think I'm weak? I'm only supressing my aura so I go unnoticed.

Khardin won't get paid; instead, he'll pay for going against the Church.

That night, the Holy Spring Water extraction started. I have some other matters to deal with, so I won't be supervising it.


Somehow, Khardin managed to stuff it up. He didn't even get the water at the first oasis! He thought he could hide it from me, but I have my sources. I bet he'll attend the one tonight.

What an idiot! That will just make it easier for whoever is plotting against you to kill you!


I was right. Khardin is dead, and it seems that whoever the killer was is also a Necromancer. I can almost smell the stench of Death on his body. However, I thought that Necromancers are only able to create non-intelligent zombies. How come Khardin is acting like his normal self? Maybe I was mistaken. Perhaps Khardin himself is a Necromancer.

All the more reason to kill him after this quest is over. Maybe I can get a faster promotion if I bring the head of a Necromancer along with me.

Tonight will be the third night of the 'exploration'. The assailant has gotten away scot free so far, but I don't plan on letting him get away. My life depends on this mission, after all!


[Daniel POV]

The third night began. This time, instead of being conceited and continuing my usual movements, I started being more cautious.

Olaf must have caught wind of the events in the previous two nights, and I bet he will be on the lookout for me. I'm not sure if he can detect the fact that Khardin is dead though.

If he can, then all the plans I've come up with so far will go down the drain. Although zombie Khardin is my zombie, he's still Khardin in the end. I absolutely won't feel bad about killing him again.

By using Corpse Explosion – a new spell from max level Necromancy – while he's close to Olaf, I can distract him for long enough to plunge my dagger into his heart.

Why his heart? Because this time I don't want to turn him into a zombie. By making his body blow up as well, the entire group will probably be on high alert. After that, I can return to my original disguise and retreat along with the group.

The time has finally come. From my hiding position, I can see Olaf walking towards Khardin. He doesn't seem to be on high alert. Maybe he can't sense the Death aura. Whatever. This works out in my favour.


Just as he gets within one metre of Khardin, I blow up his corpse. Following that, I quickly run under the cover of the smoke to his side. Withdrawing my Orichalcum Dagger, I stab his heart.

Only to find no resistance whatsoever, as if I just cut through the wind.


I turn around, and my worst fears are confirmed. Olaf is all nice and healthy – that fake Olaf I saw must have been a clone or a projection.

"So YOU are the Necromancer. I thought that you were suspicious, but I never would have guessed you had this goal in mind. Do you know the price for going against the Church?!" (Olaf)

"Whatever it is, it's probably better than what you'll experience very soon." (Daniel)

"Cocky! Don't even try it. I know you are a weakling, like all others in this shanty of a town." (Olaf)

"Heh. All bark and no action. If you're so high and mighty, then come!" (Daniel)

"As you wish!" (Olaf)

Success! I've lured him into my trap. This was my Plan B. In case Olaf didn't die from the explosion, I had Khardin stand within a natural circular moat. The moat is deep enough to trap two tall men standing on top of one another. At the bottom, corpses made from Khardin's retinue are present.

Once he falls in, then boom! He gets blasted to smithereens. The only problem is if the Olaf in front of me is another projection. But I doubt that. He seems way too angry to be one.

Unfortunately, Ed's appraisal can't tell the difference. There's only a 50/50 chance that this works. I hope luck is on my side today!

While silently praying to whichever unknown deity, I stand before Olaf all stoic and manly. I don't have an Astral Projection though, so I actually don't know how I look at this moment.

Shush! I'm brainwashing myself to be brave! Stop trying to endanger my life!

Hahahaha! Olaf fell into the moat! And in 3… 2… 1… *BOOOOOOOOOM*

This time, he's surely dead. Regrettably, there's no way to confirm that since it's just a shower of flesh and blood right now.

I have my Skeleton Warriors standing guard around the camp right now, just in case Olaf manages to survive and escape. Even if he does survive, I doubt he'd be in any position to outrun my Warriors.

Well, all's well that ends well. Now, I need to get back to my room before I'm witnessed standing here in this gore fest.

And another one! The 7th chapter of the day.

I'm really outdoing myself today.

Thanks for reading!

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