
Who Dares

Liang Jian Amal headed back to Amira's chambers where Chang was residing, as he entered he heard the sound of running water in the bathtub. He saw the light shining around the cracks of the almost closed door and pushed it open slightly to peek inside. He saw Chang entering the water with her back to him, her hair loose and flowing. He had intended to either enter or wait, but something stopped him short and he watched, an unintentional voyeur.

As she went further into the water she pulled her hair over the front of her shoulder, exposing her back to his eyes. He followed from the lush curve of hers hips up but stopped on the ugly marring on her spine. Seeing the mess of scabs and blue bruising on her tender skin, he started to burn and kicked the door open, startling her.

Chang crossed her arms over her chest, one hand clutching the cloth and turned to the loud bang, her eyes wide. She saw Jian seething in the doorway, staring at her exposed back.

"Ah! Get out! I'm bathing right now!" She walked to the edge of the tub furthest away from him, her back turned towards him.

"Who did that to you?" He spat through his teeth at her.

"No one. Me. Get out!" Chang tried to shoo him out.

Ignoring her command he walked into the area and came around to face her.

"Ah dont you understand the meaning of the words, get out!"

"I do, but I dont understand how "no one" could mar you like this, or why you're avoiding me Chang. What happened?"

Chang tucked her chin to her chest, avoiding his gaze, refusing to answer.

Seeing her holding her tongue, he started to strip throwing his clothes dismissively in a pile to the right.

"Hey what are you doing?" Chang asked him, eyes wide.

"What does it look like?" The man hopped into the water beside after he had removed his clothes.

"Fine, then, I'll go." Chang started to make her way around the edge, heading to where she sat a towel for herself on the edge. Two arms appeared on either side of her trapping her. She could feel his heat radiating off him on her back, and stiffened subconsciously.

"Why are you avoiding me? It's so frustrating. Chang, I want you to feel comfortable with me and tell me the truth. I truly care for you."

The words melted part of the thorn that was stuck in her heart, leaving an aching bitter feeling.

"I'm not avoiding you. I just want to be by myself right now?" Her statement involuntarily started to turn into a question as he turned her around slowly to meet his intense gaze.

His eyes told her how much he cared, how concerned, he was angry but it wasn't directed at her. He was angry for her, for her hurt and she felt it move her.

Looking into his eyes Chang noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes as if he had been working tirelessly without adequate rest for awhile. He even had a rough shading of stubble darkening his jaw line. She reached one if her fingers up to lightly brush the bruising. The man closed his eyes and sighed, the chandelier above lit up the highlights in his bronzed hair and cast long shadows from his eyelashes across his cheekbones. He took her hand lightly and pressed it against his mouth. He whispered against her skin, but she couldn't hear him over the heartbeat in her ears.

"What did you say.?" She breathily asked when his deep gold-flecked eyes turned back up to hers.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you earlier today. I promise to never let this happen to you again."

Chang was caught off-guard by his apology.

"Why should you apologize, this wasn't your fault."

"It is though. I should have been more cautious. I should have protected you better. This won't happen again."

Chang felt tongue tied and was unable to speak, seeing her mute mouth opening and closing, he took the cloth from her hand. He motioned for her to turn around and started to gently clean the area where she was hurt, making sure there was no dirt or anything in it.

She gasped a couple times to which he apologized.

"Last time, we're doing this, ok? From now on any marks on you are going to be from me."

Chang felt her face start to turn bright tomato red at his words.

"How can you say such things with a straight face?"

"What did I say something wrong?"


Jian reached over and turned off the water spout that was still delivering steaming water into the pool and sat on the long carved sitting nook in the water.

"Come just sit with me for a moment." He ran his fingers back through his hair pushing it off his forehead before reaching his hand out to her.

Chang took his hand and slowly eased herself into the water next to him which came up to her collarbones when she sat. At first it stung from the scrape on her back, but she got used to it, and enjoyed the heat in her sore muscles.

"Ahh." So good. The water felt heavenly and was soothing and she leaned her head back against the edge where Jian's arm lay.

He let her soak for awhile before helping her wash, much to her dismay. Though some small voice in her head told her she loved the attention.

After they were out and dry, he applied an ointment on her back and patiently helped her comb her curly mass of wet hair.

They then laid in the sunroom, which was quickly becoming Chang's favorite place, due to the fresh sweet air. She laid on her side head and hand on his chest. He must have been exhausted as he quickly fell asleep within a minute of them laying down. Chang viewed his sleeping face until she fell asleep, lulled by the steady heartbeat under her hand.

She slept peacefully all night for the first time in days.

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