
Entry Data #2: Section A - 2

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Accessing DRAGON data]

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+ Ladon was the serpent-like drakon (dragon, a word more commonly used) that twined round the tree in a Specific Garden as well as guarding the golden apples. Ladon was also said to have as many as one hundred heads.

+ The Akhekh is characterized as a fantastical beast with a long serpentine body that is supported by its four legs. The mythical dragon was said to reside in remote corners of the Egyptian lands. Although mainly seen around the fringe desert areas beside the fertile Nile valley. Interestingly enough, the tales of the drake might have inspired the legends of the Griffins in Europe. Akhekh – in which the creature maintains its serpentine profile with the ancient Egyptian headgear (Uraei), albeit with an antelope's body and a bird's head.

+ Described as having a crest, three tongues and a magical set of teeth this dragon was called the Drakon Kholkikos (or simply Colchian Dragon).

+ Fafnir (according to various sagas) oddly enough started out his life as a mere dwarf. He was the son of the Dwarf king Hreidmar, and was responsible for killing his own father to get hold of all the wealth and treasure that was originally stolen from the æsir gods. However, after he had taken the valuables out of sheer greed, he was cursed by Andvari's ring and gold among the loot (it was a trick played by Loki). This transformed him into a mighty mythical dragon with armored scales that couldn't be penetrated by ordinary weapons.

+ Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan was worshiped as the great 'feathered serpent' god in the pantheon of Aztecs, Toltecs and the Mayans. The major deity (often taking the form of a mythical dragon-like entity) seems to have played a multifaceted role while practicing his 'godly' business. To that end, Kukulkan was the god of creation, the sire of both the Morning and Evening Star, the protector the craftsmen, the rain-maker, the wind-blower and also the fire-bringer.

+ The primordial Kur is often considered as the first dragon. He is described as residing in the void above the earth's layer and below the primal sea. The monstrous entity is also often related to the Sumerian concept of the underworld, and such, among its numerous wicked exploits, the dragon once kidnapped the goddess Ereshkigal by taking her into his netherworld realm.

+ Python is depicted as the earth dragon that came from a slime in Delphi, while other sources claim the entity to be a female offspring of Gaia, the Earth goddess. She was described as being so humongous that her gargantuan coils stretched around the entire site of the Delphi oracle – thus ably protecting her mother.

+ There are many this know and unknown about dragons many of them being .... .... ....

[ ERROR … …

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