
Chapter 15 Special Edition newspaper

Then the representative of each region met together under the pokemon league president presence and finally a unilateral decision was made.

Soon all the regions even johto( joined together so as it won't be left out) released a common statement.

This gained a lot of attention since it set up for an early qualifications mechanism for elite four trial.

The statement issued was:

" There are many skilled trainers who have shown great poweress in raising and training the Pokemons. And this makes the elite four selection process a bit if a hassle.

This can also cause problems later so the league have decided to set up an early qualifications round for all them.

Within two years time, every trainer who wants have the opportunity to become an elite four must participate in the pokemon tide and achieve in top five position in terms of point he gained in the defense of the settlement ( of any one defense line,ie, north defense, South defense, etc.).

This makes them qualify for the next step.

In this step, the trainer must show the league that he or she is qualified enough to lead a brigade( troops numbers to 5000) and gain victory. The trainer must be less than sixteen officially when he complete this objective.

The trainer must have a casuality rate( death as well as seriously injured troops) of 50 percent.

But to lead they must show they are responsible and should earn enough contribution points.

The contribution point for leading a squad of 10 member is 1000.

Leading a platoon of 50 is 5000.

Leading a company of 150 is 8000.

Leading a battalion of 500 is 20000.

Leading a brigade of 5000 is 50000.

Leading a division of 10000 is 100000,

15000 is 150000 and 20000 is 200000.

But before you lead a brigade and one must have have lead the at least two lower armed force unit and gained about less than 40 percent casualty rate.

As for how one can earn the contribution points and the minimum requirements for task :

1-star task - 5 points ( Rookies)

2-star task - 20 points( beginners)

3-star task - 50 points( intermediate)

4-star task - 100 points.( Advanced)

And if the task is completed in a group then the point is equally distributed among every member. "

Of course they also issued another requirement so the older trainers too can have a chance.

The task they gained was complete 50 4- star task within three years. And then they should complete another task under league's review and he can also gain similar qualifications as those younger trainers. "

This statement was made in the newspapers and circulated in every human settlement under the influence of Pokemon league.

This declaration had brought much uproar in the region and many different things happened which was quite unfortunate.

But it is for later.

Currently in the Bart's farm, Alex had arrived at the dining table. Ben and Clara along with his grandpa Michael had already taken their position on the dining table.

His father, Arthur and mother, Gwen had left to bring the dishes out from the kitchen to the dining table.

The dishes made today was special as almost everything prepared today was Alex's favorite. His mother went over the top to create such a magnificent breakfast for them. It was even more grand as Gwen is pregnant and within a couple of months time, she may experience labour or delivery date may come.

Alex joined them and as he was going to sit on the chair, a blur crashed onto Alex and made him fall on the floor.

With Alex's hicked up senses and instinct such a move may let him retaliate and attack the offender with heavy force. But Alex had noticed the presence and he calmed himself down.

He let them act and Alex saw that on his chest now rested Swablu, Pikachu, Growlithe and duskull and Misdreavus floated above his head.

Riolu, larvitar, Happiny, Ralts twins stood by the side as they didn't want to act childish in front of their trainer as they are grown up now.

Alex just smiled at them and asked them to move so he could rise and stand up which the Pokemons did reluctantly.

" Your pokemons missed you a lot " his grandfather came in front of him.

" I missed them too. You all behaved yourself here didn't you?" And he turned his eyes to the Pokemons he left back at home.

They replied positively and then the Pokemons took the position they liked.

" Why don't you spend some time with them? Yesterday, you left to sleep without meeting them and they are very anxious now.

You can join us when your parents return. " his grandpa said and Alex agreed.

Alex then went to the sofa out in the living room and settled himself.

Pikachu sat on one side of his shoulder, Swablu on his head, Growlithe and riolu by his side and larvitar came to him asking to raise him up.

Alex took him on his hand and then brought out a pokecube for him who ate it with delight.

Both Ben and Clara joined him there since they wanted to hear about what other new Pokemons he met out while travelling .

They had picked up Growlithe (by Ben) and Happiny ( by Clara) on their lap.

While the Pokemon settled in his body, his brother and sister grabbed his both hands and asked,"Big brother Alex what new Pokemons do you see this time? Did you catch any new Pokemons ?"

The Pokemons too looked at him to know more.

Alex looked at their excited and happy face and calmed down. He felt relieved on seeing them like this and he answered," Yes I did met some strong Pokemon this time. I met a very powerful beedrill this time. He knocked down pidgeot in their fight."

" What really?" Ben asked

" But bee.. beedrill is a bug type isn't it? How did he beat pidgeot which had type advantage?" She asked a little scared.

When beedrill attacked the twins Clara got a bit of shadow in her heart regarding the beedrill. Whenever she see or hear about them she goes into shock.

This is one of the reason Alex hadn't caught a beedrill or it's previous forms even though it was one of his favorite bug types even more than his butterfree.

Alex patted her head while pulling her into a hug and told her," no matter what type as long the pokemon is strong enough he could deal with his opponent even when he is at type disadvantage.

Type advantage is only one of the factor in pokemon battle. If you are skilled you can also defeat them with type disadvantage."

He had tried to help her overcome her fear and tries to do it one step at a time.

" You remember my electabuzz didn't you. He defeated a nidoking even when he had type disadvantage." Seeing that she hadn't fully recovered He tried to change the topic and make her calm down.

" Really. Electabuzz is awesome. I will have an electabuzz myself and he will be even more powerful than yours " Ben declared.

" Nidoking? isn't it nidorino evolved form?" Gwen asked meekly still in her shock.

" Yes. Nidorino evolve into nidoking by using moonstone." He told them.

" So when are you evolving him, Alex?" Gwen asked.

" In six months to a year time, when he becomes powerful enough I will take him to evolve " Alex told them.

And his mother's voice came from the dining room calling them and they all went to join his family.

When Alex arrived at the table with his brother, sister and pokemons, he saw that his grandfather was looking at the newspaper serious with his father and mother looking at it over his shoulder.

Their facial expression was similar to how it was when they knew he took part in the defense against pokemon tide.

His parents saw the statement given out by the league and felt this had some relation with Alex past behaviour. How will the family react? Stay tuned.

To be continued...

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