
Out of Curiosity

Wait... what?? hey! don't pass out?! what if they will comeback because they didn't found your body? of course they'll think you're still alive. They've hunted Japanese soldiers to get back to them for bombing the Pearl Harbor and also to gain back Philippines.


By the river, a girl was enthusiastically complaining.

"When is this gonna end!?" gritting my teeth while saying. "Why can't they understand what living in peace means? Does it have to be a war? Can't they just talk things out?!" With all the effort she threw a rock on the river out of her anger. "And also, i don't want to marry someone whom i don't love" [sigh!]

Yes of course. who would want to marry someone you don't love? Even if you marry that person, but currently in love with someone else, you're heart will feel like you'll be chained and jailed forever by the feelings that you felt.


"What was that?" the girl was startled by what she heard. She saw a man running fast. He's faster than a normal person! American soldiers followed as he was running. She hid herself behind the bush, watched the happenings and when she's about to follow the man that has been chased she heard another gunshot. Careful not to attract the attention of the Whites, she waited for them to go ahead. Somehow they lost track of the man, the soldiers decided to go back.

Who's that guy? why are they trying to kill him? Is he a traitor? the girl's mind was clouded with questions. Out of curiosity, she went looking for the man. She found herself in a part of the woods where there's a massive ground without trees but full of dried leaves. "Hey are you there?!" She called out but no one answered.

A strong wind came and blew her. It lifted even her heavy long skirt and oh! she found a foot burried under the dead leaves.

While the unconscious Seikatsu was lying, the girl suddenly rushed over and uncover him from the dried leaves. "Seems like he's wounded"

She can't hide her pity for the man, even though the man was a stranger she tried to find him just so she could help him. But as she uncover the leaves... "Oh my God! he's a Japanese??"

Feel free to give your feedbacks about the chapter. It'll help me improve and do my best for the following stories. i kept the the english translation as simple as possible so that people who can hardly understand english can easily understand it. Hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!

Paora13creators' thoughts
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