
Facing Hunter J

Alex was shocked by her appearance but he quickly calmed himself and motioned his pokemons to move the pokemon eggs away from them.

She did not stop him because these eggs were her bounty and they will help her earn money so them being unscathed was important.

After that she threw two pokeball and out came, a shelgon and a skorupi.

Alex had Espeon and Haunter join the battle. If one asked him he would have wanted Pidgeot or Slowking to face them after they are more powerful and may settle the battle at a cheaper cost.

Before Alex could command, She had her pokemons commence the attack. Shelgon attacked Haunter with dragon breath and skorupi with pin missile at Espeon.

Haunter merged in the shadows to dodge while Espeon used psychic to change their direction and saved himself.

Skorupi vs Espeon

Skorupi used range attack to start but Espeon was going for close range. Alex told her that her psychic won't affect skorupi much so close range once was most prominent on it.

She hammered him with iron tail who in turn used poison tail to confront Espeon. There attacks and dodging created small holes on the ground.

Of course he also used bite and poison sting and poison fang to attack Espeon but she moved the rocks around with psychic and attack it or disrupted the momentum.

This was effective as skorupi started to take deep breaths but continuous dodging took a toll on her as she too was having uneven breaths.

Alex saw this and understood he can't take it long or she would lose. Espeon swift

Stars come from her mouth and attacked skorupi who used iron tail to swept them away but Alex has already ordered the finishing move," Hyper beam"

An orange beam flew from Espeon's mouth and hit skorupi. He flew back badly hurt and turned unconscious.

Similarly the other battle was coming to an end too.

Both Haunter and shelgon were tired from each other's attack.

They both suffered from status moves with Haunter suffering from burns and shelgon with poison.

They are now standing with will power and eyed each other similar to their trainers. T not being it's match only Pidgeot, Slowking abd the recently caught Snorlax was capable of matching and defeating him.hey knew the next move will be the last.

J knew she has lost so she has already started the escape plan but she won't admit defeat easily. She would take down at least one pokemons of this annoying brat.

She added," Who Are you brat?"

" I am Alex , you are?" As she hasn't officially introduced herself.

" I am Hunter J remember this. Because I will be the greatest poacher of all " She declared.

" Zen headbutt"

" Venoshock"

Both the attacks hit both of them and tried them unconscious. A dust cloud rose on impact and obscured the vision.

When the cloud cleared hunter J has left while her co poacher friends were unconscious on the ground or paralysed under stun spore of Butterfree or slept under sleep powder of Bulbasaur.

Alex wanted to let Pidgeot search for Hunter J who escaped but soon the ground rumbled and an Onix rose from the ground.

Alex quickly rushed out of the way before his arrival and looked at the rocky behemoth. Average Onix are about 28-30 feet or around 9 metres long but this is about one and half times longer than average.

This behemoth was about 40 feet long or can b around 12 to 14 metres long. each of it's Rock segments were a few metfor the count and Bulbasaurre wide. this pokemons was really a giant.

The most important thing that Alex noticed about this beast was a machine located at the spike on it's head as well as it's blood red eyes.

Alex understood that this machine might have sent Onix into blood rage and he needed to be subdued. With Espeon and Haunter out his Bulbasaur wasn't it's match especially such a behemoth. The only one capable of matching or beating it were Pidgeot, Slowking and the recently caught Snorlax.

Alex decided to hand over this battle to Snorlax as if this battle went out of hands there were Slowking and Pidgeot to handle it.

He threw the only unreleased pokemon Snorlax. A big fat round pokemon landed with a loud slam and slight tremor in front of onix.

Alex told Snorlax," Snorlax since it is our first official battle together do I will instruct you and try to follow my words. "

It would be unrealistic to expect a pokemon especially a new and untrained pokemons to follow it's trainers words to.the letter in his first battle. But he hoped he would at least try to follow all the command. So Alex gave the most effective incentive for Snorlax," Snorlax if you follow my order deligently I will rewards you with your favorite flavor pokecube."

This did the trick and Snorlax stood more erect than before and has a strong battle determination. Alex saw that onix smashed it's tail towards Snorlax so he ordered " roll out of the way"

Snorlax turned into the shape of a ball and rolled out of the way and then smashed onto onix. This made onix fall on the ground with a loud " thummm" and it was even more enraged. It sent out Rock on Snorlax as well all round to disrupt the movement of Snorlax rolling.

Seeing that Snorlax could contend with onix's strength for some time Alex told him to keep slamming into him and whenever he has a chance sent an ice beam on the device.

After smashing onix sometime on the ground Snorlax went behind it's head and hit the ice beam on the device while freezing some parts around it in ice. It groaned out in pain and smashed some trees nearby

"Snorlax focus punch"

And a mighty punch crashed in the frozen machine and slammed it on the ground. The destruction of machine calmed down it's irrational anger but don't completely calm it down. After gaining sense he charged dragon breath towards Snorlax who heard," Hyper beam" from his master.

Soon both clashed with Snorlax overpowering onix and defeating it. Alex then threw a pokeball and captured it. After all such a big onix is great and if turned into stelix it would be core tank of the team.

After moving sideways for sometime it dinged signifying that he was captured

Alex looked around to see a destroyed calm with about ten poachers unconscious along with pokemons. It seems Hunter J escaped while he was taking on onix. Since she may have left far away from there Alex left her be and headed towards the poachers with some heavy thoughts.

Hunter J escaped from Alex but managed to defeat or almost beat Espeon and Haunter. What will Alex do next? Stay tuned

To be continued..

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The winner for fighting? is riolu

as for the PSEUDO legendary are now larvitar and gible with a great lead compared to others

so most probably one of these two may win.

Darthnorthercreators' thoughts
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