
Chapter 2 Meeting someone interesting

Alex and co arrives at the Happy island with the group of tourists who wants to explore and see the unique things of this island.

The Happy Island is a medium sized island encapsing an area slightly bigger than the big cities in the world.

The place where the humans live is only as big as a small settlement with around 70 to 80 families whose living depends on the tourist as well as shops such as cruise ship coming for restock along with finding the truth behind the legend.

It is said that the Happy Island used to be a place which seem to be the breeding ground of Togepi line.

There were many legends of the this island.

One such legend is something that a local resident of the island seem to be narrating Alex and his group.

Alex and group after docking on the small port of the Island, were going to separate but apparently the girls in the group didn't want to follow that plan.

They can see many local things which have attracted their attention when their eyes surveyed the stalls positioned near the port. With so Many things attracting their attention they need someone to carry it for them and hence the three men of the group, Alex, Bill and Julius seem to be the one who were honored to carry their things.

After the battle where Alex has completely annihilated Elsa, Alex and Bill managed to become friends with them.

Although Aurea seem to take every effort she can to make Alex do manual labour for them. Like when they were lazing around in the top deck of the cruise in the folding chairs.


Alex, Bill, Elsa, Julius, Elesa, Aurea and Skyla have gathered together at the top deck.

They are resting on the chair at the side of the swimming pools with everyone in their swimming suits. Everyone in the group, although young, are good looking even at this young age to attract the attention of many people as one can see from the multiple eyes fixated on them.

Especially the girls of the group attract the most attention with their developing body. Even Bill and Julius weren't any exception. As for Alex, he is currently talking to the Eevee in Mew form.

She is munching over her snacks and seem to ignore everything around her except for the food bowl in front of her.

Seeing this he joked about her, " You know if you eat like this you may become a munchlax version of yourself."

No matter whether it is a Pokemon or human, no woman wants to hear that she is fat or going to be fat. Similar is the case with Mew, when she heard him say that she is miffed.

Even though she cannot use her psychic to educate Alex especially in such a crowded place, She still swept her tail at Alex face making him fall down.

She along with other laughed at Alex and she turns her attention to her food.

Bill on seeing this said," You spoil her so much and yet she attacks you like that. I don't know if your pokemons are jealous of her."

Alex rises to his feet and then said to the group," My pokemons can be jealous of anyone but not her. She is Espeon's friend and if anyone bully her, she will make sure to teach them a lesson. " Espeon nodded when her idiot trainer said that.

Everyone just chuckled at this and Bill seem to have something secret which he say to Alex softly in his years,"They are beautiful aren't they?"

Bill asked while looking at the four beautiful girls who has attracted the attention of almost every male around them.

Alex is twelve now and with many things going through his mind, the beautiful girls cannot attract much if his attention except for a glance.

Secondly, he is an assistant under Professor Oak, hence he got some habits of a scientist and a genius. One being thickheaded and being oblivious.

He finds new things and discoveries much more exciting than the girls around him who can turn the eyes of the entire city if they pass by.

So Alex unaware of the meaning behind Bill's words simply replied and didn't bother to lower his voice. He said for everyone to hear," Yes, they are indeed beautiful. I think they will be even more so in the next decade."

His compliment made the girls blush and Elsa tried to prank him by saying," Oh, so Mr powerful trainer likes us. I didn't know you were so greedy that you will choose all of us instead of one of us."

Girls mature faster than boys and hence they caught onto such things sooner.

Alex didn't seem to catch the meaning and just said," After all, you all are pretty and beautiful. How can I compliment one and ignore the rest. And, I am your friend why should I choose only one, did you all have a fight?"

His words made everyone sweatdrop. He is very oblivious and didn't catch the hidden meaning behind those words.

" You did not get what she said did you?" Bill asked his confused friend.

" Is there something in those words?" Alex asked.

Although Skyla and Elesa seem slightly annoyed that he didn't seem to compliment as they except from him like Bill and Julius did on seeing this.

The way Alex answered seem to annoy them but none more than Aurea and Elsa. It seem like they took it too personally.

Ever since they have become friends, Alex is closer to Elsa and Aurea than other members and this actions of his, although not deliberate is enough to anger the young girls.

And they rose from their resting chair and walked towards him and glared at him. Espeon, Gengar and Mew know that their trainer has fallen into a pit.

" Did you just say that we aren't beautiful enough?" Aurea started.

" I ... I..." Their combined glare isn't what Alex can withstand and he cannot say anything.

" It seem you still don't know how to treat a woman." Elsa said while folding her hands under her growing bust.

" Indeed and he needs to be taught about it. " Aurea agreed with Elsa.

" From now on, you are our private valet. You will be helping us every day as payment for teaching you how to treat a woman?" Elsa declared.

" But...." Alex tried to protest but everything is in vain.

He was interrupted by the intense glare of the two and the two said something which froze him,"Valet meet us at four in the evening.

Also, do have your trainer card with you. You are paying." After that the two left Alex.

Alex looks at the two other male of the group with shocked and horror evident on the face.

" Bill, Julius, save me. I don't want to die. I am still too young to die."Alex asked for help from them but it isn't so.

They opted to ignore his pleas for help as for Espeon and Mew they both seem to agree with the actions of Elsa and Aurea.

Since then, Alex seem to not only serve as their valet but also as their cashier.

And it comes to today.


As the group roams around the town they came across a very interesting looking old man.

For if one looks at him he seem pretty ordinary except for his eccentric clothes which seem to resemble a Togepi.

The old man seem to be in his seventies or eighties. He has white hair with many wrinkles on his face showing his age. The shirt he wore was white with red and blue triangular marks similar to the ones that a Togepi has.

Meanwhile, his pants are wide similar to the egg like body of Togepi. He is very funny looking and had a very happy look on his face.

His appearance attracted everyone's attention but what really caught Alex's attention was the happiness his aura excluded. It isn't something normal for it is similar to what his Misdreavus exclude, hers is one with sorrow and resentment though.

Mew also sent him a message telepathically, " If you wish to know more about Togepi talk to him. He is related to their secret."

Mew said she won't help him catch Togepi or where to find them, but if she sensed something related to them in the vicinity she will hint him and so she did.

Alex opted to talk with the old man while others followed him behind.

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