
Another mystery to his identity

With all their pokemons knocked out unconscious there seem no hope for the three trainers. Just when they were about to get their pokemons back in their pokeball , Umbreon attacked them with quick attack. This knocked them down on the ground.

Fang then asked," What do you think you are doing? You think you can defy us without consequences. No . You should remember every action has a reaction. " then he looked at Umbreon and side," would you please teach them that."

His Umbreon had a cruel smirk on his face. It showed how much he enjoyed playing with them. At this time it started attacking them with iron tail attacks so that their body may have some bruises. And it only used physical moves instead of special attacks.

Seeing this the three were afraid and didn't know what to do. In order to save his pokemons Lance took a big rod lying nearby and ran towards Umbreon to attack. This woke them out of their stupor and they too ran to it.

Seeing their foolishness, Fang just laughed merrily and didn't bother to warn his pokemon about their attack. As soon as the rod was going to hit it, he escaped the attack and then used giga impact towards them.

Seeing one of the most powerful attack heading towards them they didn't even have time to escape and they could only surrender to this attack. They stood in front of their pokemons since that they could lessen the impact of this attack on their Pokemon no matter how futile it seemed. Meanwhile those unconscious Pokemons had gained slight conscience and looked at their trainers standing in front of the attack. They tried to stand on their legs to help but because of their wounds they were unable to do so.

Just as the attack neared them, The Umbreon suddenly flew towards the opposite side of the room and smashed on the walls and fainted. This was shocking to both the trainers, pokemons as well as Fang. They didn't even know how this happened. As they were thinking about Umbreon fainting like that a female voice rang," You didn't think that I would just let you attack these young fine Trainers , did you?"

From behind the machinery present in the room, a medium height woman with blonde hair and blue eyes eyed woman dressed in purple clothes appeared. Her appearance brought a great surprise to all the people present.

Fang himself was scared of her being here but quickly regained his composure and asked her," Since when did the elite four become so free that they could personally come and disrupt the small operation of ours."

When he asked her that she didn't bother to look at him but looked at the three trainers, Alex, Lance and Lorelei. She then quickly instructed them," Your Pokemons are severely injured. You should let them rest in their pokeball." This brought them out of their dilemma and started to bring them back.

Then she looked at Fang and replied," Normally the gym leaders would have participated in thus cleaning but because some high profile people too were involved so I too joined this operation. "

" Who are the ones you are talking about?" Fang wanted to know who spoiled their actions and if possible wanted to let them know what it means to oppose the shadows. The three years in Nightmare Island also functions as brainwashing through Trainer to make them a complete fanatic about the shadows.

" Two of the three trainers are the ones whose background forced me to come in person. The red haired boy is Lance Wataru, the only grandson of the grand elder of the Wataru in the Blackthorn City. The dragon trainers clan."

Hearing Lance identity he was surprised and mumbled ," He is a wataru. I should have known with him using so many dragon type pokemons he may be related to them."

" And the red haired girl is Lorelei. She is the only student of Johto elite Pierce. "

After hearing this he was shocked and he just fell to the ground. As an organization based in Johto he knew enough to know how powerful these people were. And the fact that the girlie was a student of Pierce froze his blood figuratively. Now he was just thinking not running but before that a Gengar rose from behind him and knocked him with hypnosis.

Seeing the woman deal with Fang do easily the three felt they were dreaming, but her voice rose them from that dream, " I am sorry I didn't come out earlier. I wanted to see your determination to face obstacle and you didn't disappoint. "

Hearing that she was here before Lorelei asked," When did you come here, Agatha?" Now Lorelei revealed the name of the trainer who rescue them.

" When he was telling you the hierachy I was already in the room. " and she smiled at their expression. Then she turned to the only conscious unknown face in the room ," Sorry I haven't introduced myself. I am Agatha, ghost type elite four of the Kanto league." while raising her hands to shake . Alex too raised his hands and shook her hands and introduced," I am Alex Bart from Floral town."

When she heard him, her eyes widened a bit which caught the attention if the three Trainer so Lance asked," Is there a problem Agatha." Agatha quickly recovered and answered with half-truth ," I know an Alex so I just confused myself." and then she released a mismagius.

Mismagius is a purple, ghost-like Pokémon. It has a round head with elaborate tufts resembling a witch's hat atop it. The tips of the tufts are paler than most of the body. It has a thin, red mouth that resembles the letter "W." Below its head, Mismagius has a long neck with a round lump midway down. Three, elliptical red spheres surround the upper portion of Mismagius's body. There are extensions on the sides of its lower body with the foremost ones tattered compared to rear ones. This gives Mismagius the appearance of wearing some kind of cloak.

She then told them," Follow it. it will lead you to safety. " Seeing them about to interrupt her she held up her hands and continued," You all are injured and it will only worsen if neglected. And do you think they could stop me." She added this after looking at unconscious Fang.

Seeing the sleeping person, they believed that she could handle them and agreed to head out following Mismagius. While they were leaving her eyes were fixed on Alex and she softly said," I didn't think I would meet you like this. At that time you rescued me and now I helped you out. Does that old fool Oak knew about you. " then she turned to her Gengar and said. ," His Haunter was still as strong as ever . don't you agree."

Gengar eyes were on Haunter since they came as if it knew him but after knowing Alex identity all the foggy clouds became clear. Gengar ," Gennngggg."

" Yes after all your teacher can't be weak. If he is weak then he would not be a goal you want to surpass."

Gengar there nodded his head in agreement. " Are you ready for getting back at them for hurting him old friend." Gengar floated in mirth. " Let's go then." while thinking,' I really look forward to seeing you again soon, Teacher. '

Our heroes are rescued but the mystery if Alex continue to expand. How did Agatha and her Gengar know her and why did she call him her teacher? For all these answers stay tuned .

to be continued...

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