

Yeti Chen didn't respond right away. He looked at his left and nodded to the man with an axe strapped to his back. The man nodded back then Yeti Chen turned towards me. "Maj will escort you."

I look at the axe guy called Maj. He looked like one of those people that got cheated on by their wife and killed the cheating couple. After being on the run from the police for months he found Yeti Chen. He even had this crazy look in his eyes as if I did him a great wrong.


As I was walking along the corridor with Maj we bumped into some dangerous looking people that were eyeing me like prey. Geez I know I'm handsome but I don't swing that way. Why can't this gang be normal looking like my Familia? They could pass off as a normal person. But these guys look like they'll beat you just cause they feel like it.

We passed another guy but from the small tattoo peaking at his neck I recognize him as one of the suspects in the file. I saw his muscle tense for a moment then relaxed. If I wasn't paying close attention to everyone I wouldn't have notice it. We also passed by some people who when they saw me subtly move something part of their body. It's the small details like the twitching of their fingers, slightly more tension on their fist, or the movement of their eye.

It's very unnerving because these people take a look at me then pretend to mind their own business but most usually just stare unreservedly so those actions were quite suspicious. I memorized any identification markings on them in case I meet them again since most people in the compound are wearing masks.

"So when the kidnapping happened where were you?" I suddenly asked Maj while walking.

"I was with the chief. He was in a meeting." Maj answers without any hesitance.

Meeting huh, I don't think it was an ordinary meeting for it to be at 3-4 am. A woman maybe? Yeti Chen is so old yet he's still full of vitality. But then again Maj could have just have said he was with the chief. No need superfluous words like telling me the chief was in a meeting.

"I read in the file that the guards in charge of Xiao Jian were knocked out? But before that happened the surveillance cameras were tampered with."

"Yes." He answered curtly.

Not letting anymore information ey? I'll eventually get to the bottom of it.


*A scene in the future*

A man standing at the highest floor in the building is looking out at the window, peering down at the lot up streets. The room was dimly lit creating a dark atmosphere that is suffocating the other person inside the room.

"Have you found him yet?" The enchanting man by the window asked.

What seems like his subordinate wiped his sweat away. "Negative sir. The lead we were following was a dead end."

The man turned to face his subordinate, the dim light casting shadows at his face making his handsome face more attractive.

"Useless." He said coldly.

The subordinate bowed his head. "Sir. almost three years has passed. It is too difficult to-" A pen came flying towards him. It imbedded it self right next his feet.

"Get out." The man ordered.

"Yes sir." The subordinate replied immediately and scrambled away.

The man went to his desk and sat rundown on his chair. He looked so forlorn as if his heart was breaking into a million pieces.

"Another dead end. Damn it!" He smashed his fist in the table. Frustrated he took out a cigarette and blew a smoke. He looked at the window again, a stray tear betrayed him as it slid down his chin onto the carpeted floor.

(σ≧▽≦)σ I'm not dead in case you were wondering just writer's block and school stuff is all. I'm really sorry about the inconsistent updates. Please do forgive me my lovely and enchanting readers!!

SecretlyHerecreators' thoughts
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