

Maybe it was because of his experience with Lili or maybe it was because other humans had been so cruel to him...Night didn't really have any pre-existing grudges with the demons. Actually, he was quite interested in them and wanted to learn more.

Because of his interest, he blended himself into the night and moved closer to the pair of demons. Night guessed that they were demons because they had more demon-ish features than a regular person. These two men looked really normal except for the three small pyramid shaped horns protruding out of their foreheads. The two menalso had beast mounts that appeared to be large scorpions...not the common allocs that Night had seen used by humans.

Compared to the demoness Lili, these guys definitely looked like they would be unmistakable as demons. After all, Lili looked just like a normal person....these guys had horns.

As Night moved through the shadows to get closer, he began to eavesdrop on the men's conversation.

Even at this point, he was still unable to understand how he could communicate with people regardless of the languages they spoke....he had just accepted the fact and stopped asking questions...it seemed to be an ability he picked up out of nowhere....but it was probably his most helpful ability since coming to this world. Someday he would get to the whole story on his powers, but today was not it.

Listening in on the two men, he could tell that they seemed to have a urgent issue at hand.

"Garik, how the hell are we supposed to find a sand snake so quickly?," the smaller of the two demons said. He was a rather pudgy man but seemed to have a good deal of strength as he tugged the reins of his scorpion to a stop.

"We must find one, Talik. If we do not get the snake, the healer will not be able to prepare the antidote for my sister. Then she will die," the demon called Garik responded. This demon was slightly taller and appeared to be older. He also had a bow slung over his back and a quiver of arrows at his side.

"I still can't believe that she was poisoned during that attack by those damn humans," Talik said with a disgust in his voice, "We were only camped nearby when they attacked....we didn't show any aggression at all."

"Yes, but what do you expect from those human invaders. The fact that they used the snake venom on their weapons....really shows how cruel they can be. Not only my sister, almost a quarter of the clan will die if we do not get the antidote," Garik said, "...we have no option but to find the sand snake tonight."

After listening in on the conversation, Night realized that he could actually help these two demons. He knew right where a sand snake was located. Considering his other option of just wondering the desert....These two demons could be Night's chance to find a way to some civilized place in this desert. Night actually didn't even care if it was a demon town or city at this point. He just wanted someplace to get a break from this sandy desert.

The only issue with the demons was.....how could Night convince them that he was a demon. There seemed to be some shared hatred between demons and humans that Night did not want to participate in. He wasn't sure if demons had a way to determine he was a human.

After a few minutes of thinking over the situation, Night decided that he would try a smoke and mirrors type approach. These two demons only appeared to be at the peak Foundation Stage, so they didn't really pose a risk to him. He would use his Death Concept to hide all his life signs. If both humans and demons wouldn't even be able to even tell he was alive...then how could they tell if he was a human or demon?

If worse came to worse, he would just kill these two demons if they attacked him and move on. Regardless of their species....As long as someone treated him nice, he would return a similar behavior. But the second someone acted against him, he wouldn't treat them kindly.

Moving closer to the two men, Night manipulated the surrounding shadows to the point that the men could no longer see.

"What the fuck is going on?," Talik said in worry, "Why did it get so dark?"

"I don't know, but be prepared for an attack. Something is causing this to happen," Garik responded while pulling out his blade.

"Hello...," a breathless whipser sounded out in the darkness," My name is Night. I mean no harm. I was nearby and overheard your conversation....I can help you...I know right where a sand snake is located not far from here."

The two men were shocked at the whispered words.

"Really?," Garik said in excitement. However, he did not lower his sword. He wasn't so stupid as to fall for a bluff to let his guard down.

"Yes," Night said, "if you promise to not attack immediately, I will show myself to discuss."

The two demons looked at each other and nodded. Garik said, "Agreed, but we will not lower our weapons."

"Okay," Night said as the light from the moons drifted back into existence and the men could see again. They could see an man that looked to be around thirty years old standing in front of them. One eye looked normal and the other eye was covered with an eyepatch. The man gave off an aura much stronger than theirs and they knew that he could probably kill them both if he wanted to.

"I will gladly show you the location of the snake. But, I would also request your help....I am.....lost in this desert. I am not from this place and do not understand the desert properly. My mount has died and now I am stranded here. Please consider," Night said before the two men could even speak after seeing him.

"What? You are not from the desert? Then where are you from?," Talik asked in an astounded fashion. He had never met someone from outside of the desert.

"I can't say. I was heading to the western desert to speak with Countess Asta. However....regardless of my strength...I am completely lacking in skills to travel this place. I even had an incident with a few humans in a town a few days travel from here," Night said trying to make up some story.

The two demons just looked at each other then back at Night. They didn't know what to do. They were just a group of demons from a small clan and didn't know the full details of the world beyond the desert. Trusting some random stranger could be a big benefit to the clan....or it could be the death of them all.

"Okay," Garik said, "We will take your word...for now. Can you show us the sand snake? The others in our clan really need to receive an antidote made from the snake."

Garik made the decision off the simple fact that regardless of Night's intent...a quarter of the clan would die if they didn't find the snake soon.

"Sure, follow me," Knight said before turning his back to the two demons.

Seeing the man disregard his safety by turning his back, both demons realized that this person was probably much more powerful than they are. He wasn't even concerned with them enough to keep his eyes on them. They would have never done the same.

Of course, Night wasn't stupid either. He was constantly watching the men with his soul perception. After walking for a few minutes, Night brought the two men over to the down alloc.

Seeing the dead beast, the two men both looked at Night amazed and asked, "How did you get a desert donkey?"

"Desert donkey?," Night said questioningly, "I had heard those humans call it an alloc when I took it from them. I honestly don't know much about the desert."

"Oh.....," Talik said trying to understand how someone would not know this information.

"When the beast died, the sand snake came over and sucked out it's blood. Then it buried itself in the sand right next to the beast. I can point out an exact location. Although I am much stronger than both you two and the snake, I didn't want to act unknowingly....and end up getting poisoned or something because of my ignorance....so I was making a plan to get the supplies when I noticed you two," Night said to bring the two demons up to speed on the situation.

"It fed on the desert Donkey?," Galik asked excitedly, "How big was the snake?"

"Oh....let me remember," Night said acting like he was trying to remember. The two demons seemed puzzled.

Night was sweating inside....if he told them it was 30 feet long...then they would either not understand him or realize that was a human measurement...both wouldn't be good...

"Ummm....I only saw a full view of the snake for a split second before I hid myself.....at my guess it was about three times the length of the alloc," Night said.

"If that's the case, we can wait for a little longer. It is most likely preparing to lay eggs. If we can get the sand snake after it lays eggs, then we can get both the snake and the eggs. This would be great. We could save the village and even make a profit afterwards," Talik said in excitement.

"Where is it?," Galik asked looking over at Night.

"See the hind quarter of the beast....look out about two lengths of my body and you will see the two eye horns of the snake," Night said.

In a matter of seconds, the two demons spotted the snake's location. After a brief discussion, the three men decided to wait.

While they were waiting, the three men chatted about several things concerning the desert and Night learned alot. From what Night could understand, the demon clans of the desert were mostly separated into three basic levels which seemed to focus on how and where they lived.

The smaller clans were nomadic in nature and roamed the desert and lived at the smaller unoccupied oasis. The medium sized clans actually occupied slightly larger oasis and formed permanent towns. Several of the larger clans in the area lived in and around a very large oasis. These large oasis were run by the clan of the count or countess. Countess Asta lived in the biggest of the oasis in the west desert and was the most powerful person in it.

Most demons belonged to generic type demon clans. Some had red skin, some had blue, some looked like normal humans with some slight differences like horns, pointy ears or sharp teeth. The variety was pretty large. The larger clans were the creatures of myth and legend such as vampires, winged demons, succubus, incubus, and trolls....to name a few. These creatures of human myth were all technically just different clans of the demon race. Of course, the two demons assumed that Night knew most of these basics when discussing demon relationships. Night just managed to relate a bunch of information together when the talkative Talik described who lived where in the desert.

As the group was sitting there chatting, Night caught movement ay the perimeter of his perception. It was a very large lizard that was moving in their direction.

"A large lizard is moving in this way," Night said to the two demons, "We need to take cover now if we do not want conflict."

"It is probably after the corpse," Talik said as he readied his blade, "Sand lizards will scavenge meat from anything."

"Let's wait and see what happens," Night said as he backed away with the two men, "I'll hide you two."

Night shifted the darkness and shrouded the three men.

A lizard came scurrying up to the alloc's corpse. As it approached, Night noticed that the snake was growing restless by the shifting sands.

All of a sudden, the snake attacked the lizard. It's fangs dug into the animal and the lizard flailed. The lizard managed to land a few blows on the snake and soon the pair of fighting animals were left motionless on the sands of the desert.

"Holy shit...they killed each other...it couldn't have worked out better for us," Night said as he walked toward the two beasts.

In the hole in the sand left behind by the snake, David and the two demons could see a dozen pearly white eggs. The eggs were about the size of a human head.

Seeing the excited look on the men's faces, Night knew they were extremely lucky to find these eggs.

"Quick," Galik said, "We need to get everything back to the clan as quickly as possible. Night, can you give us a hand getting everything back to the clan?"

Night turned and smiled, "Sure, I have many questions to ask anyway."

The three men then started to review the logistics of how to get everything back to the demon clan.

"Night, we could sure use the help. Thanks," Galik said.

"No problem," Night said as he felt thankful inside. He was glad that he met those two demons....he was glad that he wouldn't be lost in this desert anymore.

The alloc beast was modeled after the mythical camel, Allocamelus. It was described as a beast with the body of a camel with the head of a donkey.

I personally love ancient mythology...ever since I was a young kid...

...some of my inspiration for this novel comes from those stories...

Thanks for reading!

BrokeButtoncreators' thoughts
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