
Friends turned strangers

Bridgette's truth shocked Josh Ryder. He interrupted her from talking further.

"Just stop it all, Bridgette."

"That's enough,"

Knowing that he would react this way, Bridgette's features didn't faze even a bit, she frowned. Her face refuses to meet Josh, humiliated by her previous actions her gaze fell on to the floor.

'Well, it is to be expected.'

'I knew he would hate me more now,'

'It's not like he's in love with me, for what its worth is, I have to go through this,'

Bridgette stood by her decision to come clean. And that begins with confronting her feelings for Josh even it means earning his hatred.

"When did I ever give you that signal?"

Josh found it tough to articulate, overwhelmed by the entire revealing.

When Carmel spoke to him last night, she only vaguely mentioned that Josh was involved with Bridgette's moody demeanor.

Surprised himself, Josh got curious to know what was the reason behind, but never in his whole life he would have guessed that Bridgette held such feelings for him and that would go lengths to do such atrocious things in the name of love.

His hatred for Bridgette only intensified. However, from what Carmel said last night about Bridgette and giving her a chance to realize her mistake. It kept echoing in his mind as he stood in front of Bridgette.

Honestly, he didn't want to even be in the space around her, but Josh restrained himself.

'She needs to know her selfishness.'

'She thinks that she can get away with everything.'

'She's going to reveal some of her truth tomorrow to you.'

'I don't know how you will react, but I want you to give her a chance.'

'I hope you can help her in a way.'

Carmel's words didn't strike him at first. But now, he can relate the meaning behind those words.

Bridgette idolized Josh Ryder secretly. She is standing in front of him right now blurting out the truth. He noticed her fallen face.

Josh sighed.

"Bridgette, if at all anything, I saw you as a good friend in the past."

Josh's words jerked the blond girl. His voice subtle yet powerful, meaning every word he uttered.

"You were the rich girl who got all the money on her wallet, and no one can speak against you. Regardless, I saw you being playful with everyone and deemed we could be friends. We did become friends, but you changed. You don't want me pointing it out, Bridgette."

"I didn't like it. I never liked it when you play with other people's lives."

"I can't say anything because you turned into someone selfish and self-centered person seeking attention wherever you went."

His words pierced Bridgette; truth hurt her.

"As a friend, I was bad too. I avoided you when you turned bad. I should have yelled at you and knocked some sense that would have prevented you from becoming this bully."

"But not once did I ever behave in a way that, I feel, like I'm giving you signals. I never knew that you had feelings for me."

"The fact that you bullied other girls from talking to me remains awful. It is my choice to decide whom I should talk to, or reject, not you Bridgette."

"I'm appalled from learning it all now."

Josh expressed himself, explaining Bridgette. His words kept stabbing her, but there was a slight regret connected in those words, the discomfort of a friend who wasn't there to correct her mistakes.

The sky is now beginning to light up with warmth as the sun peeked out. No more darkness left, and the night sky faded.

The day is getting started with every second the sunshine spread out the blue sky letting every living creature to wake up. The sound of birds chirping increased as they flew. The gentle breeze of the fresh air graced the greenery, graciously dancing to the direction of the wind.

Silence pertained between the two when Josh ended his talk. Both stayed quiet. Just like how the night ended with the rise of the sun, Bridgette's heart melted from grasping the way she turned out. Tears filled eyes refused to break out; she never wanted to appear exposed in front of Josh Ryder.

It was an awkward moment for both friends turned strangers.

"I'm sorry," Bridgette's responded.

Her pure words struck, Josh; he felt dejected.

Josh Ryder knew how Bridgette used to be, the playful girl who loves to flaunt her beauty and have fun. But, the same blond girl when became a teenager turned into a bully for the sake of love and the idea of having fun twisted her perspective into thinking that dominance is satisfying.

"I cannot accept your sorry Bridgette," Josh admitted.

"Not when I now know the truth. It is not my place to give you judgment. You didn't hurt me, but others."

"What you did for that poor girl Giselle is extreme of yourself!"

"Did you ever think about how it would have affected her?"

"She must have faced bullying all of her life from being herself. What you did to her is unforgivable."

"Even if I want to, I hate to say this, but I cannot accept the current you."

"Let me be clear- I never had romantic feelings for you. I was a friend."

The 'was' hurt Bridgette more than him not accepting her apology.


"I've never told her, but I do have feelings for Carmel."

"I'm not saying this to rub your wound, but to make it clear."

"I am the one to approach her, and yes, we became close. She knows my feelings but refuses to accept them openly because of you."

Bridgette's teary eyes flickered when she heard it.

"Because you are her friend, she maintained the line between us. I tried to express my genuine emotions, but she's looking at me with guilt."

"Now, I know the reason behind it. Please, Bridgette, I beg you."

"Leave Carmel alone. I told you what's in my mind. I like her, and only her. I want to use this trip as an opportunity to confess, so please don't disturb us."

"I can't be a good friend to you."

"My heart doesn't belong to you."

"But, as someone who knows you, I'll say this."

"What you're doing right now is not going to give you good memories. Grow up."

"Change yourself."

"Don't try to be the same bully you used to be. No one will ever love or support a bully. I hope you find your happiness."

Josh said and left the place, leaving Bridgette alone.

Though it wasn't planned before for both, it is evident to Bridgette now that Carmel and Josh might become lovers soon and that Josh never saw Bridgette in that way. She was never in his heart.

By now, the sun is up and bright. There was no darkness in any place.

'Now, I truly feel like I've hit rock bottom.'

Bridgette felt as the restrained tears began to flow down like a stream, silently she cried that morning.

Nevertheless, Bridgette deserved it.

ljack_acecreators' thoughts
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