
Chapter 16 Fight

There were around forty opponents other than Hella and the scared men of hers.

As soon as Alex sent out his Pokemons the forty grunts sent out their pokemons.

Haunter went to face his previous opponent, Gengar and dusclops on his own which were the Pokemons of the trainer with a scar across face.

Similarly, Charmeleon and Growlithe went off to deal with the Magmar and houndoom of the one with a deep scar at the forehead.

Claydol and newly appeared gallade stood by Alex side and looked at hella ready for her Pokemons.

She had released three Pokemons against Alex. They were Camerupt, the fire type from Hoenn, Sableye and another Hoenn Pokemon, lairon.

Claydol floated forward to deal with Camerupt and lairon while leaving gallade to deal with Sableye.

Swablu, Pikachu, ivysaur, butterfree, nidorino and pidgeotto were together to deal with the nearly eighty pokemons of the grunts. Or course Alex pulled out his staff from his backpack, ready to fight.

Soon, the chaos began as hella rushed for Alex with short knives flying towards Alex along with her two scarred followers who used the metal knuckles.


With the grunts,

Their pokemons mostly composed of koffing, grimer, beedrill, Houndour, Magneton, Meowth, as well occasional Weezing, Muk, persian and Rhyhorn.

Although they might be more in number but their strength was restricted to intermediate level. The only advantage they had against Alex was their number, yet they fell down easily like a castle of cards.

Swablu, Pikachu were at intermediate level, ivysaur, butterfree, nidorino and pidgeotto were, on the other hand, at the advance level.

Pikachu zapped through the grimers and koffing often causing explosion when he blows off the gas of koffing. Swablu was with her friend making sure he wasn't poison as she used safeguard.

Beedrill and Weezing were dealt with by pidgeotto who used her sharp wings( due to wind power) to cut through her opponents.

Butterfree dealt with the Muk, Meowth and Persian group and often paralysed the opponent's trainer making them confused in the middle of combat.

Ivysaur managed the magneton and the Rhyhorn of the group with her vines. She used her vines as a medium to poison them or outright knock them out.

Nidorino on the other hand used his horns to dealt with the Persian and raticate of the group. He was the one who dealt with his enemies the quickest but his way was also the most messiest of them.

The transformation of nidorino on his evolution made his control of Earth power through the limbs easier. And he easily learned earthquake.

Alex had trained nidorino in the past few months to send out earthquake at his opponents when he hit them even with the horn on his head.

Of course, nidorino was injured a lot during his practice session but he managed to use his four limbs as well as his horn to use quake waves.

His power of quake through these methods were only at 2 or 3 level on the Richter scale but it was still enough to injure Pokemons with weaker defense.

His every quake hit burst open the Pokemon and blood was slashed out. Alex has already asked them to use deadly force since they would most probably be out umbered, but it wasn't going to be a long battle so they didn't need to hold back.

These attacks of nidorino though powerful hurt his body frequently and cannot be used for a long time, unless he wants to be crippled.

His body can only sustain these attacks when he evolve into the nidoking but Alex still felt he wasn't up to par for the evolution and restrained himself from evolving his Pokemon.

After dealing with his opponent, he stood and caught his breadth then went off towards ivysaur to help her deal with her opponents.


With Haunter,

Pokemon pov,

Haunter and his opponents Gengar and dusclops sent off dark pulse at each other. But, Haunter was stronger and managed to cancel out the attack of the two with his own pretty easily.

Haunter looked at the dismayed Pokemons, Gengar and dusclops and said proudly," Last time, I held back and you both took great fun in playing with me, but now it will be me who will play with you. "

Haunter appeared behind dusclops and used shadow claw at dusclops making him bleed. He then used toxic on the ghost Pokemon to poison him.

Then he shifted to the left, where shadow ball just passed as he moved sideways. Get gar yelled back," Don't think you can beat us easily. You think you are some bigshot. I will have to remind that I am stronger than you."

Haunter sent the poisoned body of dusclops at his evolved form, Gengar with a shadow punch making him writhe in pain and then mockingly said to his evolved form,"Do you think just because you are my evolved form, you are stronger than me. You both are just a source of ghost energy for me, nothing else."

Gengar was sent flying because of the additional weight of dusclops.

Haunter appeared above the duo and sent a will o wisp at Gengar who cried out in pain from the burn he received.

The two ghost Pokemons were now writhing in pain on the floor and looked at them as the objective of giving status to his opponents have been reached. He sent a hex attack at the two.

The two didn't last long and had perished in the attack. The ghost energy of the duo was slowly released in the air but Haunter took the released energy in his body and absorbed it.

He just floated over their body as they slowly disappeared from vision. Their bidy didn't have enough ghost energy to sustain their amorphic body and hence the body was also lost.


With Alex and Hella,

His trainer didn't know about his Pokemons outcome as Alex had knocked down the two followers of her pretty easily since they underestimated him unlike their boss who was serious the entire time.

She was way ahead if others in combat and even above Alex, though it wasn't much of a surprise due to lack of fighting experience of Alex against abled human fighters.

Alex was covered in cuts on his hands and abdomen areas. His clothes too possessed multiple cuts.

Hella on the other hand only had damaged clothes on her stomach and her arms. But it didn't mean she wasn't injured. Alex had hit her hard on her back, shoulder, arms and almost hit her head and knocked her out if not for her instincts.

Some of these parts even turned blue die to string impact. She was able to last even after these wounds was because if her higher pain tolerance and experiencing graver injury than these.

What Alex attention was on the hot Villaness only but she looked at the deteriorating situation. Most of the grunts and their pokemons were knocked out,the ghost pokemons too were down.

Her Camerupt and lairon were crushed by the claydol,and although Sableye seemed like he had the upper hand, he couldn't connect any attack, as the opponent teleport.

Charmeleon and Growlithe took down the houndoom and only Magmar stood but he wasn't fairing much better so she made a decision.

Alex swept his staff at her abdomen once again and this time she didn't dodge and let it hit.

She was sent sailing back and hit the wall of the mansion. Alex was confused by her, as she could at least dodge or deviate the attack course yet she let her hit him until his senses made him aware of the danger and he rolled out if the way.

The chandelier hanging on the ceiling had fallen on Alex's previous location.

His claydol and gallade who were on the impact zone teleported away with Charmeleon and Growlithe too. Magmar was hit hard and was knocked down under the load.

The two scarred followers were crushed under the weight and unlike Pokemons didn't have enough endurance to survive the hit.

As he rose to his legs, he saw that at Hella side were her Pokemons, Camerupt, Sableye and lairon along with a hypno and Jynx.

She stood to her feet too although shaky and said ," I will see you later, babe. And at that time, you will be mine. " And she was teleported away.

Claydol had tried to block their escape but hypno held him back and they escaped from Alex.

Alex was angry at the escape of the leader and death of the two who most probably knew about the shadows and could be interrogated, and he smashed the table nearby after that ordered his Pokemons Claydol and gallade to deal with the rest easily.

Alex headed where the bodies of the two scarred face were to see if they had a life on them. He arrived at their side and used aura vision to look at their life conditions.

Their life energy had drained and they had perished under the impact which saddens Alex as his task failed for the first time. He didn't like the feeling of failure and was very frustrated.

He then noticed something interesting. The Magmar under the chandelier still had abundant Life energy although it was fading.

Alex target had fled and he experienced his first official task failure in the hands of Hella. How would he react? Stay tuned.

To be continued....,

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